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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Tommy: Good choice, letting me go... Tommy pulled out a dagger and aimed it at Seth. Tommy: Now let's get this over with!
  2. Tommy's face went pale as he realized that he had let his guard down. Tommy: Oh... so... I... didn't win... Tommy: But that doesn't mean I won't surrender, er, Seth...! I've never given up a fight before! Tommy attempted to elbow Seth.
  3. Tommy: ...Did I actually win? Tommy's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Tommy: DID I ACTUALLY WIN!?
  4. Some of the slashes hit Tommy, cutting his clothes (with a few major cuts on his arms, too), but Tommy was still standing. Tommy: Let's see if you can handle this! Tommy threw two fireballs at the man, hoping for at least one of them to hit him.
  5. Tommy: C'mon, then! I haven't had a good fight in a while, and this fight might just be a cure to that disease! Tommy's firefists burned with more intensity.
  6. Tommy: ...Eliminated? ET: I told you something was up, bro! Tommy set his fists on fire. Tommy: I won't let you hurt her! If you wanna hurt her, you're gonna have to go through me first!
  7. Tommy: ...something special? What's this "something special" that you sense? Tommy's face became even more suspicious.
  8. Tommy: Now, exactly what are you suggesting we turn back for? And what exactly is wrong with wrong with the girl in particular? Unless... A suspicious look appeared on Tommy's face. Tommy: ...there's something that isn't quite right about her... and even then, she doesn't seem like the one to hide secrets from people...
  9. Tommy: That sounds fun! Tommy proceeded to put both of his hands in front of his body, firing a massive beam frying any worms that were nearby.
  10. Tommy: Okay... you win this one... Tommy: I... just haven't fought in a long time... ET: No shit, Sherlock! Let's just see how useful he might be and get to Iblis!
  11. Tommy noticed the strange figure in the distance as well. Tommy: ...I think we might have someone blocking our way... Tommy shrugged. Tommy: Oh well... he might be a decent challenge to face against...
  12. "Remember when Pearl Harbour bombed the Germans?" - Scott Steiner
  13. I actually saw the movie that scene came from recently... it's pretty good.
  14. "'Dirty Dan’s House of Hookers,' you got the dough and we got the blow! How can I help you today?" - The New Hire, this NotAlwaysWorking story.
  15. "Mix a 16 year old with ADD and an unhealthy fetish with barnyards and power metal, put them in a jar, and then shake for about 6 hours, and you get this." - Obscure Game Library.
  16. "Were you having an erection when you fought against Hulk Hogan?" "VHAT?" - An interviewer asking The Iron Sheik this immortal question, and the Sheik's beautiful response.
  17. "No, I'm just going to get the real thing now, but remember that you gave me gonorrhea!" - Customer, NotAlwaysRight story.
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