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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. It's as if you can read minds; I have no clue how me and my brothers got here. All I remember is being sucked into a portal and getting spat out into this strange dimension... I wonder if it happened to anybody else other then just us... Tommy smiled. Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Thomas Thompson, but you can just call me Tommy Gunn; it sounds cooler anyways...
  2. Frank simply ignored the stare and aimed his camera at the person. Stay still! I want this picture to be perfect! ...permission to hurt Frank? Granted. Edward walked over to Frank and CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED.
  3. Don't worry, sir... I'm sure we can find a way to help you out... ...didn't he already say not to worry? Well... yeah... but it's my duty to help people... Frank was still hiding behind a tree, this time trying to get a good enough picture of the mysterious person. Now, if he just stays there long enough, I'll get a perfect angle, and a perfect angle leads up to a perfect picture! It's worked for me all those other times, so it'll work out for me this time as well!
  4. Tommy put two of his fingers to his forehead, sensing where the person's heat was. (points in a direction) ...he seems to be located over there... Tommy smirked proudly, before playfully nudging Edward. Told you those fire powers would be useful for something other then attacking! Tommy playfully put Edward in a headlock. Edward smiled.
  5. Well... who knows, Nemmy? I mean, considering I can warp reality, I could probably use my powers to help you find out where your stuff is... Edward smirked. Trolling on the internet for fifteen years has its advantages... Meanwhile, Tommy heard the mysterious person's words and walked over to Edward and Nemesis. Uh, guys... I think someone needs our help...
  6. (nodding) We were pretty concerned about what might happen to him, so we chose to follow... The polo-wearing man put his head on Tommy's head. This right here is our little brother, Tommy; he's unashamedly dumb and we're ashamed of him for that, but we still love him. My name's Edward Thompson, and the "pervert" that you're reffering to is my big brother, Frank. Frank was standing behind the tree, his camera lying on his shoulder. Oh-ho-ho! I can see that you're a tough one! You're perfect; I like my girls tough! Maybe we should hook up sometime; we'd make a great pair! Don't make me sic Toby on you.
  7. Tommy was confused. ...why would I be a thief? I literally got spat out from the sky two hours ago... Actually, he got thrown out of a portal and landed flat on his face... he doesn't remember many things... sometimes he doesn't even remember his name Frank was still waiting. Well, what are you two waiting for!? Kiss and make up! I thought I already told you, WE BARELY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER!
  8. Tommy just looked at her confused. I... I have no idea what you're talking about. ...you do realize it's gonna take more then that for her to believe us, right? Well, yeah, but... what if she's smart enough to believe me right off the bat? ...that's not how things work. You don't understand how humans work much, do you? The photographer appeared from behind the tree and snapped a picture of the girl. Now, you two; kiss and make out! This'll be one of the best scoops I'll ever make! W - wh - what!? WE BARELY EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER YET!
  9. The boy in the red hoodie suddenly broke free. HAHA! YES! FREEDOM! He started running towards the girl. HI! I'M TOMMY! I'VE JUST MET YOU, AND ALREADY I LOVE YOU! Who don't you like, you dumbass? YOU BLEW OUR FUCKING COVER! And with a blown cover comes a great picture! The photographer pulled out his camera and aimed it at the girl.
  10. FROM BEHIND A NEARBY TREE... Three men, one a photographer, one an average-looking dude, and one with a fully red attire hid behind a tree (as if the first word I said wasn't obvious, you knitwit). (quietly sipping cup of coffee) Now then... if only there were a way to get a better perspective for my picture... Is that seriously your only concern right now? My main concern would be making sure she doesn't find us! Do you know what kinds of horrible things she could do to us if she finds us? The worse she could do is step on your leg... she doesn't look dangerous at all... ARE YOU A COMPLETE IDIOT!? You're the one that always says "looks can be deceiving", yet you're judging her on looks alone!? The one in the red hoodie showed no concern about what would happen to him at all. Do you guys know what this could mean for me!? I'LL FINALLY GET A NEW FRIEND! I'M SO EXCITED! Dude, you have practically no friends to begin wi - The "average joe" was cut off by the person in the red hoodie running forward from the tree - he was, however, stopped by that same "average joe". BUT IT'S GONNA BE SO WO - Do you want to get hurt badly right now!? YOU'RE GONNA HURT ME!? ...no.
  12. Translation for what the dad was saying at 4:28; "I'll give you a party, I'll give you money, I'll give you all sorts of crap. I'll rip your head off today, bitch, I'll go and cut your stupid head off, I'll give you pot, I'll give you lunch, I'll give you animals, I'll give you (?)."
  13. Tommy was sent back due to the shockwave... and landed on one of his legs in the process of being sent back. Tommy: Ow, my leg almost just broke! This sonnuvabitch is way too powerful for me to take on! I knew it was a good idea to just sit back! ET: You fuckin' pansy! You've had worse things happen to you, why are you scared of a friggin' lizard!? Tommy: Maybe because it's fucking ginormous!?
  14. Tommy and his clones were still in the background watching the fight. Tommy: ...This seems rather interesting... I might grab some popcorn in case I get hungry... (OOC: yeah, Tommy's still not fighting)
  15. Tommy: (referring to Argento) Wow... I can't believe I'm gonna have to work with this asshat... (OOC: um... Tommy... GTs a pretty big asshat too... you still work with him)
  16. Holy crap, I need that new version of Nijikaku! Judging by the appearance, there's been a lot of new characters added to it... Can you send me the newest link?
  17. Tommy was way too fucking scared to attack Iblis. Tommy: ...I'll just sit back and watch this escalate...
  18. Tommy looked up at Iblis, having finally reached it. Tommy: ...Oh... Tommy: ...Sweet... Tommy: LORD.
  19. Tommy: Yeah! We gotta move, and fast~! ET: ...you know, you didn't have to add the swirl before the exclamation mark, Tommy... Tommy: Let's just go! And stop demolishing the fourth wall!
  20. Tommy: What the hell was that!? ET: ...Preeeetty sure it was from Iblis, Tommy... GT: Maybe I can rob his ass n' loot all his thugged-out lil' precious skrilla! ET: Yeah... you wish.
  21. Tommy: Very well... I guess I'll watch my back more, then... Tommy: ...but then again, she doesn't seem like one to betray us... but it could all just be an act...
  22. Tommy: ...Really? She's that powerful? Tommy: Well... I didn't know that beforehand... thanks for telling me, I guess?
  23. Tommy put his dagger in his pocket. Tommy: ...Who am I protecting? And how exactly am I a fool?
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