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Status Updates posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. Why the hell is it still cold at night here in Texas? I'm damn sick and tired of the cold.

    1. Gamer251


      And I'm sick and tired of being deep-fried during noon in our country (/ OAO)/

  2. Back finally. House problems and paying taxes can suck it. My first ending upload.

  3. Be releasing my endings soon. Freaking the hell out, my water heater broke. Plumbers are expensive. The joys of owning a house...

  4. Strawberry Pie rules.

  5. I hate winter. I really hate winter. Really hate. REALLY REALLY Fucking HATE winter. I wish I lived in Hawaii or Rio. Before I die I wish to go there. Maybe even retire there...

    1. Cruto Aerallo
    2. MugoUrth


      Where I live, we seem to get less and less snow every year. It almost feels like post-winter.

    3. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      I love winter and am sad that I am getting less snow recently.

  6. Yay! My first 2 uploads here.

  7. Listening to the Chaos Code OST

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