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Status Updates posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. So, what does it mean when you have really good luck on Friday the 13th?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Erroratu


      It means you will die tommorow

    3. MugoUrth


      @Tenryuu: Doy.

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Didn't even realize what today waz.

  2. Goddamnit. Right when I wanna buy a new game, I gotta get my car fixed. Fucker better not be expensive to fix.

    1. Winmugen11


      While it would be nice to get both things (your car fixed and your new game) and even nicer that your car wouldn't need to get fixed at all, I'm sure you'll agree with me that in the long run, fixing your car will help you out more than buying a new game.

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Of course. And it had to start its shit last night when I was on date. Double Damn.

  3. tip: Don't have Fear the reaper as your ringtone when you work in a hospital. LOL

  4. So maybe I should change my ringtone....

    1. Gaulbetti


      ...To what?

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Don't know. I work in hospital, and my phone went off. Everyone looked me posses when my phone rang as staff was with ducked up patient.

  5. I'm going to do the fake lottery ticket gag.

    1. Winmugen11


      I'll be so jealous of you if you're lucky enough to make that work.

    2. Arya Chan ☆
  6. So I got that giant Godzilla, don't know where to put it in my house. My friend says "That's a big ass Godzilla!" "That's what she said" I replied.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      yeah i had one in cart about a month & half ago, & my kids wanted toys obviously,we were in TRU for gods sake & i had to put him back because i couldnt afford all 3, but someday i will get mine lmao , im on the look out for the one from NECA

    3. GuyZero32k4


      When does that one come out?

    4. Lord Batros
  7. I hate women who are attention whores. It annoys me to no end.

    1. Winmugen11


      The things people sometimes do for nothing more than attention is mind-boggling...

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Yup. Feel even stupider now being I was after one from work. DOH!!!!

  8. Gotta fix my house. Fucking roof and outside. Looks like way over 9000.

    1. Winmugen11


      Well good luck with that Guy.

      Is it me or did you make that "looks like way over 9000" statement as a deliberate reference to the DBZ meme?

    2. GuyZero32k4


      Thanks. And yes, since DBZ has been the in thing for years.

      "It's gonna be 16,000?"

      Goku: "OMG, holy shit!"

  9. That girl stood me up. Now I gotta work beside her. "Get your own Damn chocolate bitch." LOL

  10. for the first time ever in my entire life, I got nervous asking out this one girl. I sounded like ducking Sheldon Cooper. Dam

  11. So what the hell has been going on lately?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kanbei


      Well a taskmaster got released and ax released loads of shit for mugen. lol

    3. Zemilia


      That, and some chaos going on at Ax's thread on Mario. :P

    4. JokerintheButt


      @Kanbei Shut Up And Take My Money.

  12. I'm so messed up from my meds, I connected my PC to my 40" TV so I can see. I feel like Towelie. "I don't know what's on...."

  13. "Never challenge a man with his own army."

  14. God damn it my Dreamcast died. And its my second favorite system ever. Now need to go buy another one.... Driving while on medicine....

    1. Galvatron


      Sorry to here that man. =(

      Which makes me wonder how long my old PS2 have left. its 14 years old now. =P

  15. God damn it. Messed up my toe bad. God damn diabetes. ..

  16. God damn it. Now I can't go back to work. Had my toe smashed. Fuck....

    1. Galvatron


      ...Thats got to hurt. =(

  17. Last drink I get to have before I go back to work tonight. Damn....

  18. Yeah! Just beat Castlevania Lords of Shadow- Mirror of Fate

    1. MugoUrth


      I liked CastleVania better before Lords of Shadow. I wish they would go back to the way it was at least for one game.

  19. I'm on vacation for 9 days....

    1. Winmugen11


      Where are you heading to?

  20. "It's made out of fucking cookies!"

  21. I once found the city of El Dorado turns out it was cracklin oats

  22. News Flash: The south is getting ugly winter weather. UPDATE! I hate the shit out of it, so fuck it!

  23. World War DBZ. There's Gokus chasing you...

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      already beat two of them...

  24. Anyone try this final Terrordrome release yet?

    1. Noside


      Yes and there's an official FB page where they are releasing patches to fix some glitches.

  25. I fucking hate the feeling of when you're getting sick with the flu.

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Sick and tired of being sick and tired?

    2. RicePigeon


      Well that would be the ricin I gave you. I slipped it into that Stevia crap you're always putting in your tea. Well, goodbye Lydia...

    3. GuyZero32k4


      BRBA. Liked show. I don't drink that shit. That shit's gay. If the flu was a person I'd kick them in the face.

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