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Status Updates posted by GuyZero32k4

  1. The Backyard? Really? Why not have called it the Otherworld at least? Hearing Backyard, makes me think Hank Hill is gonna pop out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      "I'll tell you what..."


    3. Doomguy


      H'wat the hell is going on here? Time to write my Congressmen!

    4. Trinitronity


      Holy shit, it's Hank Hill!

  2. Ok so I just bought the new Guilty Gear. But WTF kind of name is Xrd? Seriously ARC could call the next game Guilty Gear Turd and we'd like it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trinitronity


      Guilty Gear XXX sounds like something Palcomix would do.

    3. Zemilia


      ...Why am I surprised about you knowing a certain artist?

    4. Doomguy


      Why am I surprised that you've been looking up hentai.

  3. new arcade opened here. Finally got to play Rumble Fish. dont know if it was 1 or 2 though.

    1. Darkflare


      An arcade with rumble fish? Nice find

    2. Darkflare


      Try to find which ne it is. If it's 2, you could ask to put the boss code for Greed, Hazama and Beatrice

    3. Trinitronity


      Rumble Fish, you say...

      Does it have english text? I finally want to know, what the hell the people in this game are talking about in the winscreen and the character infos/dialogues.

  4. Today, on Unsolved Mysteries, find out who gives a shit about Dead or Alive. Mens asses.

  5. Went to gun range to requalify. Scored good. Thank you House of the Dead Overkill for all the practice. LOL

    1. Doomguy


      I'm not too bad of a shooter either. Although, I'm only 18, so maybe I should be doing other things other than shooting a .357 magnum.

  6. "Light speed is too slow! We're gonna have to go right to LUDICROUS SPEED!"

    1. Trinitronity


      I invented something that was twice as fast as light, but it's gone now... :I

    2. Galvatron


      LOL! XD

      another classic movie I need to see again.

    3. Prodigal Trailblazer
  7. So, I'm working right now on Halloween hereat the hosptial. I've already seen some fucked up shit, and it's still early. They just brought in this one guy who's head was bashed in and he's on coke. Blood every fucking where.

  8. Im pissed off that I have to work today on my birthday.

    1. Cook4251


      That sucks bro and happy birthday.

    2. Metalkong1


      Damn... Anyway, Happy Birthday though! Maybe things will be fortunate after work. ^_^

  9. something stung my cat on his right ear. took him to the animal hospital. they say surgery is only cosmetic at this point, and within 2 months it'll go back to normal. wish I knew what stung him.

    1. Winmugen11


      Perhaps it was a bee or a mosquito? There aren't all that many animals that can sting so those two are my first guess.

    2. Toshio Tenma

      Toshio Tenma

      I had a cat who lost the moviment of his ears due allergies caused by a fly which had laid eggs on it.

    3. Noside
  10. My cat hates the lightsaber I bought. May take a video of him hating on it LoL

    1. Winmugen11


      Let it not be "may" but "will" instead.

  11. I just bought Darth Vader's FX lightsaber for my living room. LoL I put it on the bottom of my sword collection.

  12. is there a house of the dead track in Sonic all stars racing transformed?

  13. Got my new gun finally. Can't wait to go to the gun range to shoot it. A Sig Sauer P938 Equinox with laser sight and night sights too. I have it for work and my CHL.

    1. Darkflare


      God bless the second amendment.

  14. cooked steaks outside, gooder than a MF. Now I'm being hit with the Itis, must resist the sleep...

    1. Laharl
    2. Cook4251


      The ITIS is real!

    3. GuyZero32k4


      I lost to the itis. 5 hour nap.

  15. Oh snap, its Jesse Pinkman at work again. Please piss me off... That damn girl is weird. She's with this shit, yet I catch her looking at me alot. WTF?

    1. Winmugen11


      Women, can't understand them and can't live without them. :/

  16. Damn gun store close too early for me to get up and go. Got to wait until Tuesday to get my new gun out of layaway...

    1. Ryon


      do you really need one??

  17. so this dumb girl I was after, would rather be with someone who looks like a little thug. WTF America? So its ok to act like an uneducated urban buffoon nowadays?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Does body language like em. LOL. Talking shit about me to her when I was in the distance smiling. I'm not even waniting shit now, but if this little guy tries to front in front of her, I'm gonna punk him out bad, especially since she's working, she'd get in trouble too. Betcha he's that dumb...

    3. Doomguy


      Give him the roundhouse for me.

    4. Yagoshi_The_Yoshi



  18. Where's Superman? I ordered these comic character bust banks, to liven up my living room. Got Spider-man Deadpool and the Hulk in, but no Superman. Where's Superman? Goku killed him? Or was it Zod?

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Thor killed all three of them and took their wallets.

  19. So how tall is Demitri from Darkstalkers suspossed to be? Everywhere I've seen he's always done like if the Frankenstien monster is cosplaying Dracula. The wiki doesn't say, can't find anything anywhere either.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Well, in the comics and mangas I've seen he can palm a woman's whole head. I get what you're saying like when he goes "all batty" with that one super. I wanted to draw him but, I wanted to get an idea how big this fucker is.

    3. Sweetfire13


      6'6" according to the darkstalkers wiki

    4. GuyZero32k4


      I couldn't find a Darkstalkers wiki. Thank you very much man. I'll post pic real soon.

  20. lamb and beef gyros. fuck yeah...

  21. Mahandled someone at work. Sissy should have left when I told him to.

    1. Ryon


      Yup. sometimes you have to.

    2. GuyZero32k4


      What made it funny, was when I had enough of his shit, and made a bee line right to him saying "Fuck it, it's MY WAY!" the guy started to fall to his knees going "No sir.." Before I put the cuffs on him.

    3. Winmugen11


      The name's Guy...GuyZero a.k.a. Agent 32K4, who gets all the bitches and manhandles all the pussies (no pun intended).

  22. Fucking Lowes. I just spent over $500 on a new air conditioner, and they still haven't at least called to say they're bringing it over. House is hot as fuck.

    1. Doomguy


      We have a custom built Superfan: a small engine attached to a fan inside a metal box that happens to run at a loud noise and connects to any outlet. Thing is probably 25"x25"...

  23. Started training martial arts hardcore again today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GuyZero32k4


      Took a break from it,now I'm going again. My feet are being stubborn from the god damn diabetes.

    3. Doomguy


      I find it weird that I teach myself Self Defense. I get it from Fighting Games xD

    4. Doomguy


      But it works Dx

  24. So I got a pm, but cant open my messages here. what's up with that?

    1. Kazagami


      right click > open a new tab

    2. Zemilia


      or just go to your profile, then "Personal Messenger".

    3. Dumanios


      I say we protest outside of Ryon's house.

  25. Tonight's the night.

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