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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. Love is a nice thing to have. (^v^)

    1. Kazagami


      Kore wa ai no chikara desu

    2. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      A wife is even better.

  2. Ah, Well Go ask him so we can make fun of your face. Lol jk
  3. i played a epic game of starcraft with my brother last night.

    1. Mister Fael
    2. Kanbei


      Ah, been dying to play starcraft. Is it the new one?

    3. SuperCatMeow


      Power overwhelming

  4. [Preview] [Download] http://gcnmario.free.fr/mugen/koryu.html [Comment] This is a mainly a joke type character, and it should not be taken seriosuly. It is only for humor/comical purposes only. Based on the Koryu hack version of the CPS1 arcade Street Fighter II of the same name.
  5. YES! finally baggy released her! Downloading!
  6. Congrats boss for your son. I have high hopes for your son's future. =) ..........Another free man, a man that can do what he want's, when he want's.....gone into father hood.
  7. Lol sony bitch slapped Microsoft.

    1. SuperCatMeow
    2. yeah ok

      yeah ok

      Microsoft was already dead, So not a big achievement

    3. Drunk Ryu
  8. I want too hug yakamo ran! X3

    1. Shinzaki


      Let me hug her too!

    2. TheYukiKonata


      i want to hug dem tails

  9. Cool nice to see some more progress, keep it up. bro. :)
  10. Speaking of ani-san, i haven't heard from him in a while.
  11. ''I Fight For Co-Existence!''

  12. ''Please no not there, That is my no no square!''

    1. Kazagami


      Seriosly? You too!? xD

    2. thekillnator


      Please don't touch my no no square. :(

    3. Websta


      I want to know about this no no square! D:

  13. Maybe you can do Princess from Magical Pop'n ^-^ http://www.spriters-resource.com/snes/magicpopn/sheet/22864/
  14. Thank god finally a thread about disgaea. Oh yeah, how many hour's has anyone spent on the first game? I spent over 335 Hours into the game. Lol
  15. Aww she looks so adorable! X3 i can't wait for more updates!
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