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Everything posted by thekillnator

  1. Those look good, i can't wait to see what more sprite you can make de geso.
  2. Great stage good job de geso. :) *downloading*
  3. Click this link for a fun and random chat with cleverbot de geso. http://www.cleverbot.com/

  4. Playing my PSP emulator de geso.

    1. Shinzaki


      Oh you and your de geso's

    2. Toshio Tenma

      Toshio Tenma

      Geso! Geso! Geso!!

  5. I wan't some ice cream de geso.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thekillnator
    3. Kanbei


      Actually it was Vanilla. :< *Licks it off Ika Musume*

    4. Mister Fael
  6. I wan't to hug someone de geso.

    1. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      no thanks i likes my personal space.

    2. Zeter-Zero


      Hugs you say? Zeter has hugs aplenty strange little squid child!

  7. Yeah i think so to de geso. i think i'll get her anyway just to fill up the roster de geso.
  8. entertain me humans de geso!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Ill eat you in a coktail @Ika

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      There's going to be fried Squid for dinner.

    4. thekillnator


      Don't eat me de geso!

  9. Here's mine de geso. https://www.youtube.com/user/Killanator5
  10. I have taken over this site de geso! Anyone who opposes me will suffer the wrath of my tentacles de geso. So from now on you shall all call me master de geso. Kneel before your master de geso!

  11. I will destroy you and everything you hold dear!! *evil laugh*

  12. Your Fluttershy portrait looks badass! :)
  13. Meh i think the game is alright. got halfway through the game and i quit and i never got back to it.
  14. i played disgaea 4 at 5:30 to 12:00AM

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yeah ok

      yeah ok

      I spent almost 500 Hours in Pokemon Pearl

      300~350 in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

      120~130 in Disgaea 4

    3. yeah ok

      yeah ok

      Also, 400 Hours in Tales of Symphonia, But most of it were idling

    4. thekillnator


      i spent over 300 hours on the first disgaea. lol

  15. Happy 4th of july everyone!

    1. SuperCatMeow
    2. Kanbei


      Thanks pal, and you too.

    3. Zaibatsu


      Happy 4th to you Flonne.

  16. I enjoyed contra too Most of my family and myself played that game and we still have it to this day.
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