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Status Updates posted by Markpachi

  1. Finally was able to Platinum TTT2. Woohoo!

  2. Dafuq! MFFA is infected by a Trojan! (some links)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Markpachi


      This is effed up

    3. DartzPie


      hmmm i do remember clicking on Michy of the turtles and it led me to a porn site.... but then clicked again the dl link work...

    4. Markpachi


      I was suppose to download Zepp by EXshadow. Too bad it's infected.

  3. Got a 58 Wins streak in TTT2 arcade today. People that I defeated suddenly became my friends and yet half of those people I don't even know their names lol.

  4. A sneak peek on Vegaz/Realest's World Warriors X Screenpack http://youtu.be/A_I8OFQiS2A

    1. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      which has an AWWWWWWWE-SOME announcer!

  5. Thunder God Fist ruins TTT2. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      as much as i luv Tekken, i gotta kinda agree with Roxas & Genesis on this.

      tha juggle system had to be expanded upon to some degree, i get that, but tha amount of jugglin' that's allow'd now, or rather, tha amount of damage that's allow'd from some of those juggles, brings bitch-ass system abusers all outta tha woodwork, & it knocks tha fun factor away quite a bit at times. i dig T6, but they took it WAAAAY too far there.

    3. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      i mean let's face it y'all; system/bug exploitation is tha pussified "new skool" way these mofos show their "skillz" these days in fighters. it's sad as phukk really, & no true skillz are actually shown. honor has damn'd near died & it's just about "win at all costs". but we can only truly blame tha fighters so much here.....

    4. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      .....cuz tha companies makin' this chizz available in tha 1st place is not a good look. i mean check it: 1 can only get so mad at tha maniacs in town hittin' e'rybody with spitballs if they're gettin' all tha tools from tha same factory.

  6. Two stages are near completion.

    1. Leo


      Nice, GL Mark!

    2. Markpachi


      Just a little bit more tinkering ... oh, and thanks dude!


    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest
    2. Markpachi


      I updated the game and Dr. B, Violet, and Unknown were added.

  8. R.I.P. Mugen-Infantry

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheYukiKonata
    3. OskeinO


      screw them i had issues with them for the past 2 years there site can burn for all i care.

    4. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne


      oh well.....

  9. Don't you just hate those Arcade players that keep on raging when they lose a match. *sigh*

    1. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      At least there not the super dickbag CoD players...

    2. Noside


      COD Player here. :3

    3. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      annnnd YOUUUUU happen to be a dickbag SideWay, lol!

      i feel you Pach, but meh, it can't be help'd. just brush ya shoulders off & KIM, ya feel me?

  10. Calling all awesome stage makers out there, there's a stage making competition being held at IMT! Come on! Join the contest! It'll be fun! http://www.infinitymugenteam.com/Forum_345/index.php?topic=38983.0

    1. Ryon


      Im appearntly banned from Infinity because of some issues years ago. I made 1 post which was a release of a edit, and i got perma banned.

    2. Markpachi



      No way. :|

  11. Just bought a copy of Skyrim a few hours ago, it's hard to shift from playing Fallout to Skyrim. Looks like my stage will have to wait.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Darklight


      skyrim gets boring after a while i mean sure it has a few good things to it but once oblivion came out it went downhill from there althought now since there a mod kit out for it its alot more better now. free copy and a place to know where you get it at for cheap discount is always good

    3. Markpachi


      @ Gen

      NO >:(

      @Dark Light

      Well ... yeah.

    4. MugoUrth


      I don't have Skyrim, but I think Oblivion is a pretty fun game. I don't play it as much as I used to, but it lasted me a few good months and I still go back to it every now and then. Fallout... I'm sorry, but I really can not play Fallout. It's just so boring to me.

  12. New stage preview, suggestions are welcome.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Markpachi


      Well ,i'm trying to learn as much as possible about mugen coding and shiz, i'll ask when i'm stuck. Thanks for the heads up!

    3. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      You could Make the Jet anim move a little to the sides too IMO and maybe add a soldier in the BG.

    4. Markpachi


      I tried making the jet move from side-to-side a little, it didn't look that great imo. As for the soldier, i'll see what I can do.

  13. Holy fuck, I was asleep for almost 19 hours. I know now not to get drunk and play videogames with friends at the same time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Markpachi



      Beer + Friends + TTT2 + Other shit = 19 (or more) hrs. of sleep


      It's bad, MY HEAD HURTS LIKE HELL AND I HAVE SHIT WRITTEN ALL OVER MY BODY. I'm getting some coffee gtg.

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Woah...I hope you recop, lil bro.

    4. Noside


      @MarkPachi, hanging with friends and play videogames is the shit, you just forgot the snacks. lol

  14. So, how was your day guys? Me? I've been wasting my day with this. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/431717_3270198372233_1457194698_n.jpg

    1. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      Which mode was that?

    2. Senior Thickbrows

      Senior Thickbrows

      Someone's been playing TTT2 on Ghost Mode.

    3. Markpachi


      @The Magic Toaster Ghost Mode dude @EnjoiIsGood Yup! On Very Hard mode

  15. Just found out that there's ANOTHER mugenite/mugen-person named Markpachi! >:(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      Do what comes natural(Loads Revolver)*

    3. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      *pulls length of roll* i got tha Duct on tha ready, let's go handle this shit.

    4. Markpachi



      WOW, he's been into mugen for a long time now. :(

      So it only mean I'M THE COPYCAT. >:((


    1. Noside


      This is more fun than playing videogames. lol

    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest



      I'M CRYING...

    3. ShiroTori


      Why would someone play that? I cringed when it snapped down on the guy's finger.

      I'll admit though, his scream was pretty funny.

  17. Castlevania II Revamped is so freakin' awesome! I know some of the people here are fans of CV, I suggest that you download the game.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Markpachi


      Alright, will do!

    3. Sir Lord Alpyne
    4. Noside


      Oops! too late Alpy,Pachi already did it.

  18. Anybody here excited about Black Ops II?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Drunk Ryu

      Drunk Ryu

      Thats why I said Treyarch does not dissapoint.

    3. Markpachi


      Well, you did. Just sayin. :V

    4. SuperCatMeow


      Not really a COD fan, but it does look interesting.

  19. I just did something stupid at COD: Black Ops Hardcore Search and Destroy. I threw my Tomahawk straight into the air. When it landed, it killed me and was counted as a "team mate kill" and then I got kicked out of the server. Let this be a warning to all of you, boredom can easily ruin the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demitri


      it's recorded......YOU just dont have the film xD

    3. Drunk Ryu

      Drunk Ryu

      LOL epic failure at its finest hour. Great jov. (yes jov. Listen to Guile SvC voice for ref.)

    4. Markpachi



      OOOOOHHHHHH, thanks for the info! I always checked theater mode for footage and I didn't find any and so I always concluded that it wasn't recorded.


      LOL well, at least I know never to do that EVER

  20. Happy Barfday to meeee!!

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      & memorable! lol!

    3. Noside


      Must be hurting till' now. lol

    4. Markpachi





      It hurts like hell when I try to bend it, even with the cast.

      AND IT ITCHES! >:((

  21. Just got TTT2 .... i'm a happy man.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Deimon, that's blasphemy! Lol!

    3. Reigizuo_78



    4. Reigizuo_78
  22. Looks like a random stage inspiration struck me again! Thank you Tekken 3!

  23. No words could describe this ...

    1. Annonith


      Actuly iz Dolan

      ...there you go, described.

    2. ArtistofLegacy


      Here's a word. Shit.

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