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Status Updates posted by Markpachi

  1. So my Aunt gave me a power bank as a late Christmas present. How long do I need to keep it plugged before it becomes fully charged?

  2. Holy shit, I think I should start working on my stages again. It's been a while.

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      nah make more signatures

  3. Somebody give me fan art that references JJBA, please? Something like this. http://images.wikia.com/jjba/images/7/7c/6a3.jpg

  4. Excahm, do you still want that Newager status? I kinda want to nominate you now since you've improved greatly, Stage making wise.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ
    3. Markpachi


      I honestly don't think so. You've already been around for quite a while, and you've showed interest.

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Demitri
    3. MugoUrth


      No, I mean the joke. I don't get it. Why is it funny?

    4. Markpachi


      The joke is that the manga I showed was so poorly drawn (or maybe it's an art style?) that it's awesome.

  5. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    1. Show previous comments  6 more



    3. JokerintheButt



    4. Markpachi


      You guys are fucking weird.

  6. I'm here to download PotS char edits, and chew bubblegum. And i'm all out of PotS edi .... OH WAIT, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. HA!

    1. Cook4251


      :D But those inspirations tho...

  7. Hey, guys, here i've released another SUPER HD character in POTS Style!! It has super PotS effects, gameplay, and coding! and the sprites are filtered and upscaled, which makes them HD just like Guilty Gear and Blazblue's sprites! It's just a Beta, by the way. I'll update it in the future. MORE TO COME, MI AMIGO!!

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      I take it this is a parody of certain MUGEN authors. I lol'd.

    2. Demitri


      lol such an asshole

    3. Darkflare


      Chuchoryu, get off of Mark's account.

  8. Harada said he'll port a Tekken game to Steam like months ago ... I'm waiting, Mr. Harada.

  9. "One time, the army bombed my buddy Keith. He went campin' and didn't bother to read the signs and I guess they were just testin' bombs that day.... all SORTS of stuff too! Not just regular bombs, like Biological Nerve Gas bombs, Shrapnel bombs, these bombs that break up in the air to like a Hundred smaller bombs...."

    1. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Keith for President.

    1. The Magic Toaster

      The Magic Toaster

      Go ask ExShadow since hes the only guy i know who can do them well.

    2. WattaWright


      I can do them >__>

      You could have asked me mang

  10. That akwkward moment when you go to an Anime/Toy Convention, then you see a fat dude cosplaying Vanilla Ice/Iced from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and he's all like, into character and shit. Being badass and having a pokerface while holding a hotdog sandwitch.

  11. Oh shit, I just realized that I look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

    1. WattaWright



  12. I'm getting addicted to Cytus.

    1. WattaWright
    2. Markpachi


      Some shit that plays like DJMAX Technika.

    3. WattaWright


      what's DJMAX Technika?

  13. Your parents never loved you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sweetfire13


      Tell me something I already didn't know.

    3. Markpachi


      Your pet turtle didn't run away, it died.

    4. RicePigeon


      You're dead.

      Your turtle is dead.

      Your Friends are dead.

      Your fucking pets are being skinned alive.

      Your mom's a fucking whore.

      The whole world hates you.

      You're going to hell.

      Live with it.

      Game over. :p

  14. I got this feelin' like somebody's watching me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xan


      Don't look at me. I'm just creeping outside your window.

    3. thekillnator


      I can see you through my sniper rifle right now.

    4. GuyZero32k4


      Do the shin chan ass dance. They'll look away.

  15. No Shave November is successful. But thanks to that, No Date December has commenced. 3

  16. Sheeeeeeeeeer heart attack!

    1. Erroratu


      Sheer-u Heart-u Attack-u

  17. R.I.P. My Class A PS3 Arcade Stick. You will be missed.

  18. I don't want to play Tekken Tag 2 anymore. I quit. http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/8772/44ke.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MugoUrth


      Why don't you take a break or up the difficulty?

    3. Markpachi


      Difficulty is maxed out, and I can't play online right now because net is shit. And yeah, i'm SO taking a break ... like, forever.

    4. Demitri


      i usually lose atleast once before i hit 100 =/

  19. True fear is stemmed from what one cannot see.

    1. Winmugen11


      "We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them" - Christian Nestell Bovee

  20. I should be a fucking comedian. (Heads up, it's a JJBA joke, so some of you might not get it.) http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/717/m7kn.png

    1. Erroratu


      lol in NO TIME

    2. Cruto Aerallo

      Cruto Aerallo

      That actually made me smile once I finally got it.

  21. Drake the type of nigga who goes to sleep before his 9 pm curfew.

    1. Cook4251


      Drake the type of nigga to ask his homeboys if they're ticklish.

    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest



      Drake the type of nigga to go to the bathroom and ask his boy to come with him

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