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Status Updates posted by RicePigeon

    1. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      Image result for no way i don't believe it


      Just kidding. I do believe. First Keyboard Cat, & now this...?

    2. StrongestPotato


      what's worse, Stefan Karl's cancer returned ,and it's now impossible to operate, WHY MUST THE GREAT FALL!?

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- We'll Miss You Bento The Keyboard Cat! Thank You For All The Memories And Giving People Purpose On The Internet! This Tribute Will Live On! T_T


    2. StrongestPotato


      jesus freakin' Christ, first Nicanor Parra, then Stephen Hawking, now this?

  1. That rare instance when the Pokemon anime was accurate to the games:


    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Totally looks more like the acc of a OHK move :U



  2. How to create Fayth 101, as depicted in Final Fantasy X-2.5


    1. RicePigeon


      Its funny because it's canon

  3. Happy 50th birthday, Chun-Li. Still lookin fine like wine, and gets better with age.


    1. RobotMonkeyHead
    2. 至高の妖怪


      a fictitious character has a birthday...?

    3. RicePigeon


      @Destined Shogun March 1st, 1968, according to her profile in Street Fighter 2

  4. Meme-MMewtwoYPsystrikeYukari.png

    When you discover a gamebreaking bug in someone's character and turn it into a meme...

    1. Gaulbetti


      Meh, doesn't top Protogent.

  5. 674e7fe2c8b7bc6497fc4d61515ded0214480191

    Now I feel old...

    1. Gaulbetti


      Wow, I'm grateful I never watched it then.

    2. Flare-Gamer-64
    3. Xenocard


      Now I've seen everything

  6. Diary, February 6th:

    Mew gave birth.

    We named the newborn "Bob".

  7. There's a gap here I didn't notice before. It's similar to the other one I saw, but it's different somehow?

  8. Joke only people who played the Touhou fighters will get


  9. early Nintendo Labo prototype, circa 2003


    1. CoolAnimeHustler
    2. Superkingkong65


      Image result for cardboard wii u

      Looks like Nintendo learns from eBay users.

  10. 1418111499368.jpg

    I bet Lunarian science also states that the Earth is flat...

    1. Darkflare


      If lunarian science is so great, why didn't it stop a giant reptile from holding a wedding there?

  11. "You're not the youkai I faced before. But this smell! There are two of you!? That excrement Yakumo had two daughters!?"

    1. Darkflare


      Hey, I take my personal hygiene very seriously.

    2. RicePigeon


      Aw, you poor thing. Didn't your mother ever teach you how to use a door?

  12. So AoCF comes out on Steam and whats the first thing I do? This...


    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      I'm not even a Touhou fan yet this made me smile. Nice maymay.

    2. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      We'd expect no less from you, Rice.

    3. RicePigeon


      @Flare-Gamer-64 yes, Yukari has nice maymays indeed :joyful:

  13. Hey, we're waddlin' here!

  14. Santa apparently got so drunk he forgot Christmas was in 24 hours, so he need about 7 days in rehab.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL! Don't Worry, There's Always The Substitute!


    2. Xiristatos


      So... does that mean no Suika today?

  15. Yukari confirmed for AoCF, eh? If Reisen was any indication, I wonder how they revamped her gameplay this time around...

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      More importantly, does she still have the train? :}

    2. Lillie's 音MADs

      Lillie's 音MADs

      I would make a reference to GTA San Andreas, but I'm too excited for AoCF to do so.

  16. Tenshi confirmed for AoCF, wonder how they'll rework her like they did with Reisen

    1. Ori-Ori


      Now all we need is the Scarlet Devil cast.

    2. Xiristatos


      I don't know about y'all, I'm still here hoping Yuyuko would also become playable in this. That would genuinely glad-ify me.

    3. Ori-Ori


      Can't forget Youmu.

  17. LMZSG7I.gif

    We're almost there...

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      The new shadow of colossus looks great!

    2. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Mind you sharing the code? I may use it to give that CvS Little Mac his iconic Final Smash. :ten-hut:

  18. This should be common sense but please avoid posting any spoilers for The Last Jedi for at least the next couple of weeks. Nobody likes a jackass.

    1. Dumanios


      SPOILER ALERT Han shot Dumbledor

    2. RicePigeon


      b&, even if he did shoot first :P

    3. Doomguy


      Here's my spoiler, I thought the film was shet.

  19. tfw you have a dream that you're playing Star Wars Episode 1 Racer on the n64, and you somehow unlock Jar Jar Binks driving an 18-wheel tractor-trailer.

    1. Dumanios


      Jar Jars Binks' Big Rigs Over the Road Racing

    2. RicePigeon


      Meesa go backwards loooooooong way! Ayayayayayayayayaya hey, if theesa a race, wheresa the track?

  20. In retrospect, saying a character is 80% complete and the like is just nothing more than an arbitrary number, isn't it?

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