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Status Updates posted by RicePigeon

  1. Mugen Archive is m*therfucker! Also, subscribe to PewDiePie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noside


      PewDiePie's voice sounds like Ren from Ren & Stimpy show.

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      How are you, RiceDizzy?

  2. Just as a friendly reminder, as a result of the transition, we won't permit any toxic elements in this community. Also make sure to disable your ad blocker.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mulambo


      it took me a while to get it, but I won't spoil the thing up.

    3. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵
    4. CarmenRider


      Dizzy you whorish swine, you shall pay for your wrong doings!


  3. oh god, Necrofantasia and Turn Down For What have the same time signatures wtf?
  4. Childhood is when you idolize Batman.

    Adulthood is when you realize the Joker made more sense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RicePigeon


      Oh ho, you're too much Mr. J.

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Harley Quinn's classic suit, the only true suit.

    4. jenngra505


      This says a lot about our society, gamers rise up!

  5. Do Pokemon cry their names, or are Pokemon named after their cries? 🤨

  6. If vegans don't eat meat, then why do plants absorb the remains of dead animals into their being? 😖

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      How do you think vegans feel about eating carnivorous plants? 
      Would a venus fly trap salad be a vegan dish?

    3. Watcher of MUGEN

      Watcher of MUGEN

      To quote Mufasa from The Lion King:

      "When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life..."

    4. RobotMonkeyHead
  7. Casual reminder that Furret is officially supposed to be 5'11" (1.8 m) tall.


  8. @everyone We're currently addressing an issue on the forums that popped up recently where threads weren't loading properly. We're currently looking to resolving this. In the meantime, the forum appearance may look a bit wonky until we fully resolve the issue, but threads should be viewable now.

  9. Since Pokemon Sword & Shield are obviously based in the UK, does this mean we're getting a global release date of November 5th?

  10. Diary: Feb 6th: Mew gave birth. We named the newborn 'Mewtwo'.

  11. Oh no... Dr. Connor's Class...

    1. Gaulbetti


      I still don't understand any of the Tobey Spider memes.


      I'm so sick of my childhood stuff getting the strangest memes.

    1. Gaulbetti


      He made a "game console"? News to me.

    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      He should've thought twice before making a console with games that are Copyrighted by Nintendo...and you know Nintendo, they would go multiple ways to protect their beloved IPs

  12. The silence is broken

  13. "Imagine having to use stands to fight for you"
    ~ This meme made by the Hamon Users Gang

    1. Mr.Giang


      "Imagine having to spend your whole life training only to be able to walk on water and kill vampire"
      ~ This meme made by the Stand Users Gang

  14. 3df.png

    "I hate enemy stands."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Astolfo2001


      And we thought 2016 and 2009 had so many celebrity deaths........This all must be the work of Thanos......

    3. RMaster007


      No, he suffered from ALS. Also, Thanos isn't real. But if he was, note that he doesn't actually kill people. Well, at least that's what I think.

    4. Astolfo2001


      @RMaster007I already knew that! The whole Thanos thing was just a joke!

  15. Just in case anyone is getting a 520 error, refreshing the page should resolve the issue for now. We are currently reviewing our "options".

  16. AHHHH! After 3 months I'm free!! It's time to conquer... whatever it was we were conquering before the downtime.

    1. Mr.Giang


      Inb4 server down again after a few days.

  17. The new Devil May Cry reboot is looking much better than the first one ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      Press F to pay respect...



















      He might have played the bad guy, but in all reality he was the hero.

    3. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- RIP! F (F To Pay Respects) He Made A Lot Of People Smile And Laugh! He Will Be Missed! T_T

    4. Redhair Ryu Lover

      Redhair Ryu Lover

      I never downloaded Robbie Rotten for Mugen before, and I don't plan to do so in the future.

      But I will greatly miss the guy who played him :-(

  18. Its a shame this will probably get shut down by the big N, but this still looks hella dope.

  19. So now we now the real reason Pretend You're Xyzzy shut down: someone used a blank card during a game to make a school shooting threat and the FBI got involved:



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