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Status Updates posted by RicePigeon

  1. image.jpg

    That was fast...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Well...there ARE creepypastas of Luigi's Mansion...so I can safely say...It didn't take long at all...I mean remember the creepy depressed Luigi face at beta Game Over screen of Luigi's Mansion Beta? (I'm talking about the first Luigi's Mansion game, if you don't know what i'm talking about)

    3. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      Of course Luigi would enter the wrong mansion, just to get his soul teared off.

      Seriously Egad, look what you did to him!

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Of course it's a loss meme >_>

  2. So what do you guys know about wall jumps?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mature4evr


      That they're essentially an alternate name for a triangle jump, they're utilized by only a select number of characters per title and that they're always executed by quickly inputting B, F when touching a wall in games such as the latter Street Fighters, Marvel vs. Capcom and Super Smash Bros.

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Mature4evr, tsn't it just pressing F when touching a wall, though? And it works from either wall, you can forward jump onto a wall and press B, and you jump off that wall. Works mostly in corners, though.

    4. RicePigeon


      I wasn't referring to wall jumps in general, I meant a more specific type of wall jump. You know, the floating kind... ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      Okay now I'm scared to use Google Translate. Holy shit...

    3. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

       This is exactly why Google should stop hiring monkeys.

    4. Superkingkong65


      Try breaking up words and translating from Somali to English.

      "I wa nt a ta co to ni gh t" turns to "I do not like it."

      One time I put "is th is to rt ur e" and got "it is to rt ur e."

  3. Happy 10th birthday Dinner Blaster.


    1. Superkingkong65


      Oh the nostalgia... oh the nostalgia... :')

    2. Ori-Ori


      The CD-I YTPs will never get old to me.

  4. Tomorrow marks the end of a mugen era for me...

    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      Going on hiatus?

    2. N_N


      One last Touhou character?

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      GR is finally finished I'm assuming.

  5. Everyone can finally shut up about Ridley now...



    1. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      I don't think they will, because the fan arts and the fanboys/fangirls really can't stop the hype train.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      I did not see him getting in at all. His fans finally got their wish, and mine's too.

  6. Should "a certain website" be removed from our blacklist?

    1. Xiristatos


      Only if the whole "adf.ly" problem isn't a thing anymore. Y'know... viruses and shit.

  7. Welcome back Logout bug.

  8. Happy Birthday... Koishi Komeiji???


    "5/14 consists of three numbers, 5, 1, and 4. Each number translated to Japanese numbers which written in onyomi reading as 五 (Go/"Ko"), 一 ("I"chi), 四 ("Shi"). Respectively, all of the three marked tones can be written in hiragana as こいし. Hence 5/14 is the Koishi time of the year."

  9. So who wants to spend an extra hour in my $17,000 ball pit? Guest appearances by Welcome to Night Vale not included. :P

  10. We managed to narrow down the logout bug to three possible site plug-ins. Expect it to occur again as we test to see which one it is over the next few days.

  11. Happy 19th anniversary, Street Fighter III: Third Strike.

  12. <Mod Edit: Blacklisted URL removed>

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Breaking News: a user tried to link to a blacklisted website...and it's not even Mugen Archive

    3. RicePigeon


      Mugen Archive isnt the only site thats blacklisted, you know.

    4. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Really? what are the other blacklisted sites?

  13. Logout Bug IV: A New Headache

    Logout Bug V: The Bug Strikes Back

    Logout Bug VI: Return of the Logout Bug

    Logout Bug VII: The Logout Bug Awakens
    Logout Bug VIII: The Last Logout Bug?

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- (Sigh) LOL!


  14. Just a quick poll for everyone: What would be your personal statute of limitations regarding spoilers? That is, the minimum amount of time required before you can safely post spoilers without major backlash?


    For me, it would be anywhere between 3-6 months.

    1. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      I'd say 2 months at the bare minimum for me.

  15. To an unsuspecting baby, almost anything can become a weapon.


    For example, this weapon...

    1. GarfieldfanMUGEN


      bad memories coming back



  16. You all know what today's date is...


  17. Hey, you guys are watching Bird Up!, the worst show on television!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      What is "Bird Up!" that you speak of, Rice?

    3. Xiristatos


      It's not "Dude What Would Happen?", so I'm not convinced of your view.

    4. RicePigeon
  18. Well shit, PR can't catch a break can they?

    1. Darkflare




      Holy fuck. How can anyone be patriotic for this lump of land with stupid shit like this still happening?

    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      I actually feel sorry for Puerto Rico....this land seems to be the only land with some bad luck...and I don't even know why, but the biggest question is....what did Puerto Rico do to deserve anything BAD happening to them?

    3. Darkflare


      Have a shitty administration.

      Fortunately, there's been areas that got the power back.

  19. When you've been working on the MUGEN engine for the past 11+ years, the only thing left to do is pass on your knowledge to the next generation...



  20. Seems the logout bug is back...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YochiIsC00lest333


      I hate this bug too...

      This should be fixed.

      And MFFA became too buggy...

    3. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      So it seems like I wasn't the only one with the problem.

      Yeah, this needs to be fixed.

    4. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Oohh...I thought so. I don't remember when it happened the last time, but I thought it might be a bug.

  21. image.png

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the former." ~ Albert Einstein

    1. Darkflare
    2. LightFlare_Da_Realest
    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      They are not wrong when they say the finger doesn't stop the bullet....if anything, the finger could be fucking blown up by a fucking bullet....either that or the person trying to stop the bullet may die...you make the call

  22. DYs_cs0VQAAErEx.png

    The plot of Subterranean Animism in a nutshell

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