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Status Updates posted by RicePigeon

  1. Spambots must be getting desperate if they've resorted to using "HORSEFUCKER" as an email address.

  2. Just had to merge and infract several sockpuppet accounts for various people dating back to as early as 2019. Let this be known that if you're using more than one account, we will find out, no matter how long it takes.

  3. New registrations have been reenabled as we test out a new security feature.

  4. Testing something


  5. Due to recent abuse by various individuals, linking urls in status updates are now prohibited and will count as spam until further notice. This also includes urls to forum threads.

    1. animaraz


      Hi. This refers only to links to other websites, right? If we put a download link is it okay? Thank you.

      Saludos. Esto se refiere solo links a otros sitios web ¿Verdad? ¿Si ponemos un enlace de descarga está bien? Gracias.

    2. Darkflare


      If you have a release, just make a post in the correct section of the forum. Don't use the status update section to post your release (or any release)

  6. Just to clarify, we are NOT making 2FA mandatory. We're just urging people to utilize it for extra security.

  7. Friendly reminder that the content of character releases that you post onto this forum count as forum posts; if you personally attack or harass a person in that character's code and release it here, it will be treated the same as if you had made a post flaming or harassing that person.

  8. A friendly reminder that this is NOT how you file a trouble ticket:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Basara-kun
    3. YochiIsC00lest333


      This yellow Luigi's IQ is really low tbh, yet he's also like 12 years old.

    4. Scarlet Lupercalia

      Scarlet Lupercalia

      "gay characters"

  9. We wish to apologize for several inappropriate videos that appeared in our Youtube playlists over the past 24 hours. We have already removed the offending videos and are looking into what happened, as well as considering our options regarding the people responsible. We ask in the meantime for everyone to not seek any form of retaliation or harassment against any alleged individuals. Anyone found to be engaging in such behavior will be dealt with accordingly.

    1. 087-B


      I've been seeing some disconnected stuff around but am unsure what happened exactly. Hope I'm not being annoying if I asked what went down/what I missed?

  10. Friendly reminder that if you decide to register an account name that contains bigoted slurs, we might just change it to something silly. That especially goes for you, @JewelpetfansareHAPPY

  11. Just a friendly reminder to everyone that spamming posts and them immediately deleting them afterward still counts as spam. We've had to ban several new accounts due to this. Moving forward, anyone caught doing this will have their account flagged to require moderator approval for all future posts. If you have second thoughts about posting something, then odds are you shouldn't be posting it.

  12. After almost a year, we're pleased to finally release Touhou: Gensokyo Reloaded v3.0.2, which ended up being a little bigger than just a few bugfixes.


    1. DXfactory


      Absolutely amazing work you've done RicePigeon!


  13. Anyone attempting to spread conspiracy theories implicating other websites in our recent phishing attack will receive an infraction. Consider this your first and only warning.

    1. Toasted Milque

      Toasted Milque

      Whomever thought it would be cheeky to phish clearly has no life to speak of.

      This isn't me trying to be edgy, what I speak is the truth! (and no I ain't gonna point any fingers)

  14. Bad News: My PC finally died after 10+ years.

    Good News: My HDD was unaffected and was able to retrieve all the stuff I was working on before.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      F for the 10 year old PC. 😞  You had a nice long run.

    3. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- It's A Great Thing You Backed Up Your Stuff, Yo! Sad You Lost Your PC But It Would Be Devastating If You Lost All Of Your Hard Work! I Think You Might Find A Great PC This Month Because Of Back To School, Yo! (o^.^)-b 

    4. Amaterachu1


      Ayyyy my old PC is 12 years old I never realized. It's on life support though.

      Rest in Peace, RicePigeon's PC.

  15. The next person who floods status updates will be the ones solely responsible for the complete removal of status updates for all users on the forum. You're welcome.

  16. Long overdue, but the broken directory in the collections subforum has finally been fixed.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- AWESOME! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ

  17. I can't tell which Stand is more OP: Pucci's Made in Heaven, or Valentine's D4C?

  18. Y'all realize that the 20th anniversary of MUGEN isn't for another 9 days, right?

    1. PlasmoidThunder


      Wikiped wouldn't lie, would it???

    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      what the hell is mugen

  19. May 20th something big is going to happen...

  20. When you're not motivated enough for this shit

  21. When you're not motivated enough for this shit

  22. We hope you enjoyed this year's April Fools

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