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Everything posted by Forehead

  1. Does anybody want to play me on Crusade? I got it yesterday and the gameplay is great. Ip4 Adress. Message me when anybody is up to battle. And a gameplay video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kp9a_QEm-A
  2. Mario was in the G tier... I just couldn't believe this when I first witnessed Mario in the G tier. I've been maining Mario from melee to this game and learned Mario just sucks. His ranging for attacks suck, his recovery sucks, and has very bad launch attacks (or knockback) and has plenty of attacks that are weak and selfish to use;For Example, FLUDD, Down tilt, Foward Aerial,Up Throw, Foward Throw,etc .Unless if your planning to use one of these moves, your most likely to lose your momentum on comboing. They may sometimes work at circumstances but I really don't suggest using them at all..
  3. Playing Mugen with your Wii Remote+Nunchuck isn't fully satisfying. I wish I just knew the correct script to insert for the most enjoyable results. (And yes, I am using GlovePIE)

  4. Well since I have to admit, I like Kirby games and Sakurai did do one hell of a job with those games, Subspace Emmisary is good. I really love beating up those primids and loved the cutscenes for most characters. Just wished they had a bit more variety in enemies.
  5. It's very competitive which makes the hack worth trying out. I'm also looking forward to trying out that Balanced Brawl hack since I really would rather play Brawl with more balancing in characters.
  6. "The balance of the characters' powers were previously only measured by Sakurai, but he will involve his staff more in this game to make sure the characters are competitively balanced." "Feeling that the series had found its target audience and introducing gimmicks would hinder rather than help the brand, Sakurai explained that he was thinking of ways to introduce a new, different experience, while retaining the frantic gameplay from previous installments" as seen on wikipedia.
  7. Man, Project M is so fun. I hope if this game becomes created, it becomes just as fun as Project M (or gets most of the polished ideas from it anyway)
  8. I love playing these Custom made levels for NSMBW. There so awesome and it's so fun trying out something new that other people made.

    1. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      Finally you seems to enjoy a gam Brah.

    2. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      lil big planet di it first...

    3. Forehead


      I know but these seem more challenging.

  9. You don't really need Aesthetics since the character already looks good the way he is. However, I forgot to mention but if you think he would be good for making combos just like how Mario is, just with LESS combos, if you know what I mean.
  10. Why I say why the attack set is lackluster is because of how Yoshis attacks are pretty bland, boring, and nothing new. It feels like this is recycled as if a few months ago, I tried out a similar Yoshi that is somewhat worse than this one. And no, I'm not looking for flashy effects on the supers, I'm looking for better ones. The one where Yoshi swallows and turns the opponent into an egg and starts swinging it around looks a little bit dumb which could use a little more improvement on the way how it looks. The stampede attack is way too long and it is recommended to add less Yoshi's, hard to explain why but It is a good suggestion. He also needs more hypers such as that Yoshi Bomb attack, rather than the one when Yoshi simply just jumps..... A better suggestion for the Egg Roll hyper attack may be of how he could lay a few combo blows on opponent and than use the egg roll attack and which the attack must be less powerful in order to do this. The flame breath attack should probably be a bit bigger since how Yoshi in Super Mario 64 DS spews out fire twice the size but damage should be kept the way it is. Also, there should be a super where Yoshi uses the Egg Roll attack but is in twice the size, similar to the Special attack of Yoshi's in Mario Strikers Charged, and ram into the character. All I could think of for tonight. Maybe more suggestions tomorrow.
  11. He looks a little bit boring to use. His attack set is lackluster and needs to be more enjoyable to use. His supers are also the biggest problem which they look a little bit lame, even though there is plenty of ideas for good supers for Yoshi, same goes for his specials.
  12. Interesting, I would want to try it out I guess. Maybe someday.
  13. Brawl's classic mode wasn't so great. I hated how unfair it was to fight Giant characters alone where when being hit with a charged attack would END you in seconds. It becomes so stupid. I also hated the Master hand and Crazy hand battle for some reason but can't state it correctly.
  14. Now, since that characters in Brawl are somewhat balanced, don't you think bringing characters from Tekken and Soulcalibur would be hard to try balancing those characters with the ones of Nintendo's characters? Well let's just say I could have a little hope on this character thing (A little!) and let's just see how it goes. And Zaibatsu, what I was trying to say how Sakurai felt how the Circle Pad Pro would make Kid Icarus Uprising unfair and how the controls of the game were "good the way they are" so instead, he wanted to allow the Circle Pad Pro for the use of Left handed people only. This is jacked up bullshit..
  15. Man, I hope those new Tekken and Soulcalibur characters don't become overpowered (which I highly suppose they would be) “It’s fun making new skills for new characters.” I have a bad feeling Sakurai is gonna mess up with the controls... *cough* exactly what he did *cough* to Kid Icarus Uprising *cough* Circle Pad Pro *wheeze* left handed...
  16. I need a joystick to play Mugen. I can't deal with pressing random buttons to make a unsignificant combo.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Neon the Guardian

      Neon the Guardian

      I use a ps3 controller. but i need a program in order to use it in mugen. -_-

    3. Toxic


      Idk how people can play with Sticks/controllers. I just stick to the keyboard.

    4. Demitri


      I usually use kb but ps3/Xbox controller occasionally.

  17. Starfox 64: Landmaster levels are just pure horrid.

  18. Hmm. I like the background scenery of the stage, it looks nostalgic. I would like to try this stage one day.
  19. Because All stars was an old remake. Nintendo ported the game instead of remaking it anyway how so we want a remake of the game adding new things into it. Also, Zelda Wind Waker was a game of nostalgia. I liked it but I feel it copied so much from the previous 3-D Zelda games.
  20. Woowheee! Mario Tennis and Mario Tennis Power Tour are fun ass games. I'd start playing them for hours. If only I had the real versions for the game, I'd be playing these games everywhere I go. However, I hate how much lag there is in Power Tour when you enter matches. It ruins all the fun. I'll invest getting the actual version for Power Tour.

  21. Hmm I've been playing Super Mario World recently on my Wii homebrew and noticed how sometimes when pressing buttons, it would sometimes just respond a few miliseconds later, rather than doing the action right on time.
  22. Hmm... sounds something I've seen before in the Mario series. It doesn't sound it'll be my 'time-consuming' game. Just sounds like a regular one.
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