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Everything posted by Forehead

  1. Tried out Sonic Lost Worlds last night. Dang it's pretty good, but it kinda feels like Generations and Colors again. :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Forehead


      BUT what the game actually REALLY reminds me of is Super Mario 3D Land/World

    3. Kanbei


      So that's a good thing.

    4. Winmugen11


      I thought the general opinion is that SLoW is a rip-off of Super Mario Galaxy? Though I think the bosses are way too easy even on hard mode.

  2. *Get's FZERO Car and then this happens* I control the hill!
  3. *Come's from behind Jay* It's-a whacking time! *Takes out Hammer* And I smack him when he was off guard! Like a boss! Got the Hill now bro!!!
  4. Idk I was bored. Check the Let's Play I made :P it's pretty interesting how crazy I am here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy21MzirzeE
  5. Piece of shit clan.... wasted a whole week dedicated to it.

  6. Dat Facebook won't stop loading dough :/

  7. I'm not that guy who's into fighting games but I my fighting history begins from Super Smash Bros Melee, my very first fighting game I've played.I also went on to play Brawl after that. If not considered "fighting game material", technically my first fighting game was MVC3.
  8. Oh nah that? Jay. You just brang in the good music from Sonic Adventure 2! NOSTALGIA!!!
  9. Syncros famous quote "..." He will always be remembered....
  10. Very nice looking. Downloading :P
  11. 8/10 Because his picture looks like a Tiki statue or something..... And his last part of his name is Wolferine :PPPP
  12. Sir, I'm ending the fight! ~ Master Chief

  13. What is Earth? I live in the Mushroom Kingdom! But hello anyways friend! Enjoy you're stay at MFFA!
  14. I was an asshole in the past, but no more! I am a free forehead! And I will do justice!

  15. Hello Friend I rate Ex to 8 out of 10! He has been my bro since the broski times!!!
  16. Walking through the Mojave makes you wish for a Nuclear Winter

    1. RicePigeon


      +34° 59′ 20.00″, -106° 36′ 52”

    2. RicePigeon


      *smashes cell phone*

  17. Looks like something out of Halo. I'll give it a try.
  18. I was baptized twice, once in water, once in flame.

    1. Winmugen11


      Now earth and wind are all that remain.

  19. "Finding it, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go."

    1. Gaulbetti
    2. Winmugen11


      Dead Money does stick on your fingers after a while...

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