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Everything posted by Forehead

  1. Hmm pretty interesting. I hope we get more information on all this stuff. It's sad how I never played Pikmin 2. I haven't passed Pikmin 1 yet but I never really get back to it for some reasons. I'll try to see if I can.
  2. I hate how there is always button lag in the emulators. For some reason, I always get it.
  3. I'm liking this thread brodem. I can't wait to try this guy out when my father's computer get's fixed!
  4. Always wanted to try this game. Looks like a must-buy game for the virtual console.
  5. I want a remake of Super Mario Bros. All Stars mainly because of how Nintendo made their 25th Mario anniversary a sack of balls (which obviously was a simple port of SM:AS to the wii, with no enhancements whatsoever)
  6. Every company falls. And sadly, Nintendo might go down the same fate as Capcom.
  7. I need more Mario spin-off games.

    1. Darklight


      check out mario forever its a old pc game

    2. Forehead


      I tried that one years ago. It is a great game.

    3. Dark Storm

      Dark Storm

      U do nu of dat new smash broderz?

  8. Hmm so they ran out of colors hmm? I guess now they moved onto letters. Other than that, this game looks perfect. I always wanted to get a ACTUAL Pokemon game that's 3D rather than 2D. Other than Pokemon XD Gale of darkness being more of a spinoff title rather than an actual pokemon game.
  9. Gahh if only I could try that hack. It sounds quite interesting in the way you guys put it.
  10. I hope they don't remove some/too much of the characters from Brawl if this does get released soon. Only ones that I don't care about is Metaknight, Pit, and ike.
  11. I hate fighting ike online. Woowhee. They would ALWAYS spam there foward-smash and take me down %50. He's so unfair that he even has a great counter attack move. He's invincible during his Up- special and his attacks are so slow to do but make you tricked . I also loathe the game's lag too :(
  12. Because of how colorful it was. Many of the textures also are colorful as well. The sky's background in levels like Rainbow Cruise give me even more of a headache. I think it'll be fixed if I decrease the color value on my tv. I'll probably see if that works tomorrow.
  13. I don't enjoy racing games too much. Mario kart is even close to my favorite Mario title neither. But F-Zero ran at 60fps? That's pretty fast if you think about it. Especially for the N64. Oh and Super Mario 64 DS was a good game :3 I loved it as a kid.
  14. I don't have the game but thinking about sackboy being overpowered makes me laugh . It seems awfully dumb how he could be overpowered. SSBB's Mario wasn't even close to overpowered. I'd be suprised to hear Sackboy be though.
  15. *gets Dr. Mario suit* Did somebody say a virus?
  16. *sigh* Please hope that Sakurai doesn't trash this game up. He thought SSBB was to be taken as a joke (within him adding the tripping) Than, he RUINED the online for his "clever" mind. He clearly is slowly destroying Nintendo if he keeps on adding bullshit we don't need on SSB games.
  17. I was playing Super Mario 64 and realized the visuals give me a headache. I'm not a graphic whore but those graphics just really suck man. I wish they could make more textures because It hurts my eyes quickly.
  18. Hmm. It makes me think of being Mario and whooping characers from other game series from a different devolper. It would be cool.
  19. Heheheheh. Tick Tock Clock and Rainbow Cruise were the shit!
  20. Heheh, go play Super Mario Sunshine. You'll see a "better" *cough SARCASM cough* camera. Trust me man. Super Mario Sunshine's camera is so bad. But the complaint I have on SM64 is it's controls. Mario can't even turn correctly most of the time. Trust me, it gets annoying! And plus, that glitch when jumping on a spot or a ledge where you will experience what I call, a looped falling-landing spot.
  21. Mario Strikers Charged is a cheap ass game that doesn't even show the true power of Mario sports games. In everyway possible, the fucking computer cheat there way to win. It really dishonors ky interest in playing Striker Cup... seriously...

    1. MugoUrth


      I was wondering if only I noticed.

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