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Everything posted by Forehead

  1. Pretty bad character since everybody lost focus of topic... anyways, skip.
  2. Err... don't you want to put this topic in the "Introductions" section or something? Because this is wrong section to put it in my friend.
  3. Look's nice. When i FIRST saw it I was thinking, "Subspace Emissary again? Oh god no..." but then saw it was for adventure mode so I'm happy yay ^-^
  4. That's kinda creepy.... blegghhh.
  5. Fallout new vegas... gotta buy it for PC.. need those mods!

  6. Super Smash Flash 2 Online Mode confirmed :P I'll be pretty busy this year...

  7. My signature for me and my friend's Youtube account. (Edited for use on MFFA) Might use this on the website. Link to original size of Sig. http://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p730/mariosforehead/GodforeheadBackground_zpsf8de86d4.png
  8. Anybody got that part when I greeted one of the newcomers, and explained to him that NSFW was Anime Porn Pictures?
  9. Hope Waluigi would come in the fray :/ It would be interesting. Waluigi was never in the ACTUAL Mario platforming series, just the Mario Sports and Mario Kart series.He needs a role as a fighter!
  10. Was thinking about repurchasing Kid Icarus Uprising because of real boredom :/
  11. Only thing I'm wondering right now, is this game worth my money?
  12. Being a clan leader can be pretty tough sometimes *sigh*

  13. 3DS:5026-5826-8862 I have Reisdent Evil Revelations, Resident Evil 3D Mercenaries and Heroes of Ruin. Soon going to add Wii FC...
  14. Having all the Halos on Xbox 360 is an accomplishment! I deserve a cookie :P

    1. Sweetfire13


      When did Halo:CE and 2 get on xbox?

    2. SuperCatMeow


      I think they're backwards compatible with the 360.

  15. They should bring back Wario, I miss that fat bastard :P
  16. Okay I'm back. I feel like I took it too seriously

  17. Add note: if you want to still communicate with me, then add me on Skype *ChiefyMario*. Add me if you want. I feel that I don't belong to this site because I think I'm not helping the site at all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I don't help at all and i'm still here.

    3. Kanbei


      Come on dude, don't feel bad about yourself.

    4. Galvatron


      Toshio is right Marioforehead. I myself is not a top-notch Creator (yet) but I will help and give good support to mugen authors so they can be happy about their Creations =).

  18. Leaving this site. There's nothing special here. Piece out.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Egnaro


      >implying half the people here like this site and stay here to leech and chat

    3. Egnaro


      see ya though



      i thought you already left seeing that you haven't posted since september. but bye.

  19. Warning, Some bad words here: Oh nah.... wtf? How does Nintendo put on Miiverse for the 3ds and take out the adding friends and sending private messages features? That's grimy bullshit, WHAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF ADDING IT IN THE FIRSTPLACE!?



      thats a good point...but u know nintendo keeps it g rated...adding that private message and friends would make it a pedo goldmine.

    2. Kanbei


      Lol @DJ Han.

    3. Egnaro


      Dj just summed up why it is like that

  20. Miiverse for 3DS? Damn, anybody here wanna add me? Lol me account is Mariosforehead :)

  21. Amazing Spiderman 2 is coming out. Yup they bringing the Electro guy and Rhino as the villians. No more Lizard :P

    1. Kazagami


      My only gripe is that the movie isn't the part of MCU. It'll be awesome to see Avengers/Spiderman crossover movie.

    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      I'm looking forward to the movie. I would like to see Spider-Man as part of the MCU as well. I guess we gotta wait until Sony loses the rights. It's a shame Spider-Man is the only current Marvel movie series to not be in any shared universe right now.

    3. Noside


      Hope we can see sinister six.

  22. And then Nintendo removes Swapnote on the fucking 3DS..Wanna know why? Because of the fact that Nintendo is worried about innapropiate messages being sent. Nintendo needs to step up there fucking game with this shit because this is the internet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zaibatsu


      Swapnote was crap and A waste of 3DS data.

    3. NotAGoodName


      oh noes. Inappropriate messages being sent. Let's ban the internet. Grow the hell up, world.

    4. Forehead


      It was the only way to send messages on the 3ds

  23. "I am the voice of the covenant!" "And So, You must be silenced."

  24. Man I gotta get some more games like Fallout 3/New Vegas and Oblivion/Skyrim. I need some ideas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CityGent


      Mass Effect series, Alpha Protocol, Divinity II, Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.

    3. Forehead


      Thanks guys. And I have both Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 ^-^ but not the portal series.

    4. Kanbei


      Portal more of a puzzle then a shooter but its fun as hell.

  25. Forehead

    PSVita TV

    What the hell? I thought the vita was for handheld gaming. Meh whatever.
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