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Posts posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW]




















    [Url=http://www.mediafire.com/file/v2vxv44lan85b8o/Longhaul.rar/file]I know i misspelled it...[/url]


    Dug in the crates a bit and updated on of my favorites from a few years ago. An original stage with animations, superjump, looped bgm and zoom. I added added more height to the sprites to increase the superjump. The 1.0 jump was kinda low and the 1.1 with zoom was non existent. Lol! Well...click and enjoy!

  2. 2 hours ago, Dumanios said:



    "He'll be fine, I'd be more worried about the crook."



    That's exactly what I meant...


    2 hours ago, Dumanios said:



    "Lightflare, do you think someone else should go after him too?"



    No. That won't be necessary. The guards are more than capable of handling a pickpocket. Not to mention Sasuke's clone is on his heels as well. The poor guy doesn't have a chance. I hope what he rook was worth the risk. The only chance that guy has is if another portal monster showed up and distracted the guards. Heh...of course then he may not escape that either. That thing we went against was fast AND strong. 

  3. On 6/18/2020 at 1:55 PM, Dumanios said:

    Sasuke heard the commotion that had occurred. He summoned a shadow clone to follow the crook while he walked over to the noble and asked him if he was alright.



    That was quick thinking, Sasake.


    On 6/17/2020 at 11:43 PM, Darkflare said:


    (What that a robbery? In broad daylight?)



    You took care of your delivery?


    LightFlare, speaking in a low tone inquired about the statues of Lilith's assignment as he listened to guards conversation with Sasuke and the Noble.

  4. [PREVIEW]












    We be hiding Flashes, bruh.


    I'm back on my SNES ish, bruh! This time I'm bringing you stages from a cool little fighter called Battle Tycoon: Flash Hiders FX. That name tho...Anyway they come with superjump, animations, parallax, looped bgm and zoom for the 1.1 versions. Speaking of those, I experimented with an odd resolution for those. Kinda reminiscent of the original game. That's why I didn't include photos and vids of them all cuz the 1.0 varies enough from the 1.1 versions that I felt I had to either showcase them all or just one of each type. I chose the later...enjoy! 

  5. 22 hours ago, A person said:

    As the group was busy browsing the gift shop, some shouting could be heard just outside of it, as if a scuffle had just broken out among the nobility present.



    Noble: Fiend! Get your filthy hands off of me!

    Something could be heard getting snatched, and then snapping, followed by the sounds of footsteps rushing away from the scene.



    Noble: Guards! GUARDS! Stop that man!



    (What's going on? Is it another monster?)


    LightFlare heads outside...

  6. [PREVIEW]














    Are you sure you wanna stop here?


    Wutz gud? I'm back at it like and addict. Took a detour from the SNES for a bit to drop this jewel on ya. Comes with animations, superjump, looped bgm, parrallax, stage zoom and zoom delta. Thanks to homies at NEWAGE for the source. It's two vids but it's the same stage, so don't trip. Imma see ya'll round. Enjoy.

  7. [PREVIEW]






















































    Master of Battle


    Wutz gud? I'm still on my SNES chizz. Got dem Battle Master stages for the low res fiends. Comes wit the usual stuff. Superjump, looped bgm, zoom and animations. Thanks again to Davias for all the sprite rips except Hong Kong. I got those from Cenobite. Go head and cop'em!

  8. 24 minutes ago, A person said:

    As they made their way out of the store, Penelope was doing her best to hide her excitement at her newfound weaponry; even if they were toys, she was going to make them as deadly as the real thing! But if they were heading to another shop, she was going to have to find an interesting one. She glanced around, and looked for somewhere interesting to go.




    Penelope: Mmm...I'm not sure where I want to go...all of these places look so interesting!



    Well then...let's browse as many as we can then, hun!


    Melina and Penny browse the various shops in the area while waiting on the others to return.


    19 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


    Lilith proceeded to walk toward the shop



    "I'm just going to deliver a letter to the shopkeeper, Light. I doubt there will be anything interesting happening."



    "And then...she died..."



    Hahaha! Just kidding. But even if something did jump off, we'd have your back. We can just check out the souvenirs while you handle business. Don't want any portal monsters getting the drop on you. Heh...


    LightFlare follows Lilith to the shop.

  9. 18 minutes ago, A person said:

    Without a moment of hesitation, Penelope proceeded to nab both the boxing gloves and a sword she thought looked super cool, then brought them over to Melina. Ooooh, her plans were coming together really well!




    Penelope: Hehe, thanks, Melina! I'll make sure I train a lot!



    Melina pays for the items and heads out the store.



    I'm sure LightFlare and the gang will be back soon. Lets check out some of the other shops.

  10. 18 hours ago, A person said:



    Penelope: How about...we get both, and then I can become the ultimate fighter?! Maybe I could even fight in tournaments to make money, too!



    Now were talking! You're gonna be Miss Ultimate Fighter in not time! Why don'tcha grab them both and follow me to the register. I'll take care of the bill, love! 


    Melina heads towards the register.


    18 hours ago, A person said:


    Royal Guard 1: Very well, I ask that you keep your distance.


    The other guard was clearly suspicious of the group, but hadn't said anything.




    Roger that...


    18 hours ago, A person said:


    Royal Guard 1: Turn around and look for the sign that shows a gift box, and you will find the souvenir shop. I do not know if the shop is open at the moment, but they may be willing to sell something despite the castle being off-limits.


    The other guard remained silent, but was clearly watching them closely. 



    A giant gift box shouldn't be hard to miss. Thanks for the help...


    LightFlare gives the guards a slight nod before surveying the area looking for the gift shop. As luck would have it, it was within his immediate vicinity.



    Looks like we're in luck, guys. There's a shop with a large gift box over there. After you, Lilith...

  11. [PREVIEW]































    Battle Blaze bruh...


    And I'm back again. Mo SNES chizz for ya. A few Battle Blaze stages for the low res fiends out there. The come with my trademark specs. Superjump, looped bgm, animtions and zoom. Man I love these old soundtracks...Shout out to Davias for the sprite rips. That guys a saint. Click the link and get at me, bruh.

  12. On 4/23/2020 at 12:58 PM, A person said:

    Penelope: Now that you mention it...they might've already started a search for me. I'm enjoying my time here and all, but...I do miss my parents. I don't wanna have them so worried about me...

    In that moment, her eyes caught sight of an aisle that held what looked to be a stockpile of swords and sticks for pretend play, and she stopped for a moment to look over at it, thoughts of what she could do coming to her mind. But since most of them were foam, she realized that there probably wasn't much she could do with some foam or plastic swords...so she continued along, trying to find something she could carry with her. Maybe something that reminded her of home? Or was that a bad idea? Maybe being reminded of home was a bad idea...ahhh, they had to have something they could get in this shop!


    Melina could tell that the young girl was little bit conflicted. She didn't want to discourage Penny. It was then she noticed that Penny's eyes glanced at the plastic swords down the aisle...



    I undertand. Hey I noticed you checking out those swords. You still thinking about learning how to fight, huh? Well, those swords wouldn't be much use in a real fight, but I imagine they'd work just fine for sparring. Of course you'd need a instructor. I'm more of a hand to hand fighter myself. 


    Melina then notices some small boxing gloves...



    Now those gloves in the other hand...are right up my alley. They're meant for kids, but they can be useful. I could show you a few moves to defend yourself. Who knows....maybe there's some hidden potential you'll unlock like in those "Drakon Sphere Zii" animes. Hahaha!




    You can even grab the swords. Who knows? You may meet someone who can show you how to use them.

    On 4/23/2020 at 12:58 PM, A person said:

    As the group approached the raised drawbridge, the guards seemed to notice them and raised their hands. With the armor they wore and the weapons they wielded, it was obvious that they were royal guards. One of them spoke up.

    Royal Guard 1: Halt, state your names and business. The King has requested that there be no audiences unless there is an urgent matter to discuss.



    Excuse me, sirs. My name is LightFlare. My friend Lilith here works for Darkflare, CEO of the Warriors Hangout. She has delivery to make. Lilith, would you mind explaining furher?

  13. 16 hours ago, Darkflare said:


    "I wouldn't recommend trying to force your memories back. Sounds like something is blocking those particular details on purpose."



    "Well,....the other thing I can think of is you're having the memories of another you, but to be honest that is just reaching too far."



    Given your situation I'd say it's not out of the realm of possibly. That...and the current events. 


    The group draw closer to the caslte. LightFlare can see the castle entrance ahead.



    Looks like we're getting close. Lilith, do you see your destination ahead?

  14. 15 hours ago, Noside said:

    Man this looks so good, thought it was a DW fullgame.


    Lol! Thanks, Edison. Yea...that was by design. I wanted to use chars from the game in the vidz. Once I seen the special intros, competitive AI and the special win poses I had to use them.

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