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Posts posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW]






    It's like Times Square but in Japan...


    So this one is special. This stage is a labor of love Hatter worked on sporadically for almost a decade. When he started sharing the beginning sketches I knew that I wanted to code this stage. So, when he came to me and asked me to hook it up, I was ready to get to it. I'm very proud and pleased to share this with you. It was an honor to make this, and it's always cool working with Hatter. We've made quite a few original stages together, and I hope you get to enjoy them all someday. For now, check out this gem. Enjoy!


    On 1/29/2023 at 4:22 PM, catysexmaster33 said:

    hi. whenever i try to launch i get error code.


    Error message:
    BG error reading stages\Classroom.def

    Library error message: Error reading sprite stages/Classroom.sff


    please if u can help me please do i am on 1.1




    Not sure what's going on on your end, buddy. But I took this pic before I posted.


    On that note, I may try to make a different resolution for these.

  3. On 12/6/2022 at 2:00 PM, CoolAnimeHustler said:

    ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- This Is A Really Awesome Stage Concept! You Truly Captured The True Essence Of Life In The Big City! I Love City Themed MUGEN Stages And You Hit This One Out Of The Park, Yo! This Is A 10/10 In My Book! LOL! I'm A Low Res Type Of Dude And I Was Wondering If There Will Be A MUGEN 1.0 Version In The Future? As Always, Great Stage Concept And Keep Being Awesome, @LightFlare_Da_Realest ! (o^.^)-b

    Thanks for support!

  4. 21 hours ago, Meldo said:

    added. also replaced the link for Takazaki's Anji as it's no longer online.

    Do you have Eddie?Zato-1 from anything from GGX to GGAC? The current file containing Muteki's is just palettes.

  5. [PREVIEW]




















    Decided a drop a little jewel I've been holding on to for a bit. This time a very cool game that was ahead of it's time and really didn't get the love it deserved. Weaponlord. All the stages come with super jump and animations with the 1.1 having zoom features. Thanks to Maxim(who I believe is Davismaximus in the mugen community) for the original sprites. Click the link and enjoy!

  6. [PREVIEW]






















    Above is a video of a stage I've been working on with a good friend of mine, Lasombra Demon. He's making waves in the Ikemen community, and has made a ton of cool stages already. The original sprites were provided by Omega, and were used in he creation of the 1.0 and 1.1 versions. Then  later edited and coupled with other resources for the IkemenGo version. But with this, I think we have put together something very cool and unique. This certainly isn't the first interactive stage done, but LD ascertains interactivity has never been used with this level of detail.

    Furthermore, this can be used with any character. No code editing, just plug and play. Yes, I know the graphics are not even HD. But I'm nonetheless confident that you'll agree; it's a beautiful stage. And much of its beauty resides in its potential for creating some of the most epic battles. Let's discuss the features:

    -Parallax, zoom, deltas and the usual tweaks I incorporate. (1.0/1.1)
    -Changes from day to night and back around continuously, including a special moon shadow effect during the night. (IkemenGo Only)
    -A base form and 3 levels of destruction! The stage be destroyed by level 3 Supers (or level 2 in case of HDBZ chars), or finishing a round with a super move. The destruction implies damage to the ring, building and trees, flames that intensify with each level of destruction (giving out a special shade on characters), and a music change. (IkemenGo Only)

    That's about it, guys. Click the link and give it your all in the Budokai arena!

  7. [PREVIEW]








    Our final stop in Southtown is to see the real Boss. The man so cool that naming him after one goose was not enough. Geese's office serves as the place of the final battle in Art of Fighting 2. The 1.0 version is basic and I add delta's, parallax and zoom to the 1.1 version. This is it! Time to go all out! Enjoy!

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