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Everything posted by Scrombo

  1. I forgot about Ryon's tutorials. They're actually really good in my opinion. I learned a lot from them. Hi, boss.
  2. Seadragon.... I like it. Welcome, Seadragon. If you really want to create things, you'll have to start small. I'm starting to make a few things, but I'm still new to the Mugen scene. There are tutorials and such, so good luck on any future endeavors.
  3. 1. If you could change the color of the sky, would you? 2. If yes, what color?
  4. 1. Versus mode is strictly for 2 human players, but in Watch mode, you can choose your characters and fight against the cpu. Right before the match starts, press ctrl 1 to control player 1's characters. If you have more than 1 character on that side, you have to do it whenever you start a round with a new character. 2. I think there are tutorials for arcade order. I'll try to see if I can find any. Videos between every fight sadly isn't possible if I'm not mistaken. There are ways to make intros and endings, but I think that's it. I don't know how to make those either. 3. Are you referring to palettes? If so, then try to follow these steps: Step A. Download your palettes Step B. Put them in the character folder of the character you have the palettes for (For example, let's say you got some palettes for Ryu. Put those palettes in the Ryu character folder. {Sometimes characters have a folder for palettes inside, so you can put them there too. Step C. Just like installing a character in the select file for Mugen, install the palettes by typing them in the def file [Look in the character's def file until you see "pal 1 = blahblahblah.act. Your character should usually only have 12 palettes available at a time. act files are the palette files, so write the name of the palettes you want to install. For example, if you palette is called "Basic," write pal 2 = Basic.act. If there is a palette you don't want, you can replace it with another by writing a different name. So if you wanted to replace a pal with Basic, just write it on the line like usual] Step D. Save your changes to the def file and open Mugen. BEFORE entering battle, you should know that every attack button corresponds to a palette. Usually... Pal 1 = A button Pal 2 = B Pal 3 = C Pal 4 = X Pal 5 = Y Pal 6 = Z Pal 7 = Hold Start and A Pal 8 = Start and B Pal 9 = Start and C Pal 10 = Start and X Pal 11 = Start and Y Pal 12 = Start and Z Sorry if this sounds complicated. I'm bad at explaining things. If you have any more questions, I'll try to answer. Best of luck to you. Edit: Oops, looks like someone beat me to the punch. Thanks, SSBK.
  5. I like you already. Welcome! I'm also fairly new, but I can safely say that you made it to the right place.
  6. Welcome! There are plenty of tutorials depending on what you want to make.
  7. 1. Netflix or Hulu? 2. Are you a man named Brawl?
  8. That feel you feel when you make your first palette, but you feel you can improve, but at the same time you feel like a b0ss. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      #ThugLife Man it feels good to be a(Palette) gangsta :)

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Hells yes.  That's the feels that drives the mugens. :)

    4. Scrombo


      @SSBK - Thank you for the nice words. People like you make me happy to be a part of this forum.

      @Cook and RBH - Yes, definitely!

  9. Welcome, Xero. Please enjoy your stay. I like the name, by the way
  10. Why don't you start small with a character people know about? Have you considered doing an analysis on a certain version of Kung Fu Man? There are plenty of Kung Fu Men out there, so you could choose a certain version you like.
  11. I actually think that's not a bad idea! I would dig a few videos about in-depth Mugen character analysis. You have my thumbs up!
  12. Besides Ash, is there anyone else in the anime that gets on your nerves?
  13. 20+ hours of coding to get the bob-omb mechanics working sounds like it was a pretty rough and tiring thing to do. Can't wait for the video preview! I noticed you said that both Wario and his opponent can hit the bob-omb around the screen. Does this mean that the explosion can hurt Wario if the bob-omb explodes near him?
  14. The sprites come from "Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden" for the Nintendo 3DS.
  15. As long as you put effort in, I won't complain. I like a good challenge. >:) Although I have to admit, I don't remember ever facing a Broly with monster AI, but I rustle my opponents' jimmies whenever I use him myself. I'm already excited for Goku, so too late, Ax. :p He won't disappoint.
  16. The Oozaru sprites and ideas sound awesome. If you don't think you can make a golden palette for him, then I think it wouldn't be too bad to just keep the original colors. Another option is providing a template for Oozaru and having someone voluntarily make a Golden Oozaru palette...... but then again maybe someone could do that after Goku is released since everything is open source. Take your time on the coding. The more time you take, the better it will shape up to be.
  17. It's basically.... actually, I don't know myself..... maybe it has something to do with barnacles???
  18. Did someone say "free?" I'm interested. Least favorite Pokemon in terms of design?
  19. Thanks for the stage, Ryoucchi. ExShadow is among my favorite stage creators ever.
  20. I'm hype for this release! This is shaping up to be a good character. With this much hard work and enthusiasm, you can make your characters shine through and through. Also thanks for complimenting my idea. Don't forget to credit the owners of those resources. That's pretty important stuff. Have a positive attitude. Let's turn that "if" to a "when." You can do it! I'll LEND YOU MY POWER!!
  21. It's thrilling to meet nice people in this community. That in itself is fun for me. I want to help people improve and see their creations come to fruition, so your Wario thread is a prime example of why I love this community so much. The pleasure's all mine! :)
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