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Everything posted by Scrombo

  1. I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T SEE YOUR POST! A couple of years ago (maybe 2013 or so), I saw a video, I think it was a top 10? Anyway, the guy mentioned "Mugen." I was curious, so I did some searching and found a channel named "Mugenlord." I then looked for forums and I found this site. The rest is history. 69. No, seriously.
  2. Thanks for the wonderful opportunity, RMH! I owe ya one, bro! I wish. I'll just have to stick with boring ol' Chris. 1. Yes, please! 2. I would love to make an SvK styled Wii Fit Trainer. She would have options to play as multiple styles. Don't like SvK? No problem! There are options to play with her in PotS style, SF3, KOF 2002, UMvC3, etc. Sortof like Akuma by Mr. Ansatsuken, where before the fight, you could choose how you want him to play. I have a lot of ideas right now. Someday, I hope to actually try my hand at creating things. Nope, but I wouldn't mind being introduced to this. I don't even know what it is, but it sounds cool.
  3. I've had a sweet spot for train stages for quite a time now. This is a real treat. Thanks, SSBK!
  4. I might've not known you for long, but you were a true blessing here in the Mugen community. Goodbye, bro. Thanks for all of your contributions. Thanks to you, I made my first palette, and I'll never forget it. Take care.
  5. Thanks for the psych resources! I might check it out when I have some free time :) I also love your Duke and Spawn. They're in my rosters currently. 1. Do you like robots more or monkeys more? 2. Favorite dessert?
  6. Wow, I'm actually taking a psychology class in college for this semester. When editing a character, what are some common problems you come across? (Examples, misaligned sprites, debug flood, etc.)
  7. I remember I when I watched this anime. Probably one of the first times I saw a nipple in an anime. Good times....... I remember I liked the lady with the orange hair (Rei, was it?). Saeko was cool, but I had a thing for the redhead. That sounds like a good idea if it was a little OVA or a cameo or something. I'd actually be pretty excited to see something like that happen.
  8. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I go to this site and my sorrows wash away. Man, I love these forums.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrombo


      Galvatron, glad to know I'm not alone :-)

      Brawl, thank you so much for this.


    3. 00EccoTenshi


      MFFA is without a doubt an awesome community.

    4. Big Green

      Big Green

      People call this a second home for a reason.

  9. Laying down the technicalities, I see. I like it! Now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense. Plus this game and its predecessor are being hosted on a Nintendo console/handheld. I hope we get to see more Nintendo characters soon! Just imagine someone like Bowser or Ganon as a boss unit!
  10. Interesting answer. :) 1. What's your opinion on the K.I. franchise? Which one do you like the most? 2. Which one of Wario's hypers are you most excited about/is your favorite so far?
  11. I've felt this feeling before, so I totally understand you guys. Of course, it goes without saying that you can take all the time you need. Thanks to both of you for the amazing palettes already. Also, thanks for those tutorials, Batros. Thanks to you, I made my first palettes! Hope you guys can get out of that feeling soon. Trust me, it sucks when you're unmotivated to do anything.
  12. Thanks for participating, Omega! RMH, What do you think is the hardest aspect of making a character/edit?
  13. Capcom confirmed Karen as a character in Street Fighter 5. She looks good, and the new stage looks great in my opinion.

    Thank you based Capcom.

  14. What characters do you want to see as dlc for MKX?
  15. Saw the K.O.F XIV teaser trailer. I'm actually pretty hyped for it. For you guys hating the graphics, keep in mind the game could be in very early development. Remember the first time we saw Street Fighter 4 and 5? Give SNK some time. They might not disappoint.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scrombo


      I do have to admit that the models look rather bad, and as the boss said, Kyo does have some awkward movements. I still want to have faith in SNK. I've never actually played a K.O.F, but this is a chance to try one out. Fingers crossed that things get better soon.

    3. Noside


      I'm a KOF veteran and believe me, this ain't getting my attention.

    4. Cayne


      Capcom vs Snk 3 would have made more sense, but SNK wasnt trying to share since they havent beem doing so great. I havent played a KoF since PS2.

  16. 1. Favorite color? 2. Favorite fighting style? (MVC, CVS, etc.)
  17. Welcome, DO11! We're always happy to accept new members!
  18. Scrombo


    I had trouble taking that thing down. Whitney's Miltank gives me Vietnam flashbacks. If Miltank could Mega Evolve, would it just grow another udder?
  19. I think these look great! I like how the colors pop out. Very impressed so far. Keep up the good work. :)
  20. Thanks for the wonderful news, Chomp! :p I'm very glad that I'm not the only one who wants more Newgrounds Rumble characters.
  21. Pokemon characters: Chesnaught Aggron Ampharos Floatzel Haxaurus Marvel characters: X-23 Dormammu Rescue
  22. Take all the time you need, brother. Refurbishing sprites doesn't sound easy. No matter how much time you take, I'll be patiently waiting. My body is still ready :) P.S. For the fourth time, really? Wow! You really are a hard worker.
  23. Coded a webpage for an assignment on my web class in college. So far, coding isn't too bad. Maybe I can start fiddling with some code in some Mugen creations. I might be able to get some interesting results.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scrombo


      Thank you! I appreciate the comment. I've always wanted to know how computers work. Sure it might be hard at first, but I think I can pursue a career that utilizes this knowledge. Good luck with you career! I'm sure I won't regret this potential career choice.

    3. Demitri


      teach me everything you know

    4. Алексей


      @Ballsdeep69, No problem! Thanks, it's been going well thus far.

      @Genesis, I'm a horrible teacher :|

  24. Oh-ho-hoooo that gay fish gave me nightmares. 1. Favorite fighting style? (MVC, CVS, Melty Blood, etc.) 2. Any favorite Mugen stages?
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