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Everything posted by Scrombo

  1. Pressing QCF MK and HK at the same time makes Wario do a glitchy (but oddly entertaining) dance, but this only works with these 2 kicks pressed together, strangely.
  2. Happy birthday, Ryon! Hope you have a good one!

  3. Welcome back, DarkWolf! Hope things are okay. I certainly missed you. Edit: Forgot to capitalize the "W" in "DarkWolf." Silly me.
  4. Welcome, BlackFired! I hope you enjoy your stay, mi amigo!
  5. Welcome, CoolAnimeHustler! Hope you enjoy your stay.
  6. Welcome, France_Swa! We'll appreciate your future contributions to the Mugen community! Hope you have fun!
  7. Happy birthday, Sweetfire! Hope it's a *ahem* SWEET day for you. AHAHAH...But seriously, happy birthday, brother.

  8. As a fairly new user, I've grown extremely attached to this forum. It's a second home, and it would be unfathomable to see it gone. I'm glad it's staying for now, but I will miss you, Ryon. I haven't chatted with you, but I've seen your creations and interactions in the forums, which convinces me that you are a very important person in the community. See you later, brother. Slightly off topic, are you guys still taking donations? I want to help as much as I can (even though I have no money at the moment, but I might have some to spare in the future).
  9. Happy birthday, Dumanios! Hope you're having fun!

  10. Happy birthday!

  11. I believe. Thanks for the kind words. One of the reasons I love these forums so much. It's like a second home. I did see a lot of influence from other Gokus, including Z2. The effects you used brought instant nostalgia. By the way, if you don't want credit, then who should I credit in case I want to host your Goku on another site, edit him, etc? Or should I just not give credit at all? Glad Goku is open source, though. I might actually start editing him on my spare time to learn a few things, maybe fix a bug or two. It'll be a fun project. Can't wait for anything else you might be cooking up behind the scenes!
  12. YOU'RE BACK! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! ....Ahem, I mean, welcome back, Lord Batros! That Gambit palette looks really good.
  13. Scrombo


    Thank you for this, based Capcom. Although I never played MvC2.
  14. Thanks for the treat, Vibrant/ExShadow!
  15. Likewise. Even if your Goku isn't perfect, it's VERY fun to use. I get an adrenaline rush from hearing Goku scream and grunt while doing these over-the-top moves. This breathes DBZ. This represents Goku in an op, but oddly satisfying way. The wait was definitely worth it. Thanks for the release, Ax! Mugen has become a passion for me. That's why I feel sort of unworthy of using the great creations people make, but it's fun. I can come to Mugen and fight my sadness and frustrations away. It's a blessing.....AND IT'S FREE! Someday, I'll contribute to the community. I actually beta-tested a character for the first time. It was really fun! Back on topic, your Goku is on my top 3 favorite Gokus, maybe even my favorite. No, seriously (Team Z2 is a close 2nd. No offense, guys).
  16. Welcome, Isabella! Hope you're enjoying you stay in the forums.
  17. It may be your birthday, but thanks for the gift! Happy birthday, Excahm!
  18. Shhhhhh......patience is key, my dear. (It's a W.I.P. [work in progress]) On topic, I love that Splatoon hyper! Those Inkling sprites look very good, and I like how the opponent is covered in orange from the hyper!
  19. Hope you guys had a safe and fun day today! 

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