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Artoria Alter

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Everything posted by Artoria Alter

  1. Pseudo-GG playstyle (P,K, S,HS, with some custom stuff) http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31697913 https://yahoo.jp/box/7XpnEn
  2. Other characters also updated. http://u6.getuploader.com/falljohn/
  3. Finally finished the CCC event on my and on my friends account!


    Well technically need to do some other stuff on the other account but I beat the main bosses there.

  4. Maki link leads to a login screen.
  5. Well, it's pseudo melty like Kira's other characters, best gameplay feel but also somewhat overpowered.
  6. Turn off AI by searching config in Emiya.cns and changing the AI setting from on to off Currently in alpha http://ux.getuploader.com/kira_download/
  7. I miss British Rocket.


    I miss the pre-movie 00's aesthetic of the GotG in general. It annoys me how they decided to just change the comic ones to be more similar to the movie ones when they should be their own thing.

  8. The last time this character this was updated was last year. Not really news.
  9. http://mubouna.web.fc2.com/mugen.html It's Spencer, but a fish-head, and needs ammo to do stuff
  10. Updated. Now works properly even in 1.0/win. I kinda feel warm and fuzzy seeing him credit me in the def
  11. The problem is they tried to do a realistic style and suck at it. They should have done what they did for 3 and make it more comic/cartoon styled. Artstyle is better than raw graphics, so it at least would have looked better if stylized. Other than Zero, most of the leak seems true. And MH monster in one of the cutscenes pretty much confirms the involvement of a Hunter somehow. No log trap, no AAAAAAAAAAAAAARM, Nova less hype, 0/10
  12. Wait. Sheriff Woody has a last name?

    His full name is Woody Pride?


    Sounds like a euphemism

  13. One of the folders in the character files has an alternate snd with her voices already though
  14. One of these days someone needs to devise a permanent solution to the multipost bug

  15. https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kokoronoheionwomotometudukeru https://onedrive.live.com/?id=72E038BB10B52804!368&cid=72E038BB10B52804
  16. Keijo manga got cancelled. RIP

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darkflare


      Oh, that's Keijo?


      On the contrary, the world has been made a better place.

    3. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL!

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Good, die in a hole.

  17. Finally, another SCWU character. Been like...10 years since Moldredd's Rario? And one of the ones I really like too, being a full Zengar reference
  18. http://www.geocities.jp/masa19930604/mugen.html http://ux.getuploader.com/28nchamugen/
  19. It's a full FGO sprite rip. Though characters after around...America chapter don't have sprite rips because DW blocked people from doing that. She's updated, has voices now and her final super
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