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Artoria Alter

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Everything posted by Artoria Alter

  1. http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFwm07J#list/path=%2FAnTor_M [Mugen_Char] New Update 代理人物【师匠-斯卡哈】(作者:红裙氏) Updated (on reddosukato's onedrive) http://blog.livedoor.jp/reddosukato/archives/72179422.html https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!ALtQ-jZNvCj2RL4&id=E5195C5F369022BE!234&cid=E5195C5F369022BE To switch AI off, go to Scathacha_AI and and change Trigger14 to 0
  2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B55OblikvYhgeWxudi1YbGNJck0 Kokoro by Shey
  3. Does the boss version have AI?
  4. Leave the nico link because the author likes to constantly just swap the link on his videos rather than just posting the updates on a separate site/twitter.
  5. Sendai Miko by hinnnyuuha updated. 7/3 (same link as already in list)
  6. Four main attack buttons, also has a homing dash among other mechanics http://ux.getuploader.com/bagilu0150/
  7. Currently at version 0.90 バベッジ https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C8E8765CC9C6845D!504&cid=C8E8765CC9C6845D https://twitter.com/J0w0wei
  8. http://ux.getuploader.com/kujounao/ https://onedrive.live.com/?id=93D1B8A3663AAFAB!176&cid=93D1B8A3663AAFAB Only works in winmugen. Haphazard way of making it work in 1.0 and above: change every displaytoclipboard to null (or delete the whole things)
  9. My X key is broken. Remapped it to a redundant key for typing and other functions, but my general laptop keyboard gaming is fucked (especially MUGEN)

  10. Other characters also updated. http://u6.getuploader.com/falljohn/
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