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Artoria Alter

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Everything posted by Artoria Alter

  1. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm37850443 http://goodgreengrass.blog.fc2.com/ Pseudo DBFZ style Djeeta with a Goku voice




    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I remember Goeniko being official before in a pachislot. Now she has company.

    2. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Yay!!!, finally it happened, my waifu is now in KOF AllStar.

  3. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ydnbxs8q26e0w6h/mh_lifebar.rar/file MH Frontier lifebars for winmugen + by Luneth
  4. https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AHqVcGT5zN1VUtU&id=E7674E3D8A2510B5!187&cid=E7674E3D8A2510B5
  5. The dropbox link seems to be dead, I would like a reupload if possible. Thanks.
  6. Aw Zun got beaten by Monokuma and Wright


  7. SFV is finally gonna be in a price that's worth it. Just have to wait til Feb

  8. SWSH can brick your system and corrupt your SD card.


    Jesus this is getting to Bethesda levels

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      I think we're in the age where video games can kill your SD card and the age where video game companies are corrupted assholes, no matter the situation.

    3. Mister Fael
    4. Astolfo2001


      I still will never buy SWSH as long as I live.

  9. Uses motions instead of charge https://ux.getuploader.com/bagilu0150/
  10. I'm back, probably won't post reports again since I'm extremely out of the loop and I have a lot of catching up to do.


    Anything good I miss?

    1. Gaulbetti
    2. DXfactory


      I mean, I wouldn't say you missed anything good, but you've probably missed a few things here and there.


      MugenMultiverse.Webstarts.com went down recently, along with RandomSelect.Pyiim.net

      Exclaimation_Question has retired from MUGEN due to family issues and all that


      Not sure what else... to really bring up worth mentioning.

  11. Alice Margatroid D4 by aka65535 released 11/12/17 http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm32255247 https://yahoo.jp/box/QVPZAE (if yahoo link doesn't work check the nico link and click the third yahoo link, that's where it's being updated,video description is still accessible even without nico account)
  12. lol, right when I was making the thread too. She's great
  13. Updated, now has strikers MVC3 style kinda, 3 main buttons and launcher
  14. Avenger of Shinjuku/Hessian Lobo released by Minatomaru 10/22/17 https://ux.getuploader.com/2580852580/
  15. Nope, not accurate at all. Actual game has one button combos/supers and such.
  16. Jaguar (Kemono Fight) released by ZETA 10/16/17 https://ux.getuploader.com/zzzz_mugen_char/ 4 buttons, lmh launcher
  17. Kadokawa fired Tatsuki, the director/writer behind the success of Kemono Friends.


    Japanese Twitter is comparing this to Kojima being fired from Konami

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- N-N-NANI!!!??? Noooooooooooo!! T_T

    2. Zzyzzyxx


      At the moment, 942,000 tweets with the hashtag たつき監督 (Tatsuki Director), and they don't stop showing up.

  18. updated, AI patch within character folder itself, check inside AIパッチ and paste the contents to main folder
  19. Remember that time Sonic went to a Hooters?



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