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Everything posted by Dan

  1. I used to play it alot, it was fun with 4 players, also customizable
  2. Finally got W10, works good for now

    1. Superkingkong65


      How good is recording Mugen with the screen recorder W10 comes with? No FPS Drop, Some FPS Drop, Half of the FPS is gone, or Hypercam FPS Drop(meaning 98.5% of the FPS is gone)?

    2. Dan


      It says i can't record cause hardware.

  3. Why is W10 so hard to install?

    but i think finally i got it going on, need to leave it all the night downloading.

    1. Doomguy


      Thou hast doomed thyself.

    2. Noside


      I suggest you keep W7 just in case you have it.

  4. Windows 10 Users question: does the upgrade whipe all your HDD in order to upgrade to W10? or everything keeps in place?, sorry if i can't spell the question right

    1. Kazagami


      Toaster told me his files are gone when his OS upgraded itself to Win 10...


      Better backup or not upgrading (from what i've been told Win 10 is also kinda shitty)

    2. Doomguy


      This just in: WinX is only vulnerable to fire. Attack it's weak point for massive damage!

  5. Got a blue screen for playing Blazblue Chronophantasma Extend and then pluggin my Xbox 360 controller, WTF happened there?

  6. i bought BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend!!

    1. Dan


      Haven't played yet, still downloading it

      (BTW my internet is not very good, i need to leave it all the night)

      ((BTW2 I got it on +10% discount because i already bought the first game (Blazblue: Calamity Trigger)))

      (((BTW3 I'm questioning me why i use the () too much)))

  7. So finally Leonardo Dicaprio wins a oscar?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      After how long!? 

    3. SnipingRaptor


      20+ years later and he finally got man. this day was awesome

    4. Big Green

      Big Green

      The world is ending.

  8. Finally bought Slowpoke theme:goodmood:


  9. TFW you want to listen music for hours but all of yours headphones are broken

  10. Still my avatar can't GIF

  11. Why my avatar can't GIF?

  12. I used to play alot with the Megaman MVC characters, but i suddenly didn't like them now, since i mostly prefer the grapplers / pure atack characters.
  13. Suddenly square avatas

    1. Solarflared


      Apparently circle avatars are too expensive.

  14. Dan

    We have Ad's!

    Still can't see any ad.
  15. 1 day after Street Fighter V on Steam and 60% Negative votes already...nice job Capcom, you did it again.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Alot of them some salty, inferiority complex muh fuckahs. But they fucked up ugly with no arcade mode. Alot of people dont even fuck with that online bullshit.

    3. Doomguy


      SFV's console release better have Arcade mode, or I'll be pissed.


  16. Dan

    We have Ad's!

    Where are them?, i can't see the ads anywhere and i don't have adblock.
  17. I have a lot of Terrys, about 17 of them. (Sadly i can't do a list, my CHARS folder is all messy with bad/not used characters)
  18. More 3D stages, Awesome!
  19. Should do i SFM?

    1. Galvatron


      Yes if you want to try it out. its alittle more complicated then Gmod but it has beautiful effects. :-)

      if you want some inspiration check-out this thread I made: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/25402-gmodgarrys-mod-sfmsource-film-maker-videos/


      ...also check out this one made by Mister Fael:


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