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Everything posted by Dan

  1. does anyone have the link for this girl? (the cat one) every link for her is dead. please.
  2. I accidentally the universe...
  3. -almost every Sagat -Mr shihan ky (taunt ftw!) -Warusaki3's Dan Hibiki -S.Y.D Kung fu girl -Ambasa Kyoko Type P
  4. I have the whole computer on that folder
  5. I say hey!, whats going on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Oh my God do I try!

    3. Noside
    4. Galvatron


      ..."what a wonderful kind of da".... wait what I'm saying! LOL! XD

  6. hi , im DanTH and im new here, sorry for my bad english since im form mexico, also im new to mugen so im not very good at mugen creations
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