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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "I see I'm blessed with the presence of the hero of Kalos. Finally realized there's no competition for you at the Bottom....or perhaps you finally lost and came for some serious training." "Lilith, was it?" "Mm-hm. I wanted to meet you, because I needed to see if it was possible to be more than just....you know." "A mere clone? I don't let it bother me, I don't even care about that detail. With that said..." "I can understand why you would think we're the same, but the truth is I don't believe that's quite right." "I know we're from different worlds, but we're the results of essentially the same project. So why do you think we're not the same?" "Memories of that project are very hazy for me, but I have a few theories. I'm sorry to force this on you, but please allow Hisui to analyze you." "Huh? Analyze me?" "It would clear up a few doubts in my mind. She's just going to follow you for a while. Just act normally." ("That won't be so easy knowing I got something stalking me....") "HEY YOU!" Anna approached Lightflare clearly in a bad mood as she forcefully handed him a card. "I can't believe you ignored me so easily. You need that member card while you're here or you won't be allowed to do anything. Don't lose it!" After handing the card, Anna went back to the front desk. "Oh? I see you wanted the full course after I let you use those prototypes."
  2. "You said Darkflare was attending to a team drill. It's safe to assume then that he's in the underground areas then." "That would be correct." "When can I meet him then?" "..." "I cannot answer that for certain. Flare-sama is very busy running this facility. There is no guarantee that he will have time." "I just need a moment, that's all. How long until he's done with that drill?" "While I can't give an exact time, based on previous similar drills and the time that has passed, he should be done in about a few minutes. However, even so, I still cannot guarantee that he will be available." "That's fine. Like I said, I only need a moment." "I thought you were going to clear it up with Darkflare." "But I guess you realize he's not going to crack so easily. All right, let's begin." Anna proceeded to take out a form. "Please carefully review and fill out this form. When you're done, I'll take it and your payment and have you registered." After several minutes, the elevator door would open as a small group would step out from there. "As usual, I'll have the video sent to you and your team so that you may review." "But I must say, it was a close match. It's getting harder and harder to point out what could be improved. In the end, it's a matter of remaining calm under pressure. One rash move could be costly." "I understand, but even so we must continue to sharpen our steel. As always, we appreciate the opportunity you offer us to do so." "I'm just doing my job. You guys have it tougher than me in the end. Don't forget to schedule another appointment." Lilith noted the group that came out easily targeting a specific individual out of it. There was no doubt in her mind... "You're Darkflare, right?" Lilith tried to approach him, but the mecha maid quickly blocked her path. The man only known as Darkflare simply made a gesture for his maid to stand aside as she complies and stands to the side still wary of Lilith's actions. "Seems like you were looking for me. So what is it? Specialized training or perhaps a particular job you have to offer?" "I'm...not from around here. I've traveled from another world hearing word about you, I wanted to see if there was any truth to it. And.... sense my aura, you'll understand better." ("This is going to be a long day...")
  3. "The only information we provide is the same information the bounty gives gives us. Any additional information must be acquired by those who wish to pursue the bounty." The mecha maid leads the group toward the front of an elevator and escalator. "As mentioned before we also provide training regiments. The underground levels have additional arenas but also have specialized training equipment. This equipment is designed to focus on a particular aspect during your training such as building up your speed or improving your strike accuracy. Further down are offices, but of course that area is restricted to staff only." "Finally, the upper floors have a cafeteria and area to rest. After all, resting is just as important while you're sparring or training." "I'll allow you to look around for some time as long as you remain on this floor and not enter any arenas. You may however spectate any current matches. Please let me know if you have any further questions."
  4. "We have an area where we receive bounty requests and offer them to others. It is the only service we provide that is available to everyone including non-members. Bounties can range from capturing criminals to escorting VIPs among other tasks." "Anyone that takes these bounties do so at their own risk. We cannot guarantee the safety of anyone who decides to take them."
  5. "That's funny, he never told us about this agreement." "Light-san, I suggest you talk with Flare-sama about this." "Please follow me and don't wander off." The mecha maid proceeded to lead the tour group deeper inside. "The Warrior's Hangout provides three types of services to all combatants: Sparring sessions, Training regiments and Bounty hunting." The group begins to pass by some arenas, a few of them already occupied. "Our main attraction is of course our state of the art arenas. Each arena is equipped with a special force field to absorb even the toughest of abilities to ensure no danger to non-combatants outside of the arena. For security reasons, I'm unable to disclose how the force field works. With that said, all members are free to enter any free arena with a sparring partner. If they don't have one, they could wait for a challenger or one to be assigned to them. While we encourage combatants to go all out, all matches are carefully monitored and if we believe there is a danger, we will interfere and stop the sparring session immediately." "The arenas are also used for special events where training sessions with special rules are used instead of a normal sparring session. All members are welcome to try one of these special events when they're hosted. Before we continue, are there any questions?"
  6. (What a pain...) Lilith was considering trying to do something about this issue. However, she figured the situation was too volatile and one wrong move could make things worse. She decided to approach the clerk. "If it's all right, could you let use look around the area before we make our decision? We would like to make sure it's worth the admission." "You want to inspect the goods before making your purchase? Well, I can respect that, but I assure you I wouldn't be here if I wasn't selling a quality service." "It's fine Anna-san. I will show them around and introduce everything we have to offer." "Well, if she's fine with it then I see no harm. Have a look around and then come back here to get registered, ok?" Lilith proceeded to bow. "Anwalt, why don't you look around before you decide? It looks to me like you need a little more time."
  7. Rather than the mecha maid as Light expected, the front desk was manned by a different woman. "Hm? You're friends with Darkflare? You're not just saying that to try and get a discount, are you?" (So there's an Anna in this world as well...it would certainly explain a few things.) "Lightflare...where have I heard that name before?" "Anna-san." The mecha maid's appearance was rather sudden even surprising the clerk. "I can assure that he's telling the truth. Light-san and Flare-sama are friends." (A Mech Hisui model? Actually, there seems to be a multitude of them in this place.) "Oh? Now I remember where I heard his name. One of my sisters mentioned him as the hero of Kalos city. I guess I shouldn't be surprised a hero like him would visit this place." "Regardless, Flare-sama is currently overlooking a team drill at the moment." "While you're waiting, you should consider registering here as you won't be able to use the facility without doing so." "It's 40 pompadillions for the first month and 15 for each additional month. Oh, don't worry about exchanging currency, I can take care of that for you."
  8. "Now that's the first time I heard that one. I know many people come here, but never heard of anyone having trouble getting back home." "Remember how I said this was a link world? There's places like an airport but for world traveling thanks to that fact. But if you ask me, if something is stopping you from leaving your usual way, I don't think they will let you leave that way as well. And that's without taking into account all the paperwork and expenses you need. And the nearest one is in Kalos which is another long trip in itself from here." "Sorry I wasn't much help, but your situation is pretty unusual"
  9. "Couldn't tell you how much. I see new people every day around here. In fact, most of the staff here come from different worlds especially the mercenary group. As for how to get back..." "I would say come the same way you came from, but I get the feeling it's not as simple as that in your case."
  10. "Well first of all...Lucent, you should come back down here. Being up there for so long is going to get the guards here to be suspicious of you." "Second of all, we're not far off from the hangout. I'm going around this crowd and passing through, I have no interest in whatever is going on. But if anyone is curious, feel free to stick around and meet up later at the hangout. Besides, Anwalt and Lucent are supposed to be on vacation anyway, they're the ones that should be taking in everything this place has to offer the most rather than following my own selfish desires."
  11. "Is there a festival in this area?" She looked around trying look at how far around they would have to go to get past the crowd. (This area is more crowded than usual. Looks like we'll have to get around them to get to the hangout.)
  12. "A phenomenon? I don't really understand, but hopefully they'll figure it out before it becomes a problem. It's better if we just move on." "Light, over there. Can we get to the hangout from that path?"
  13. "Light, do you know another path to get there? I don't think we're supposed to be in this area." "Information about this world? I'm afraid there's quite a lot of topics regarding this world." ??? "I think you better let me take care of this one, Hisui." The two would be approached by a man. "I get the feeling you're going to go in circles for a while." "Are you certain Gordeau-san? I wouldn't want to intrude in your break time." "Ah, don't worry about it. I was getting bored anyway. Pretty sure there are more important matters you better take care of." "Understood. I'll leave this matter to you then, Gordeau-san." The mecha maid bows before leaving "Sorry about that. She and her sisters actually pretty reliable and could explain this whole place well, but anything else should probably be left to the rest of us." "Anyway, you want to know about this world, right? Well for starters, this place is what they call a Link world. In short terms, you get visitors from many worlds coming in here." "But if you're wondering how different things are, I can't really tell you without knowing how your world is like. But I wouldn't worry too much about fitting in, since we get people from so many worlds, there aren't that many things that would seem strange around here."
  14. "Greetings." The Mecha maid proceeded to bow. "Welcome to the Warrior's hangout. We offer a variety of combat related services. Is there something in particular you are interested in?"
  15. Ok, and here's another reality check for you. When you edit something, you also take over the responsibilities for that edit. Wlan can update whatever he damn pleases. The edit you made is YOUR responsibility now.
  16. Ok so here's a reality check. If anyone wants to edit something of yours and release it, they don't need your permission. Once it's out there, it's fair game.
  17. "I'm beginning to understand now. The way you speak of him...he was your mentor before. That's why you hold him in such high regard, he was the one that trained you to be such a talented fighter. It would explain your names as well. They're titles between a teacher and his student, proof that your training under him has been completed."
  18. "Sounds like a dream place for fighters like you. Being able to meet all sorts of people and refining your combat capabilities all in one place. I'm guessing his methods must be harsh." Lilith followed along, trusting that they would arrive soon. She did take a moment to look toward Lucent. "You think you'll be alright, Lucent? This place clearly attracts a lot of people that enjoy fighting and you made it quite clear how much you hate violence."
  19. "Infamous? You make it seem like both the place and Darkflare have some shady stuff going on." "Well, it does make him seem rougher than he really is.. But then again, I barely know him to say for certain." "As much as I can't wait to get there, I don't mind walking. It's not a bad idea to look at the rest of the city while we get there. Besides, it's the one building that looks like it doesn't belong, right? It's not exactly easy to miss."
  20. With the matter of the pirate attack taken cared of, the ship soon proceeded to resume it's voyage to Candor City. After some time has passed, Lilith looked out the window as the city itself began to be visible. A large city with many tall buildings that could pass off as castles easily reaching the clouds in the sky. "W-wha-? What the hell?" Lilith's attention wasn't to the large building in the center. Her attention was to the building that looked like it was plucked from somewhere else and placed there, the more modern look making it stick out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the city. "That building doesn't even look like it belongs there." Disregarding the blatant lack of attempt of even making the building blend in with the rest of the area, she could already tell this was the Hangout she sought.
  21. Lilith kept silent as she also began to sit down. It did seem somewhat odd that the pirates were able to invade the ship rather easily. She didn't have any evidence as to how that was possible and figured the crew would be able to find clues so they can patch up their security flaws. There was also the brief moment where she fought alongside Lucent, Umbra and Jin although it didn't last long considering how weak the enemies were, but it was enough to let her know that they can trust each other when things get serious. Still, there was no guarantee they would stay together once they arrived at the destination. (This attack certainly delayed things. I hope it doesn't take long to get back on track, there's still a long way to go.) There was the original plan of looking around, but with the recent attack, things would be different with additional areas closed off and security even tighter than before. There was the chance that the allowed areas would be too limiting to bother exploring as they investigated everything. For now, she was just going to wait for the others to come back while monitoring Penelope.
  22. "Precisely. I told you to calm your mind and only concentrate on yourself. Hm....I should give some context to this." "We all have an internal energy.flowing through us. There are many names such as lifeforce, aura and ki energy. With the proper training this energy can be manipulated in many ways. This is how Light, Melina and I primarily perform our abilities. I'm not too sure about the others, but I imagine their methods aren't any different." "So meditating like this is a good first step. Eventually, this will become second nature to you." (They're giving the all clear. Looks like the others took care of it. I'll just wait for them here.)
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