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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. Friendship ended with PotS style.

    Now OMSBY style is my best friend.

    1. Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      Veronica Shangdi 上帝真絵

      OHMSBY Style is my waifu lol.

    2. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      I feel bad for OHMSBY because he tried to distinguish himself from the rest at MFG and now he accidentally started a bandwagon that he never intended.

    3. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      And now I get the sudden feeling that the OMSBY style would become the most overused style in MUGEN, even more then PotS style...but only time will tell

  2. The worm would screech as it was struck before the force of the attack tore a hole right through it's skin One of the worms proceeded to head toward Lightflare, although it was aiming to be in front of him rather than going for him directly as if to stop him from advancing. The worm cuts it's distance short and simply burrows back underground just behind Melina. The HA Soldier proceeded to swing at Melina with enough force to knock her down if the attack hit. One of the shield soldiers came over to assist the HA soldier positioning to cut off Melina's attempts at escaping. The remaining HA soldiers had finished charging up their weapons. They proceeded to let out a shout and point toward the group as the shield soldiers proceeded to bang the front of their shields as a taunt. They picked up their pace in marching toward the group as they began to approach their nearest enemy. One of the worms split off and went to aid the one that was to block Lightflare as it proceeded to head behind Light. The other two worms went further ahead intending to attack their backline. Wave 2/5  Sand Worms x5 Shield Soldiers x3 Heavy Armor Soldiers x4  Invasion Portal: Off (23/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  3. You got banned from MA, didn't you? Yea, I figured that one by looking at Diz's actions over the past....2-3 years or so. And while I can't prove it, I'm absolutely sure the DDOS that happened in April was MA's doing(Whether it was Dizzy or one of his MA zealots) My opinion hasn't changed, in fact his recent actions has further reinforced my thoughts. Archive is a good idea in theory, but it's run by the worst kind of people. It's from a video game. One of the best fighting game series even.
  4. The sand worm targeting Anwalt proceeds rise from underneath him again. Regardless of whether it succeeded in eating him or not, it would target Melina on the way down. A few moments after, the worm targeting Umbra would strike from below him. Realizing that the combination would likely prove to be too strong to defend against, the shield soldiers began to scatter. Unfortunately for some of them, their greatest asset turns out to be their greatest weakness in this case as their large shields would hinder their movement. The tire's explosion would take out half the shield soldiers in it. The soldier was too preoccupied with what was going on with the tire to notice Raina's attack and was taken down with it. "You guys almost got your portal up. Plan out who's going and when." Once the explosion was over, the HA Soldiers began to move up as they began to give order to their shield brethren. The remaining shield soldiers turned their shields toward their allies who proceeded to fire a shot at their shields before they turned them back toward the group as they began to get closer yet intending to remain spread out enough so they wouldn't be as easy to take out all at once. The HA soldiers that fired their shots began to charge up again as the lone HA that didn't fire stayed alert for any incoming enemies. The worms near the soldiers began to move closer to the group but wouldn't completely approach them yet. Wave 2/5  Sand Worms x6 Shield Soldiers x3 Heavy Armor Soldiers x4  Invasion Portal: Off (22/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  5. Like the previous worm, eating a Light burst is not very healthy for it and proceeds to explode. The worm that attacked Melina dives back into the sand after missing. The needles would hit the sandworm as it attacked Anwalt but it's thick hide would allow it to shrug it off. The shield soldiers that were firing at Raina continue to do so as the armored soldiers begin charging up their weapons. Having missed it's target, the worm burrows back underground. With Lucent continuing to rise in the air, the soldiers would find that he would be too far to hit and would temporarily cease to fire on him. The shield soldiers that were aiming for Lucent now proceeded to fire toward the incoming Anwalt instead. While the wheel would proceed to move with the kicks, it would quickly begin to lose speed due to the soft sand terrain. Nonetheless, the soldiers firing at Umbra ceased fire as they focused on bracing for impact. The surviving worms that missed Anwalt and Melina began to retreat back to the soldiers. However, one of the worms headed to where Anwalt was anticipated to land, while the other worm proceeded to head toward Umbra. Midway through their travel, both worms would bury deeper as they planned to attack their targets the same way they attacked before. Wave 2/5  Sand Worms x6 Shield Soldiers x8 Heavy Armor Soldiers x4  Invasion Portal: Off (17/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  6. Rather than Melina, the sand worm proceeds to eat a delicious serving of Light Burst (Part of a complete breakfast) and immediately develops heartburn. And by heartburn, I mean it proceeds to explode spilling guts everywhere. Having missed it's target the sand worm proceeds to burrow back into the sand and go back to "swimming" One of the sand worms near the soldiers proceeds to move toward the worms near the group to replace their fallen brethren as they prepare their next attack. While Raina proceeds to make more chunks of the dead worm, the shield soldiers proceed to aim their guns toward the group in the air. Half the of them fired at Umbra while two fired toward Lucent and the remaining two fired toward Raina intending to shoot them down from the sky. The worms near the group would suddenly seemingly seem to stop as their obvious movement in the sand stopped being so obvious. That's because in the next moment, all three worms would simultaneously attack Anwalt, Lightflare and Melina straight from underneath their feet Two of the worms near the soldiers would start moving toward Umbra intending to intercept him. Wave 2/5  Sand Worms x7 Shield Soldiers x8 Heavy Armor Soldiers x4  Invasion Portal: Off (16/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  7. Once the group arrived in the desert area, the enemies began to be on alert. The shield soldiers began to line up as a wall in front of the heavy armor soldiers. In this formation, the soldiers would make a slow march toward the group. At the same time, three of the large underground beings split off and began to rapidly approach the group. One of them went ahead of the others and approached whoever was closest. Once it got close, it's identity was revealed as it leaped from the sand revealing itself to be a large worm monster large enough to turn any one into an instant lunch targeting Melina as its snack. A second worm proceeded to go around to their right as it leaped off the sand and targeted Anwalt. The third one turned around but kept nearby as it seemingly waited for its friends to finish their meal. Wave 2/5  Sand Worms x8 Shield Soldiers x8 Heavy Armor Soldiers x4  Invasion Portal: Off (15/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  8. "Now's not the time to slack off, the enemy team isn't too far behind and you're all in this for the long run." Off in the desert area the group could see the next wave. Another batch of soldiers although these seemed to be bigger than the group they just faced. Heavily armored soldiers armed with large guns could be seen surrounded by a group of large shield wielding soldiers. Additionally, near them obvious movement underground could be seen suggesting large somethings swimming in the sand. Wave 2/5 Sand Worms x8 Shield Soldiers x8 Heavy Armor Soldiers x4  Invasion Portal: Off (15/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  9. Anwalt began to be covered by a few sparks, The sparks themselves didn't affect him nor do any damage, but one thing was clear....this was the system's way of warning him not to take any more damage. The combined attacks would proceed to break the ice underneath the remaining soldier who would proceed to take a dip into the freezing water finishing the wave. "First wave cleared." The tactic wasn't without another consequence as the rest of the ice began to form cracks all over. "Yea, I would get out of the ice. If it wasn't obvious, falling into the freezing water is an instant KO. Your next wave is in the desert area." Wave 2/5 ??? x8 ??? x8 ??? x4 Invasion Portal: Off (15/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  10. With the soldier still helping up their teammate, they didn't expect an attack so quickly as one of them was struck and eliminated from it. Caught off guard by Lucent's attack, the soldier near Melina starts backing off while waiting for her to be visible. However, it gets blindsided by Light's attack and taken out. The remaining soldiers were aiming for Anwalt before noticing the oncoming Umbra. They throw themselves into the ground using the ice to intentionally slip and create more distance to take shots at Umbra and Anwalt. The drone's kamekaze attack fails before it even gets very close as it gets utterly destroyed by the orb. Wave 1/5 Snow soldiers x2 Invasion Portal: Off (13/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  11. "Sorry to handicap like you like this, but the system can't detect attacks toward spirits. It's not exactly something you see normally around here. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it means they won't be very effective for this drill." The soldiers began to cover themselves from the flash thrown by their partner toward their direction before one of them got assaulted by the familiar. The flash would disorient him and the familiar as his partners noticed what happened and headed toward their partner to help whack and shoot the familiar off of him. The drone preoccupied with another target takes the hit and proceeds to fall before exploding The soldier manages to notice Melina and proceeds to fire....at the ice between them causing a hole for Melina to fall into if she couldn't stop...a feat that would be quite hard to do given the lack of traction she would have due to the ice. The drones were no match for her firing speed and would be shot down. The remaining drone ceased fire and proceeded to hover at a high speed toward Raina intending to self destruct on her. Wave 1/5 Sphere drones x1 Snow soldiers x4 Invasion Portal: Off (9/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  12. The soldiers proceed to cease fire long enough to begin spreading out to start avoiding the attack. Unfortunately for them, a few of them get struck by it.....only to come out of it seemingly unscathed. "Wait, what the hell? That was a direct hit. Is the system suddenly bugging out? Hey kid, tell me quick, is there anything I should know about your magic? With the soldiers spread out from Lucent's attack, they would begin backing off while shooting at Umbra's familiars. The attack would only be able to get one of them while the remaining proceeded to focus fire on the familiars. The drones were still focus firing toward Light that they were unable to react to Anwalt as his boulder manages to take out two of them at once The soldier fires his shot as both projectiles clash and destroy with each other. The soldier then looks toward his teammates as he temporarily ignores Light to proceed to take out another flash grenade. "THROWING FLASH TAKE COVER!" He proceeds to throw it in the direction of Umbra's familiars. Raina manages to hit one of them but the other proceeds to hover out of the way in time. The remaining drones proceed to split in two groups as each pair begin to target Anwalt and Raina. Wave 1/5 Sphere drones x4 Snow soldiers x4 Invasion Portal: Off (7/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
  13. Thanks to the special buff, Lightflare manages to destroy the drone. However, it has also turned him into a prime target as the nearby drones and soldiers begin to focus their fire on him as they believe him to be out of position from his team. One of the soldiers in the back proceed to assist by firing a charged beam toward him. The grenade gets kicked but unfortunately still manages to explode nearby going far enough to only affect her. The drones manage to get hit and proceed to fall down exploding on contact with the ground. Wave 1/5 Sphere drones x7 Snow soldiers x5 Invasion Portal: Off (3/25) Enemy Invader: Absent
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