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Everything posted by Darkflare

  1. "Why am I not surprised? It's going to be harder for you to learn anything if you don't learn to focus." "He told me a few things, but not how long you guys would be here. I got a lot of people inside and I can't guarantee I can keep track of everyone trying to sneak out, so I'll have to ask to keep an eye out. If you need anything, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do." "Well, you're technically in the biggest tourist trap around here" "This city is somewhat old fashioned so there's a certain charm to it if you're used to more modern things. The castle in the center of the city is a popular place to sightsee even though you won't be able to actually go inside. Other than that, it's still a very big city, so it should be easy to find something to do." "Oh, but try to avoid the north west. I'm afraid there's nothing there but slums. The royals have been trying to improve conditions there but there seems to be all sorts of problems preventing them from doing so."
  2. "Hopefully, they'll be fine..." "I imagine it will be quite some time before we figure out what's dragged you into this world. That reminds me....have you been able to work on your meditating?" Meanwhile, Darkflare approached the entrance to speak to the guards. "Oi, you got your job and all, but I need to know how long you guys are going to be there seeing as you're basically locking down my business."
  3. "Nothing. There hasn't been a reason for me to be figuring out who's on her Majesty's secret service. What I'm concerned is the reason for the guards to stick around, I have a feeling they want to lock down this place." "If something suspicious is going on within the royal guards, I seriously doubt the royals themselves would know about it." "That reminds me.... there's been rumors about activity in the poorer parts of this city that could escalate into a civil war. They've been sending guards over to that area to investigate, but there has been nothing concrete to prove anything is happening." "With any luck those guards will eventually leave and this whole thing will blow over. Maybe things will finally quite down and I can get some rest."
  4. "I probably should. Who knows when I will have another opportunity like this. We should all consider what our next action will be, I imagine we want to do different things." "This whole monsters business is really getting out of hand..."
  5. "Not that I mind getting into the fray myself, but I suppose I don't get as much enjoyment out of it like you do. Well that and after that battle with the monster and seeing it from the perspective of that mecha maid, I'm convinced that as we are right now, we would be over our heads being involved in this matter."
  6. "What a pain... We just barely got out of that mess, if they got something stronger we would be in serious trouble." "So it's true then. Heh...I would love to see her capabilities for myself someday..." "Magic is but another form of power. It can be wielded for the good of all just as it can be wielded to spread pain among the people. Her Majesty is clearly aware of this fact." "I wouldn't be surprised if these things can do something similar. Although the idea of an enemy being capable of teleporting to a previous location so easily is rather concerning..." "We could potentially be more of a hindrance to the guard than help. We only just fought that monster, these guys clearly have things handled."
  7. "You all were fighting different types. I get the feeling this is the beginning of some sort of invasion and these creatures are the scouts they sent to look for any weaknesses." "I would think they would use something more subtle for scouting though." "I believe they're simply figuring out what creatures they possess would be the most problematic for our kind here." "Well, we fought just the one creature. It seemed to be focused in close range but had the ability to absorb energy attacks." "Let's make this easier for our detective. Hisui, playback the recording from the battle." "Understood." The mecha maid proceeded to project a hologram of what it saw during the battle with the creature. "I can't complain there. The blood knights are always the kind that always come back to this place. Of course, I would prefer no creatures to be attacking this area to begin with." "By the way detective, my apologies for bringing this up but as someone that reports directly to their majesties perhaps you can confirm something for me. Are the rumors that the queen was a former commander true?"
  8. Didn't I have you banned in the discord for this? Didn't you try this shit in Guild's Discord AND Forum? Are you this fucking retarded?
  9. "I have the same question. While I don't plan on actively seeking these things out, it would be better if we knew the best way to deal with them should we get caught having to fight another of them." "Just doing your job. I just don't want any misunderstandings. I mean, some of their majesty's knights have passed by here for training after all."
  10. "......." Flare took a gander at outside the building, noticing the guards setting up outside. He simply lets out a sigh. "Why are you making it look like I'm harboring the monster here?" "That monster is taken cared of, as far as we know. We were wondering if more of those things have shown up elsewhere. I believe that monster was just the beginning."
  11. "Well, this is interesting. I was already prepared to expect you to want to search for more of these things." "I wonder what happened to make him make that decision. I'm not going to complain, seems like even you can learn to play it smart at some point."
  12. "Perhaps we should look around this city to make sure more of these things didn't appear." "Don't be so reckless in chasing after them. I'll check the news and see if they mention anything, but you should come back if you need anything."
  13. "I'm fine." The mecha maids that have come out to investigate begin to approach the group. "No casualties and minimum damage. Not bad." Though the words came from one of the mecha maids, the voice itself was Flare's who was using them to communicate with them. "Well, whatever that was may be gone now, but it will probably have friends coming by to avenge it. Royal guards will want to know the details, so please let them know what you found out fighting that thing."
  14. "If something out of that thing survived, it will likely have retreated. Unless that goo springs back to life there's no point in worrying too much." "Although I must admit, I feel that thing was sent to test the waters so to speak." Lilith then noticed the presence of Sasuke and Flandre. "Oh, I didn't realize we had others that got dragged into this."
  15. Lilith began maneuver around to the creature's back hoping the rest of the group kept it distracted to do so. Once she did, she would attempt to strike the creature where the axe wound was.
  16. Lilith began to stop focusing. Too many allies near the creature and it being able to absorb energy meant she likely would do more harm than good by attacking with her projectiles. The creature being hindered at the moment meant cutting off it's escape path was unnecessary right now. The thought of unhooking the axe to make the creature bleed further crossed her mind but given its chains are what's restricting it she kept that thought to herself. Lilith moved toward the creature's right side. With it being attacked from its front and back, she was hoping there would be an opening for a quick strike.
  17. Lilith continued to focus her ki energy as she began to summon her orbs ready to fire at them. She waited to confirm the hit before she made her next move.
  18. With the creature seemingly restrained, Lilith began to focus her chi for another attack. "Strike it down, Light. I'll follow up!"
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