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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. Niece turns on mugen and here's how it went.


    Me: Why are you running MUGEN?
    Her: I just wanna see that girl do that Inal Ission?
    Me: Inial Ission?
    Her: The girl with the shadow who is a lady?

  2. Reaction to Crash Bandicoot at E3 



    1. Montblanc


      I agree. I don't understand the dislikes though.

    2. Cook4251


      Neither do i. ^_^

  3. What the heck is going on with MugenArchive for the past few months? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Wat the heck is "Ganking?"

    3. gui0007


      "It is a word commonly used in online video games, usualy used in an MMORPG. Ganking is the process in which a group of charecters gang up on one or more players that do not have a chance to defend themselves, Or when one high level player does the same action to a player way below his or her own level."

    4. Cook4251


      oh, got ya ^^

  4. The only Mario Kart Games i ever played was, the SNES version, 64 version, AND Double Dash.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      I wasn't that much of a Mario Kart fan, but i enjoy a good race every blue moon.

    3. Noside


      Exactly as I did! but Mario Kart for the SNES has a special charm for me, brings me back to the good ol' days.

    4. Galvatron


      Mario Kart Double dash was an awesome game. I just wish it was a second one to it... :-P

  5. @Lord Batros did you see what happened to Chavo on Lucha Underground?

    1. Noside


      I would like to see it, post a link please.

    2. Cook4251
    3. Noside


      "The person who uploaded this video did not allow to be available in your country" really? LOL!

  6. Reaction after playing with Ahuron's Jin Saotome:


    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      So this is where the aprooves meme comes from;

    2. Cook4251


      Yeah Best Buddy! =D

    3. Noside


      Haha this one is pretty cool!

  7. Funny story: I remember when i purchased Def Jam: Fight For New York, i got rekt by my mom in that game. And my little cousins woud call the game "Jamal And Silas"(The characters from How High) XD @Galvatron

    1. Galvatron



      when I had a xbox I was playing that game.  my Niece was playing it and she whoop me down! that one match. her character she called him 'Snoop-Dog' Junior. LOL! XD

  8. Game trailers back then: Oh man, i can't wait to enjoy this!

    Game traiers now: Just go on Youtube, or see that someone has "Leaked" an image. Sounds legit.

    1. Galvatron


      Meh! pretty much how it is now. Its Not so fun like it used to be back in the 90's.. :-P

  9. Not Ali!!! We losing all the good legends.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      I know, right?

    3. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      Thank you Ali for all you have done in sports community we will never forget you.

      R.I.P Ali the legend.

    4. Galvatron


      i just woke up and heard the sad News. R.I.P Ali. :-(


  10. Don't break PoPo's stuff Don't break PoPo's stuff Don't break PoPo's stuff. Sixth Rule of PoPo's training!

    1. Solarflared


      You done fucked up now, Goku...

  11.  Hey, i'm just like any other guy... i pay my taxes one leg at a time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      It's sad too, but i was going for the TFS reference ^_^

    3. Galvatron


      Oh!  I see LOL! XD

    4. gui0007
  12. I got good news: The contest that we entered to get our house repaired. WE GOT ACCEPTED!!! 

    It'll be getting repaired in June. ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Very very- holy shit you're back! ^_^

    3. Galvatron


      LOL! yep! im back  whatz up Man! XD

    4. SSBKing65✯


      Good luck to you Cook.

  13. Are there any tutorials on making custom YT thumbnails? Because that's what is all the rave is, ya know? 

    1. Dissidia


      First, you need to confirm your YT account in order to enable custom thumbnails. Best size is 1280x720.

    2. Cook4251


      Oh its all confirmed and such, i just never had a thought of making a custom thumbnail because i'm not that quick of a learner.

  14. Oh Shoot, i didn't see that until now. *Brain fart* Link is fixed now! ^_^
  15. I never knew Lucha Underground was THAT good and New Japan Pro Wrestling.

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      Oh yeah LU is spot on as is  NJPW 

    2. Cook4251



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