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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. The Cabaraet club in Yakuza 0 is fun... @Ultra Fatality

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      mr.moneybags is a must dude max him out

    3. Cook4251


      I'm halfway with Mt. Moneybags on Majima substory. Just gotta rack up enough money doing real estate for now(Even though it's a drag. xD)

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      real estate was fun to me i just ran around playing minigames or doing side quest until it was ready like i said it may be a drag but do it you'll learn so much about the story 


  2. "I INVENTED the tax!" -Goro Majima. He's not lying, LOL!

    1. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      i know which side story your talking about shit had me dying 

    2. Cook4251


      I had to understand the reference, but then i died laughing!

  3. -Plays Yakuza 6 Live Chat

    -Sees JAV actress Anri Okita. 



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      K2 Yes its going to be great i miss playing as majima cant wait i heard 3 was the worst yakuza  not saying its bad just the worst out the bunch and zero dude your going to love it man it fills so many plot wholes if you 100% it great game best yakuza yet 

    3. Cook4251


      Tell me about it. I don't even want to be surprised by the ending. I have to know why Majima is batshit crazy... But so far all i got was feel trips for Makoto. In terms of storyline, i can't decide which is my favorite.(Idk if you have 6 already, but i don't wanna spoil it : D )

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I got it day 1 but i haven't played it yet trying to do the story in order and as for Majima just keep paying attention to his story dude goes threw it man you'll find out why he acts the way he does and why he likes/respects Kiryu just do everythig 100%

  4. Thanos memes everywhere up in this bitch.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Is the "I don't feel so good" thing from Infinity War?

    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      @Pluscross Yes it is. It's a major spoiler.

  5. Zarbon really screwed the pooch on this one. I'm cumming Zarbon! Quick, grab my balls!

    1. RicePigeon


      What DBZ h-fic did I just read? :SkeletorShocked:

    2. Cook4251
  6. Threep!

    Take a lone rouge warrior! Give him some guidance to the path of Light! You now have @LightFlare_Da_Realest

  7. Need a little help on the button config for Gui Santos' MKP Season 2.9

    (Need help with the button config for controller pad for a 360). Help would be appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      I know that my friend. It's just that i'm having issues with which button functions as what. My top bumpers always end up as the hk and lk, and my Y and B button end up as run and block. 

    3. Superkingkong65


      Then do the opposite.

      Assuming you have a layout similar to this:

      Up - Joypad Up

      Down - Joypad Down

      Left - Joypad Left

      Right - Joypad Right

      A - 1

      B - 2

      C - 3

      X - 4

      Y - 5

      Z - 6

      Start - Start


      And assuming HK is C, LK is Z, run is B, and block is Y, flip them so it'll look something like this:

      Up - Joypad Up

      Down - Joypad Down

      Left - Joypad Left

      Right - Joypad Right

      A - 1

      B - 3

      C - 2

      X - 4

      Y - 6

      Z - 5

      Start - Start

    4. Cook4251


      That helped. Thanks. :)

  8. Outer me: Dude Join The Roleplay Edition Strikes Back storyline as Iori Yagami.

    Inner me: Nah bro, just enjoy the storyline and possibly ask one of the peeps on how to add images and stuff.

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Glad to see you're still following along...

    2. Dumanios
  9. I forget how much i liked reading The Roleplay Paradise. Darkflare, Lightflare. Dumanios, Duckmann, A person, and others really know how to bring drama, suspense, emotions, comedy into one series. I need to catch up on Lightflare and the others on Kalos City. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cook4251


      Ah. I don't want to be of any trouble, but there are many of TRPP threads and i was wondering if you had a link to the first thread you guys did.

    3. Darkflare
    4. Cook4251


      That's the one. Much appreciated! :)

  10. My reaction when i saw BOTW Link and Inklings in the new Smash trailer:



  11. How to purchase disc locked characters:
    #1: Through season pass.

    #2:Wait for the complete edition until everyone shells out hard earned cash.

  12. Question: I tried applying some new palettes to Kohaku's Kirino, but all that show up are the default ones. Is there an error with it or something?

    1. A person

      A person

      IIRC, her palettes are built into the character itself. You'll have to change out the colors themselves if you want to use new palettes.

    2. Cook4251


      Through fighter factory, right? ^^

  13. Legend Ivanhoe Stages? Does anyone have a link to Legend Ivanhoe stages? I can't seem to find any working links. Help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Polnareef. He's in the chrome of the steering wheel. (Actual Dub Inflection)

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Was this supposed to be foreshadowing Polnareff in a wheel chair from Vento Aureo?

    2. Cook4251
  15. Hey Kiddies, i have a question. Which did better, Mania or Forces? Hint... ONE GOT AN AWARD!

  16. Happy holidays to everyone at MFFA.

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