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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. Prince.  This was the man who can successfully steal your girlfriend, your sister, your mother, and your grandmother away from you. He will be missed.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- LOL! Prince was the man, Yo! RIP.

    2. Galvatron


      indeed he was the man with the mind of music.. RIP :-(

  2. Can't believe Chyna has passed. She was my favorite Diva.

    1. MugoUrth


      Someone famous dies everyday it seems. It barely effects me anymore, to be honest.

    2. Zio


      2016 stop killing people.

    3. Galvatron


      Nooo! not Chyna!!  she was so damn sexy in the ring...  :-(

  3. Hey look @Mister Fael i'm you. *Puts on Saiyan suit* Paragon til death.

  4. Johnny Bravo confirmed in SFV.

    1. Noside


      Dat mall cop Guile......

    2. Galvatron
  5. I wonder what SFM is:


    -Puts SFM in Google Search.

    -Sees MLP SFM.

    -Once again, Google happens to scar my eyes again. O_O

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cook4251


      That feeling when you put SFM in Pornhub... O_O

    3. RicePigeon


      why are we advertising porn sites now?

    4. Galvatron



  6. Hold up, so you mean to tell me that you can get verified for making reaction videos on Youtube? How the....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noside


      That was the fine brothers idea and got fucked up.

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      They pissed off a lot of people.

    4. Cook4251


      We all saw what happened that day, them subs dropped and trying to claim something that's already been done before Reaction channels became a thing this year.

  7. I enjoyed 1.1 for a few days, but i think i'll wait it out for a stable version. :)

    1. DuckMannnn


      Dunno if there will be a stable version :D since you know how Elecbyte disappears for an indefinite time everytime they release something 

    2. Dan


      1.1 is enough stable for me

    3. Cook4251


      Meh, it's okay to me, but just my opinion. 1.1 is  just not enough for me to jump onto yet. I'll stick to 1.0

  8. The 4th Brazilian character to appear. ^^
  9. Is it me or am i the only one who will download characters based on positive feedback and positive reviews? I'm just not the type to join the bandwagon on trying said character because someone else says so.

    1. Zio


      Well if it's a character I'm familiar with/I like/An author I like I will get it.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Unless it's someone who I automatically like from appearance alone, someone I've wanted to see Mugenized or just want to have for collection reasons, I take all kinds of chars.

    3. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Did you mean "am I the only one who wont download based on positive feedback"? If its a decent looking character I like and it looks kind of solid, Ill try it out. I found alot of characters that get hyped up are boring, slow, and all they got going for them is graphics. Never trust fanboys. Bronies will hype up a pony just because its a pony and comic guys will hype up a character just because hes from a comic. Theres alot of really good characters that are fun and have high replayability that dont get hyped up. Duracelleur's Predator and his Ryu and Ken are my favorites. Hyperion and Jarro7's Sentinel are exceptional but you dont even hear about them. There's a Kirito whos graphics are just a pal swap of Ky, but hes the best Kirito there is if you are talking fun and capable. The others with better graphics are slow, have less moves, and get decimated in arcade if you have anything from Capcom.

  10. So stressed out to the point that i broke my ps3... It's just a stressful month and my internet and cable are all off today.

    1. Riku Minato

      Riku Minato

      it's too bad eh matee and why you broke PS3?

    2. Cook4251


      Just outside things(Sorry for late reply) of MFFA but i need to restore my system whenever i get home mate. 

  11. Oh my Jesus, kids these days... XD
  12. Update to Guile by Jmorphman(Included some Warusaki AI patches for Benimaru, Geese, Ryo, and Rock) since frett is down: https://web.archive.org/web/20160331123645/http://page.freett.com/railgunmkii/
  13. The Internet has become one giant ass whine tank for people to complain about shit all day, they are never happy about anything & it doesn't matter what the topic is, politics, video games, sports, wrestling, movies. They are never happy with anything, even when they get what they want.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Noside



    3. SSBKing65✯


      It's the smallest thing that starts up drama, It's a shame when people don't take things calmly.

    4. Cook4251


      It's always the little things that will spark up biggest controversy within anyone. Trust me SSBK65. If you can't take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen(or log off).

  14. We lost Ahuron's characters and Jin's characters... Sad Cook. =[

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. gui0007


      Well, WebArchive saving us anyway. Idk if Big Green will made creator collections of them, but i'm planning that too.

    3. Cook4251


      That helps but patience is on my side to have a prayer to the Mugen Gods for a collection of said characters. ^.^

    4. Noside


      Maybe someone has them all and can re-upload them.

  15. Happy birthday best buddy. :D

  16. Wait a minute...Zack Ryder becomes the intercontinental champ at Wrestlemania, then loses the title at Raw? Talk about short lived victories.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MugoUrth


      Like how Rey Mysterio won the World Heavyweight title just so they could give it back to John ****ing Cena right away.

    3. Cook4251


      @Zio I'm on that boat with you. Chalk that up with the shortest matches also. Remember JBL vs Mysterio?


      @Infinite Kyo It was just unexpected like, out of nowhere. O.O


      @MugoUrth *GASP*! I never forgot that moment...

    4. Noside


      S C R I P T E D

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