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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. tfw you cannot do a 360 motion input without jumping :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryon


      YOU THINK THAT'S CRAZY?! Mugen Creator (Black Chaos aka BC) he made Zangief for mugen and he was able to do a 720 degree rotation ON A KEYBOARD with him to do his special moves! now THATS INSANE! Also.. start with a jump and start the 360 degree as your falling.

    3. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Good thing that in Street Fighters 4 and 5, you can press Full Circle motion keys in any possible order, but last input key has to be up.


      With Double Full Circles it's probably the same.

    4. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      i really hated that they make 360s & SGSs so phukkin' easy to pull off on SFIV. i for 1 had to practice my ass off for hours on-end to learn how to do that chizz, then all of a sudden mofos who beforehand couldn't do either motion to save their life on previous games like CvS, 3rd Strike, etc, all of a sudden can pull'em off like they've been doin' tha shit for years. i understand they wanted to draw in SF/FG starters, but not only did they go too far with it, but it also just help make some vets seem like FG demi-gods. smh.....

  2. Playing MGS2: Sons Of Liberty and i'm reminded on why i HATE doing the C4 mission. >_<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Turn it off. Turn on Fallout 4. Problems solved.

    3. Noside
    4. Cook4251


      This dude said "Turn on Fallout 4." I said, "B***h where?" Fallout ain't my type of game.

  3. If this site ever went down, i'd lose some of the Awesome people i met such as: SSBK65, Mister Fael, TDX, Galvatron, Lightflare_Da_Realest, Daniel999999, Yamori X, Lord Batros, Ryon, Dragon Sam, Captain Papyrus, and Ryoucchhi. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cook4251


      OH NOOOOOO *Dramatic crying scene* ^___^

    3. Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

      Feel you bro! MFFA is the best mugen community for me.

  4. I do need to try to control my temper when it comes to people commenting obvious questions on my videos, but hopefully i will try to get over it. 

  5. RoySquadRocks. I do hope you do another Retro Character soon. 

  6. @Mister Fael You do know that Eight Tails theme goes perfectly with your signature, XD!

  7. If you do not like another creator's work, keep it to yourself. Because at the end of the day, people are free to like and dislike whatever they want. IJS from my perspective.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      Yeah, it's all on your opinion, even if it's bringing other people down, which depends on our personality, one person could have nice criticism and look on the good aspects , while someone else could just say it's bad, if you do, you need solid evidence.

      There's different types of criticism out there, and it varies from person to person, it's all on how you see it.


    3. Cook4251


      That is true SSBK65. You guys do make some pretty valid points here. 

    4. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ
  9. So TeamFourStar's channel got taken down... wow, just fucking wow.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      I seriously hope an alternative to YouTube comes up at some point, because YouTube is eventually going to drive all content creators away. I know it's doubtful because of how big YouTube is, but still, it needs to happen, because YouTube's not going to clean up their shitty copyright system.


      @Dylanius the Kirby Yes, they have a website, but that's not the point. YouTube has been doing this sort of shit to many, many channels recently. This is another example of YouTube fucking over another channel because their copyright system is so ungodly broken. Sure, TFS has a website, but many other people on YouTube don't. Remember I Hate Everything? He just went through the same thing recently. Without his channel, he doesn't have anywhere else to go. Luckily, he got his channel back. However, you can't expect the same for many others.

    3. A person

      A person

      That's exactly why I said what I said. And don't even say something like "Oh, well that's their fault they don't have a website! Shouldn't have done what they did!" Not everyone has the money for something like that, nor does everyone have the coding skill and time for something like that. There are many, many people who make their money on YouTube; without YouTube, they won't really have any alternatives. It's because of how the copyright system is that you no longer see the kind of content you saw back when YouTube first came out. Creators now have to toe this line made by companies so closely that they're better off not even bothering because they're so hell-bent on taking down these channels for absolutely no valid reason. The videos they're making claims and strikes over almost always fall under Fair Use as well. For example, the Oxford Society or whatever is busy making copyright claims on videos about a certain debate that took place there over, ironically, censorship. All of the videos I saw that had claims made against them fell under Fair Use, yet they still got taken down. It's not right that they can do this with no repercussions, and it's not right that they can just take down channels freely even though the creators do their absolute best to make sure they follow the rules. If something isn't done about this, YouTube will meet the same fate Twitter will meet.

  10. Previously on X-Men... 


    Bobby,shut up!

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Jubilee get rid of the guests.

  11. @Mister Fael You do extended tracks don't you? I know you don't take requests but maybe if you could loop this track? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFo6OUcnH4Q

  12. Now i can't stop humming that Lost Woods song.

  13. I swear Mondays are the slowest days.

    1. RoySquadRocks
    2. Galvatron


      you telling me....

    3. SSBKing65✯


      Tomorrow's gonna be a great day for me. But Mondays sure feel like a drag.

  14. Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat is just like preschool for adults. You tweet things, you hashtag things, end of story. I'm glad i stopped using Twitter and Instagram. And i will never use Snapchat.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      I always saw it as a giant hair salon. Its full of gossip, fussing, bullshit, and girly girl stuff. Its like PS4 + Free Steam the females.

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