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Everything posted by Zemilia

  1. Could you, please, stop with the "boohoo it's 1.1 only" thing? If it's 1.1 only, that's the creator's intention. If he decides to include it as 1.1, I don't mind as long as it's his/her intention.
  2. Sometimes, I question that judgement of yours. Anyway, I got a lot of things to say about Ryutaro (not tackling hitboxes, keeping that in mind): Normal Mode: -Mis-aligned hitsparks here and there. -If I keep pressing HP while he's jumping, he's hoving in the air like he learned the ability to fly. -Messed up his throw. -Air HP is an infinite. -Qcb LK (if timed right) is an infinite. -Is there any reason why his dodge doesn't have a hitbox? (Asked, cause it means an opponent can't grab them out of it) -His "Full power" sound just needs to stay as "Maximum" Instead of "L-L-L-Maximum" -All of his supers give back power -For a lvl 1, his Proton Cannon does a wee bit too much damage -Btw, shouldn't the Raging Demon be the usual lvl 3, instead of a lvl 2? -Messed up the Raging Demon's grab (Also 666 hits? really?) Heat Mode: -Some effects are still hanging there for a few sec, even though he's done with his attack. -Hate to sound like a broken record, but mis-aligned hitsparks are also detected here and there. -Crouch LP is an infinite in the corner. -Crouch HK is an infinite in the corner as well. -Qcf HP is an infinite if timed right. -Some effects are not really fitting for that Qcfx2 HK super of his. Like this one. -Also, ground crack effect is not really aligned well. -Mis-aligned superspark on superpause. -Even when the proton cannon's out, the opponent's still getting hit.
  3. You forgot the part where her attacks (especially in her kick) has a ridiculous amount of hitstun too, potentially having infinites on her normals. Speaking of infinites... her "command grab" is an infinite in the corner (can grab in the air, and works as an OTG).
  4. Well.. Ain't this a surprise. Will try this out when I get back from school.
  5. Concentration is all that I need.

  6. Whelp, siteadvisor went as far as blocking me from getting in MFFA now (as in no matter how many times I tried to get in, siteadvisor pops up with a "page not found" page instead of a "do you want to continue access" page). Idk how to get around it now.

    1. Zemilia


      Also, if you're wondering how I'm typing this, I'm accessing from my phone now.

    2. DuckAzz


      you must access through by typing a link of mffa on top of your browser.

    3. Demitri


      disable site advisor?

  7. Someone play the Final Fantasy victory fanfare, cause I just passed my driving test!

  8. Mainly, this thing here on the right: I forgot the name of what that thing is (and even if the name's there, it's too small for me to see it), but I remember having it once. Any information about it (and a dl link as a bonus)?
  9. Haha! That was too much fun!

  10. Due to the recent riot in Baltimore (and in thought, other previous riots), and the causes, I thought it's best to ask this question. Just answer to me: What is Justice exactly? And if it really exist, is it practiced well enough?
  11. Sometimes I find it funny to see that someone said "Oh this creation is actually not bad. I like it", only to have someone else try out the same creation and said otherwise. Complete with a list of why it's flawed and why it needs a lot of work.

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      well i mean u like what ya like , ofcourse great gameplay is important, but sometimes u gotta love a creation simply because it was made for mugen, i mean almost every comic book char is crap & alot of DBZ are, but these are the two i most collect .....oh Btw your pal request has been posted

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael


  12. Sm4Sh is somehow srs business.

    1. Shinzaki



      And I take full blame.

  13. This "senpai" must be a real swell dude if you really want him to notice you.
  14. Those are the Project D bars made by Dissidia (the one in the screen are outdated though, since he updated them). But like I told you before, They're private.
  15. Some people just want Sonic to be in Project x Zone 2, while I'm just happy/surprised that Hotsuma (Ps2 Shinobi) made a comeback appearance.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DartzPie


      nightmare would be nice >~>

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      The best about the trailer wasn`t even the new characters (Still loving vergil in there, i`m looking at you DMC4 SE) But Reiji and Xiaomu being the mains once more

    4. Flowrellik


      Im just happy Kazuya made it in there.

  16. No. Now stop asking that on 2 seperate threads (both the Miko one and this) and be patient. When an updates comes, it'll be announced.
  17. Let's see, Phantom came back after disappearing, Yamori got banned in MFG but then signed in here shortly, and a new guy got in almost hours later when Yamori joined in. Anyone inform me on what's going on right now?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 00EccoTenshi


      Kick back and see what happens.

    3. Galvatron


      LOL! MFFA becoming a big mugen community. :-)

    4. Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ


      ^already was =/ (compared)

  18. Not bad on the parallax. However, it still needs some adjusting: Not sure if this is supposed to be normal, but to me it looks like his right feet (looking at it from Rock's perspective) is not touching the ground.
  19. Idk what just possessed me to grab this char again, but:
  20. I think this site's AF could have a lot better. This one just decided to pull a lot of heart strings and use them for a long guitar solo riff as a setup.

    1. Zemilia


      *could have been

    2. TMC55


      It was funny though

    3. GLB


      Is this a good opportunity for me to say I TOLD YOU SO?

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