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Everything posted by Zemilia

  1. Holy Shoot, you finally finished it. Gotta try them out now!
  2. Haven't tested him in 1.0 yet, but I did test him in 1.1 (with the version made for it). Here's my say: -When he stops talking, his lips (or beak) still moves as if he's still talking. -Duckula apparently has the ability to fly infinitely (and by infinitely, I mean by spam both fwd and back airdash). -His running stop animation takes way too long to finish (and I can't cancel out of it). -"Charge" just repeats the animation instead of just hanging in there continously. -Why does his opponent glow white during mk and jump hk, but for the rest they don't? -Mis-aligned hitsparks here and there. -Aside from standing mp, his standing normals deal a pathetically weak amount of damage (and just to put this in exact: mp is somehow stronger than hp and hk) -MP chains by itself. -Goosewing's Bullet hitbox (and the bullet itself from the gun) is mis-aligned. -His "dodge" doesn't have a hitbox. -That's one large hitbox for a thunder attack. -Igor's grab position is mis-aligned. -What's the point of EX Vegetable Flare if it does the same damage as regular? (Also, it gives back meter) -"Tremendous" gives back a slight bit of meter. -Tremendous doesn't even reach all the way (and the effect's cut off too). -If I use Tremendous in the air, hitspark's mis-aligned. -After reaching lvl 1, Tremendous doesn't drain super whatsoever (aside from being lvl 4 and 5) -Why is Saxophone a super if it doesn't even drain any meter after reaching lvl 2? -Obligatory big hitbox for Saxophone. -After Saxophone is used, his super bg still hangs in there. -For a Lvl 3, "Bats" did too little of a damage. -Same for "AutoDuck", for a lvl 5 btw. -Autoduck's command is surprisingly hard to perform, due to the dash and Transport getting in the way. -His grab during "Vampire" doesn't even reach, yet it hits anyway. I may miss some more, but otherwise for a final release, he still needs work. Lots of it.
  3. Just a very quick feedback: -You're missing a hitbox for his body during a frame of his block animation: Edit: Adding more, since I just found these out: -All versions of Bare Knuckle deals a bit too much on Chip Damage (60 for light, 80 for med, 100 for hard) -Hard Sonic Crash also deals a bit too much on Chip Damage (90 to be exact)
  4. Zemilia


    That kind of question won't get you anywhere.
  5. Just a quick feedback, since I noticed something weird: -Comparing one of the preview images, the door on the far right has this weird transparent/reflective effect going on.
  6. The Star Wars Hype is real. Literally.

  7. Why are people so impatient every time a Sm4sh update comes around the corner (by tomorrow, in fact)?

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Something about Smash makes people lose their damn mind. It's not all that for me personally, but each their own. But still, I dont understand the going apeshit about it everytime, period.

    2. TotalDramaXtremist


      I bide my time like those who can actually bother to avoid getting spoiled.

    3. SSBKing65✯


      They're all so excited over seeing their favorite character in the game, being that today's the last direct, there's a lot for the fans to be hyped about.

  8. Huge-ass bump, cause game got an update, along with the trailer for a new version (if I'm going to guess, the console version of T7): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZAp2Xd_1HM And no, your eyes are not decieving you. Akuma's officially in.
  9. Ryon, you better fix asap. I can't see shit in the status update.

    1. Zemilia


      Also, this only happens in deviant theme. But still need in fix plz.

    2. Ryon


      Alexei has to fix it, not me. I don't know how to edit the CSS for the deviant theme.

  10. For anyone that only plays on PC: http://arcsystemworksu.com/arc-system-works-releasing-5-titles-on-steam-by-summer-2016/

    They're finally coming out of their caves.

    1. Niitris


      All Xrd DLC is free for the first month. And it comes out today at $30.

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I already knew about CP Extend since i'm saving money for it, but HOLY SHIT XRD! Too bad it's Sign and not revelator.

      And i lost interest in In-Birth and Melty Blood is boring for me.


  11. It's back,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      What about Foster's that was my show back in the day, I'm not surprised this is gonna be on AS though.

    3. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Finally this show will get the proper ending it deserves.

      Man, if only Mako was still here to do Aku's voice. I hope the new guy will sound just as badass.

    4. Galvatron
  12. Zemilia


    Well this has been an unexpected turn of events.
  13. You are aware that there's a "Ask thread" in here, right?
  14. It shocks in terms that someone actually died after falling like that (and with that vehicle he's riding, it's reported as almost instantenous). It doesn't look scary at 1st (considering the way he died is... admittingly funny-looking), but considering that someone actually died during this, yeah, it's scary. And those doors aren't supposed to open like that. But that's only because he rammed it too hard due to anger, so it's logical that the doors aren't even that strong in the 1st place. Also, I would love to go on, but can we go back to the character now instead of focusing on this whole "person died from falling down an elevator"? Don't want to turn this whole thread into a really big debate on whether the footage is fake or not.
  15. I don't want to take a look at the footage, but based on what I can read from these posts:
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