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Everything posted by Zemilia

  1. Not if you test it out. But seeing that this is made quickly, I have my suspicions. Regardless, I'll give it a test. Edit: Yep, this is made with the Cybaster stage tool (Really?), which I can let it slide since it does teach someone the Zoffset/positioning. However... The stage itself is really bad: And here are a list of reasons why: 1. This looks like it's just taken from a YT video from a frame, and just made into a stage (Which in itself looks awkward with Heihachi's shadow in there). 2. The whole thing looks blurry as hell, even though the trailer is in a 720p format. Not to mention that there's some colorloss here and there. 3. If you noticed on the 1st and 2nd screenshot, there's a line from the trailer's "grainy" effect. Notice how awkward it looks with the fighters in view. And 4. The positioning for the fighters is a little too low. I can understand what it's supposed to do, but even so it doesn't give me the feeling of being on a 3D floor, more like a flat plane. That is all I have to say about this.
  2. A certain mask just came by my door this afternoon... Just what I needed.

    1. Winmugen11


      A Hollow Mask it was, by any chance?

  3. If you mean the sprite when his visor breaks, do you mean his time over animation? Btw, I got some things to address about this Chelnov: -No sounds during the intro? -May be a picky one, but Hitsounds are somewhat mixed (LP on both stand and crouch uses a different hitsound, while the rest of his normals uses CFJ hitsounds) -Speaking of hitsounds, doing a normal far HK uses the same hitsound as his LKs, even though the rest of his Normal HKs uses a different hitsound in general) -Maybe use a better sound for his Laser? As of now, I keep mistaking it as my computer's sound being bugged out (unless it's like that in source). -You forgot a hitbox around here (this is during his landing after an air HP) -His throw lacks impact in terms of the hitsound it uses. -Hitspark's mis-aligned when I do a cross-up. -Most of his specials deals the same damage (50 to be exact). -As for "Chain" however, I think 225 amount of damage seems a bit too much for a regular special. -His "time over" animation flickers. -I think it's just me, but I would expect some kind of "burning" hitsound rather than the CFJ hitsound when my opponent gets hit from Chelnov's Air Fireball. -"Super startup" sounds came in a bit too late (it's more worse in "Atomic Runner" though) -The Spikeballs keeps hitting as if the combo goes on, yet the combo meter's not increasing (so far, this works when they're not in the corner) -"Atomic Runner" feels.. empty (maybe it's because the stage I'm using has no bgm? But even so, something feel off about the super, sound wise). -During the "projectile" part in Atomic Runner, Chelnov gains back a bit of meter. -I don't know if you really intended Atomic Runner as a Lvl 1 Super, but.. This seems like a lot of damage for a lvl 1. That's all I have for now. But for a first release for Chelnov.. This one needs work in the sound department.
  4. ...Somehow, I'm getting a sense of Deja Vu here.
  5. Was wondering what the hell you're doing here. Anyway, welcome.
  6. Just here to address one small feedback that I think needs fixing (Though this is pretty much found from a friend of mine): -Apparently if you throw Gambit's card while the opponent is doing a counter move (or a counter super), this happens: (Though, this is only found to be done with Vyn's Rock Howard atm. I don't know if it happened with anyone else) Edit: -Almost forgot that during the FPS-mode thingy, if you let the cards explode in a brief amount of time, then toss them again, the combo counter resets, but the opponent's life drains as if it still connects. -Also, mind tone down the damage a bit? This is how much is done when you're full on meter: -Idk if it's just me not finding it, but you can't cancel fps-mode?
  7. Nah, that's not small enough. If he's a novice creator like he said, let's see if he can make this guy: (And honestly, this dude should be super easy for you. And I don't think you'll even need to know the source to know what he can do.)
  8. I'll go get the saving sack. Stop me if it seems to not go to anyone's direction on saving (almost) every single one of dem MB creations. ...Then again, if this troll were to attack the archived MB creations too (in some way or another), any other suggestions?
  9. Just one thing about her new move (if I can call her divekick her new move), and that is: - Hitspark's mis-alinged if I try to cross-up with divekick: However, i want to say that this light attack of hers also has a Mis-aligned hitspark, but: I think it's how "big" the spark is, it's minor; but the way the spark's positioned feels slightly off.
  10. At least take it easy on the exclamation marks. Anyway, I'm just going to leave out a few feedback for now: -No Hitbox on taunt? -She's 4 buttons for now, despite the fact that Skullgirls is all 6 buttons in terms of attack (Her Z and C buttons are just dashes.. Which imo would fit better as an option/wavedashing thingy rather than just a button itself) -Air HP does almost too much damage for an Air normal (216 damage, which is as much as a Lvl 1 super). -Hitspark mis-alignment on Lk -Maybe a semi-misalignment on crouch HP? -Idk if they're for Placeholder purposes, but she has Guilty Gear Hitsounds.
  11. So... why make a sprite swap in the first place instead of.. idk, making someone out of scratch? Besides, it won't learn you anything about char creation instead of replacing sprites here and there.
  12. I'm still waiting for confirmation on what you (referring to Horrorfied here) just said, anyway. So unless I see any proof of this "truth", I'm not buying it.
  13. Hmph. You're not worthy prey.

  14. Thought the "Fake" Ecole thing is done, but it seems like 4 more got the boot (Kohaku, KisaragiRyuto, and Micheal Armano's MB edits, along with Ryun).. I'm starting to doubt here.

    1. DartzPie


      we should have back ups :L

      until this ecole issue blows over

    2. Ryon


      ecole? what is this ecole issue?

    3. Darkflare


      It's the fake Ecole being assholes.

  15. Been hearing all the hate on how Little Mac is just too strong in Smash Bros or something.. I don't see it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrawlTheMan


      I didn't see how metaknight was OP in brawl either

    3. Laharl



    4. Galvatron


      Mac is just a combo happy character so all you need some one to counter against him. Why do you think their are a good bunch of characters that has counter measure moves.

  16. Going to spend a week without my Laptop for now. Reason why: Charger dying, and getting a new one by next week. I'll still be around, however (Just either on my brother's computer, or on my Xbone for the time being)

  17. A Hype-ass dog? In my SSB? ...This will be fun.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Wait, that dog is actually in Smash 4? Oh my god...

    2. MugoUrth


      Who will get the last laugh?

  18. Just a quick thing to say before someone here (save for a few, since they already tried it) actually decides to play the game (though this is mostly on the technical aspect): The sounds are somehow all (well not all of them) in a "sound\ .mp3" format, even though it's supposed to be a "sound/ .mp3", otherwise it wouldn't worked. And before you said either way is fine, I actually booted up the full game the first time around and loaded up a stage; which at first thought it had no music. Then I checked out the stage defs just in case, noticed they're all in that format, changed it up, and well: sound works. Also, why is the vid config in the cfg file in 800x600, even though the standard is 640x480? (And asked, cause got an error message about that the first time I tried to boot it up. Had to change it to 640x480) Oh and I forgot to mention.. it crashes whenever I exit a mode too (but at some times).
  19. So, I now have SSB in my hands.. 2 words: Bring it.

    1. Galvatron


      Oh I will once i get the game downloaded to my 3DS. >:-)

    2. PlasmoidThunder


      It is also mine >:D

  20. Just thought I tried this Thrust out for now since I haven't got anything else to report lately.. and what is this bs? .Just to get this out, I know Thrust is a big robot and all.. but that does not mean that he has to do dino damage for every attacks he does (Including normals of all things; like either both Hp or Hk doing a whopping 300+ damage). .On top of that, both Standing and crouching Lp chain into itself, which I wouldn't classify as an infinite, had it not insta-kill the opponent with just a few strikes. .This is how much damage is done when I chained Lk into itself: .And this is how much damage is done when I chained Crouching Lk into itself: .When I pressed both X+A, his hitbox disappears.. Why? If that's supposed to be a "roll" or a "dodge", it doesn't look like one. Rather, it looks like a dash. .His Lasers just insta-kills the opponent.. THe regular ones btw (no matter which direction it is at as well) .Speaking of the lasers, the hitboxes for them are... Horrendous. .The hitboxes for some of his normals either look too big, or just questionable (His crouching Lk for example) .The hitboxes for his laser super is.. just horrendous in general (I would show, but I think they shared almost the same problems as the hitboxes for his regular lasers) .Also, why have a super anyway if it insta-kills an opponent as well? (And why have it anyway if his regular lasers insta-kills?) .This is how much chip damage is done after I tried to block the last 3 "shots" of his laser super: .His super startup has.. no hitboxes on Trust himself, yet it focuses on only his gun.. why? .Speaking of no hitbox, there's also none after his Transformation jet special.. Which means I can't punish it with any way that I can use. Is any reason why? .If you land when he does his Jump Hk, he's stuck in the animation for a brief while, even after he lands. I'm aware that this one is supposed to harken back to Omega Supreme's old chars (prob, reading the post above me), but still; this is no excuse to make someone who can deal damage by this amount. Other than that, let's just say that he needs work.
  21. *Picks Megaman* *Does nothing but Shoryukens on poor dudes*

    1. Galvatron


      LOL! pretty much

    2. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      i ended up mastering the metal blade.

  22. Rather surprising that you made this. Only thing that's missing is the "mirror" effect in the bg, but I think it's rather impossible to remake that effect (concerning the source). Otherwise, will test out for now.
  23. "Where I go, I just don't know. I might end up somewhere in Mexico. When I find my, peace of mind. I'm gonna keep ya for the end of time."

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