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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. UPDATE !!! Matthew Patel Matthew Patel Will be released this Month theres no more I can do for him and if anyone keeps up with me or my youtube channel (i doubt it) I Promised a lot of releases this year and the 7 evil exes are up there, I wanted to release them all together but that would take to long due to the twins being so damn hard to make along with Gideon but they all will be released this year I'm going to make a few videos about all of them so you guys can see whats up so stay tuned Kyle & Ken Katayanagi The Katayanagi Twins now have an Voice and i understand if some don't agree with it I'm not 100% more like 70% but anywho there voices are from Overwatch and you guessed it I'm using the Shimada Bros voices for them, Hanzo and Genji there voices fit surprisingly well with them when i added it so you guys will be the judge as soon as i upload there reveal video so again stay tuned Lastly The rest of the evil exes will be released in order of appearance meaning Lucas is next the Todd and so on so as always guys........ STAY ULTRA FATAL !!!
  2. I wonder if its ok to make a topic devoted to your youtube channel on here not trying to deal with no more bull bull if i do so let me know and dont worry of course it has mugen content on there

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      I also just added some video showcases at the tops of the following threads:  Releases, Wips and Tutorials.
      Feel free to add your videos there as well, when it makes sense to do so :)

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Thanks i use to have a topic there didnt know if it was still up ok cool

    4. Doomguy


      Please, I already have a thread in the Sounds section.

  3. The Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax Hype has return Emi yusa has been ripped i have Tomoka Spties AHHHHHH YES lets do this

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Misana1598


      Awesome indeed. Also you mentioned "Emi Yusa". You planning her next or did you mention that for me?

      (Since I'd love to see her in Mugen.) :awesome

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Check out my next youtube video and you'll get your answer


    4. Misana1598


      :awesome Your already bringing back the hype man. Thanks! 

  4. ok guys good news and bad news Good news is work on Tomoka has begun as of yesterday im finishing her special moves because all her basics are done all i need to do is her special moves and supers and her striker is done as well Bad news is i'm discourage to continue her because none of her effects work in 1.0 and i mean none of them not her basketball, wings not even her damn sparkles ugh it sucks and i really need them to work so i can properly test her out in battle so until this is fixed i have to pause her yet again i can touch and perfect everything that is done but far as special moves and supers there paused till i get the sprites to work Sorry guys me and RMH is working on it now so don't worry to much
  5. So none of my Tomoka effect sprites work in 1.0 -__- just fucking great 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Eh, no worries amigo, I got plenty going on myself lol.  Trying to upload a bunch of Ikemen builds to our (soon to be opened) Ikemen dojo.
      If you have a mediafire account, just upload them there and send me the link.  

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      alright will do i'll send link when its up

    4. RobotMonkeyHead


      Ok.  What method are you using to code them?
      RGB effects as explods triggered by movecontact, movehit and moveblocked,  
      or regular Indexed effects triggered by the hitdefs?

  6. No dude thank you because if you never posted in this topic and brought it back to life you wouldn't of brought people to check it out and get hype for her so thank you Misana
  7. I Haven't posted in here a long while but i got some news for you guys waiting for her, i been getting points on her topic lately a lot of points and i see people are starting to really want her so good news everybody I'm bumping up her priorities i restarted work on her yesterday so you guys may start seeing some updates on here soon just thought you guys should know so smile and be happy more DBFC characters and news to come
  8. Killer Kombat New Mechanic

    Offensive Meter Burns

    Combo Extender 1bar

    Counter Breaker 2bar

    Shadow Super 3bar


    Thoughts ???

    1. Doomguy


      Aggressor enabled after filling 4 bars; drains over time and is enabled automatically.

    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      ^ That actually sounds pretty sweet.

      + could have Ultimate's (ultra combo into fatality) enabled during aggressor. 

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Doomguy the Aggressor idea is pretty cool but i really don't want exceed more then 3 bars and some characters will have there own personal buffs like more damage or chip damage or speed boost so i cant really use aggressor 

  9. I Need Advice on how I should release Killer Kombat should I do it as one big game or piece by piece, character by character hmmmmm ??? o_0

    1. Galvatron


      If you doing a full-game then its best to release it as a big game or release majority of the progress you done as you update it.  Its pretty much up to you how you want to do it... :-P

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I Was going to release as a full game it just may not have all the characters on there right away i may update the game as well as the roster every now and then when i can or i can release it all at once but it may take longer doing it that way hmmmm

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      If it were me, I'd release the full game, not compressed into an exe, as something like Killer Kombat v0.8
      Let people extract the chars and stages if they want.  Then just keep releasing updates of the full game as you get to each mile-marker in the development.
      Like in 2 or 3 months, then release Killer Kombat v0.9

      I mean you could have up to date versions of the chars and stages on the same thread, and update those as you update the chars, but ultimately those updates would be in the next full-game update anyway.  So it wouldn't be completely pointless, but almost.  The only thing with that, is if you loose steam on the project and decide to put it down, I would just make sure you make a final update at that point to get all the updated versions of the characters and stages out there.

      Again, that's the course I would, but as Galvatron said, it's completely up to you in the end :)


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I See it hmmm i chat with websta every now and then maybe he could help me/ inspire me to get her done sooner i'll check his Tomoka out  

    3. Misana1598


      Awesome. I recently got the 1st game, DBFC. It good.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I Got them both thats how i learn how they play and how to use them and make them

  11. So were good right everything is fine again I can post oh if your reading this I guess I can
  12. I'm having troubles adding pictures to post  is anyone else having this problem ???

    1. Misana1598


      I'm not sure. Try a message and ENTER down in the end. I did that for one of my messages about Angela. 

      picture here


  13. UPDATE BITCHES !!! Hows it going guys at last I am ready to update some shit on my Scott Pilgrim Project : The League Of Seven Evil Exes, so without further adue (however you spell the shit) lets do this...... Matthew Patel Matthew is in need of 2 things, 1.One more Special Move I can't think of shit and need some ideas and 2.Some strikers that match him i was thinking of using this burning dude and the dog from stage 1 I got nothing so if anyone could help me get some ideas That'd be great oh and Lasty he needs a voice I was thinking of voicing him myself but he's indian and I can't make that voice only sensei Ryon can lol but he won't ever voice again for certain reasons lol (Double Dragon Blade) ^_^ (He knows what that means lol) but other then that Matthew just needs a test and he's good to go..... Lucas Lee Lucas is the second Closes to being done All he needs is an Ultimate Super I got ideas but there crazy over the top shit and needs some serious coding and honestly I been just been to lazy to code it but other then that all i need to do is polish off a few things fix a few bugs here and there and he's done oh and also I need to finish his rider stance which is all his skatebored base moves its not to hard but a bit challenging here and there but nothing I can't handle once I finish that he's good to go as well Todd Ingram Todd is the Closes to being done all his supers are done and his strikers he just needs to be a bit more moble, A Voice and to get polished up here and there on a few of his moves and i need to add one more special move and other then that he's 100% ^_^ Roxy Richter Like her placement in the seven evil exes shes the 4th closes to being done she has solid attacks and combos and her strikers are added but not coded thats an easy fix though her special moves are done but not her supers i have ideas just no time to code her thats why she's not done yet so uhhh yeah sorry guys but other then that she has a voice I gave her Juri (Street Fighter) Voice it seems fitting to me but yeah anywho she will be done as soon as i have time Kyle & Ken Katayanagi The Twins are the least done for obvious reasons, THERE FUCKING HARD TO CODE THEY DO EVERYTHING TOGETHER INCLUDING FIGHTING, so I had them both be on screen together as well as move and fight together they have supers and strikers and special moves they just need to be coded better because they have a lot of bugs so until I figure out how to properly do this it may be awhile on these 2 Gideon Graves The Boss himself has his special moves done but not all his supers and strikers he's not far behind I Just haven't given him much attention since the others are closer to being done before him, he has a voice (Wesker MVC3) and a Transformation which is whats really taking must of my time everything about it is solid except his turn state and his downed states its weird man i dont know whats going on but other then that he's doing fine must of his stuff just isn't coded yet thats all so until then he's the second least finish character out the group because i have a lot of stuff planed for him so it will be worth the wait Warp Up Alright folks that does it for this update I'll be back as soon as i Can to give you guys more of an update i just thought you guys who are waiting on this project should know something right ok then until next time Stay Ultra Fatal.......
  14. this thread it lives but how and ryon you stole my wish but my other one is....................................... MORE TOOLS THAT MAKE SHIT EASIER TO DO I DONT FUCKING KNOW RYON STOLE MY WISH
  15. guys, Guys, GUYS, O TO THE M TO THE G G G, So i went around asking everyone who knows about my mugen works and its final Killer Kombat wins Then Scott Pilgrim then DBFC/High Res shit I'll most likely release some things before KK but i will share a lot of what im working on with KK and right now im doing all there finishers Ultras, Fatalities, etc. 

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ


    2. Doomguy




  16. More X-Men to the collection awesome by the way what is that stage i needs it
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