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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Its funny we kinda had the same idea with some of her attacks who's voice is that you used
  2. Well isn't this a good turn out so far huh Basara I'm uploading a video on Matthew showing him off now and then release wish he could of been tested first but i guess its ok i got to start releasing anyway >_<
  3. I Haven't even released some of them yet but thank you for preparing i can tell you now Super Gideon is in my gideon as a transformation like going super saiyan you know but yeah i will release Matthew asap got a tight work schedule so when i get the time he's yours
  4. I remember seeing you were working on Envy and Lynette while i was doing all 7 evil exes
  5. Looks Like I Waited to long to release mine but oh well congrats i'll play this one and see how he is
  6. Who knows how to do that Infinite Style super background effect i would love that for my characters, well a certain few of them that is 

  7. Need more free time -__-

    1. Darkflare


      Or perhaps you need better time management.

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      whatever the case is i needz help :'(

    3. Darkflare


      You can start by making a schedule and sticking to it.

  8. Man I need some good hardcore testers I can trust who's looking for a job 

  9. you know what this stage actually looks nice does it come with music
  10. So I guess the site is fixed o_0

  11. GUYS GUYS GUYS O TO THE M TO THE G G G im so sorry i forgot to release Matthew he is done its just that he doesn't have an voice and his A.I. is cheep a bit but if you guys still want to try him please let me know i personally think i can do a bit more with him but if you want to test him out as is i'll be happy to upload his current version right now
  12. So i made a twitter to get more word out on my mugen works and such and umm yeah you guys should totally follow and such....

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      We now follow you, and I added your twitter to the departure gates in the travel station.

    2. Galvatron
    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      Oh cool thanks man 

  13. Why must I be so slow doing things ugh curse my perfectioness attitude >_<

  14. Whats a good site to host downloads I'm thinking One Drive but i don't know

    1. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      MediaFire, MEGA, Dropbox, & Google Drive.


      Although, you can't go wrong with OneDrive.

    2. Big Green

      Big Green

      MEGA gives the most space for free, but I was able to get 100 gigs on my OneDrive by syncing my phone.

    3. Noside


      Mediafire and sendspace are the best and fastest choices.

  15. Whats the most commonly used super sound effect

    1. Gaulbetti




      Hands. Down.

  16. I need a recording program OBS is no longer working for me sadly -__- ugh why those this bull bull keep happening to me 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I recommend Apowersoft Screen Recorder, if that'll help you.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      is apowersoft free and of course i tried to get it fix Misana it lags way way to much

    4. SSBKing65✯


      It is, it says free in the title.


    1. Misana1598


      idk, ...............Emi.............

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I'll reveal her in February or maybe sooner if i manage to release all my January plans just keep in touch with me and you'll find out

    3. Misana1598
  18. Dante voice is to hype Todd is alay back yet cocky guy need a voice like that but not bad
  19. 100 Rep well look at me growing ^_^

    1. DS12


      2 more until 70 for me lol 

  20. Where can i get that stage as well shit looks awesome
  21. Of Course any suggestion would help i need voices that fit the character so far all the voices i have fit ever so well a lot better then i though and im extremely happy to say that but sadly im missing 2 voices Matthew and Todd needs a voice i mean there strikers do to but im worried about the actual character more then the helper i'll worry about that some other time but yeah whatever you have to offer im willing to try out
  22. QUICK UPDATE Every Evil Ex is going well and heres all whats left of them all Matthew needs an SND, A voice and a Few Effect sounds that is all ^_^ Lucas Needs his Ultimate (Working on that now as we speak) Todd Needs one super redone and one super added and an Voice and sound effects Roxy Needs her supers done that is all ^_^ The Katayanagi Twins need.......well um, A lot o_0 sadly...... Gideon Gordon Graves Needs Supers and a 100%fixed and workable transformation and its like 50/50 with it right now so yeah The twins and Gideon will obviously be the last released since they are the hardest to do with gideon transformation and the twins fighting together only reason i got Lucas done is because he just changes stances/gets his skatebored and that wasn't that hard to make just got to fix his skatebored moves and his ultimate and hes 100% but yeah thats about it guys till next time P.S. I'm working on a video right now to showcase all of them
  23. Loving the update MFFA Is going threw not bad at all

  24. Damn Matthew Pattel still needs a voice ugh 

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Why not record his voices from the movie? There's a program called WavePad, it's a very useful program that lets you crop out sections of various music files and save them in many different formats. 

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      the movie voice doesn't have enough to use not to mention i don't like doing things like that i prefer it to be from a game or something you with hurt sounds attacks etc.

    3. Forehead


      That sounds like a pain.

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