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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. YES !!!! he will be released to the public very very soon ^_^ Just trying to make one more video about him and fix a few minor known bugs and coding errors
  2. BANG BANG Killzone and Call of Duty stream starts NOW http://www.twitch.tv/ultra_fatality

  3. Ultra Fatality


  4. Killzone Shadow Fall Live Stream at 3pm so I'll post link later on tune in to see one of the best but damn sure underrated shooter ever argh xD

    1. Noside


      Killzone? oh goodie! :D

    2. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      30mins till stream start

  5. if its a copy and paste code then were good ^_^
  6. Yeah easy fix i was like WTF laughed got mad because it was a simple problem i caused by using the same stateno but its all done S.H. 3-3-15
  7. Ultra Fatality


    Superman 64 is killing Z NO VERSE and all other games
  8. Streaming Killzone Shadow Fall Tomrrow don't miss it because i dont know about you guys but i freaking love that game so come check us out tomorrow

  9. That guy sucks but that sub does look cool i want him to
  10. girls Girls GIRLS and Mortal Kombat X ^_^
  11. Better be Gill im sick of Bison and weak ol Seth
  12. its fixed already i had to of thde same states for some reason
  13. im actually just now seeing that here that's funny im a sad youtubber then :( but a true reminder is his MVC2 Shadow man or whatever his name was while he was that Shadow guy im sure you all remember the name right
  14. I'm happy to see him in action and stuff but maybe im just being an ass when i say this but he's reminding me of Wesker and Rugal Combined hmmm
  15. hmmmm got a way to receive him without me having to upload him to the world and something to record with something good
  16. Yo um i forgot how to do this code but i need it to where when i do a big combo the damage starts to reduce a bit instead of adding all the normal damage you know like if i do a 10 hit combo with moves that take 100 damage its going to kill i need a code where a can do the same combo but instead of taking the full 100 damage it takes like half of it or something i hope you guys understand my problem and if anyone could help.................. That'd Be Great
  17. Alright if there aren't anymore takers why not i'll message the guy in a little bit
  18. Ultra Fatality


    Oh my i don't know if i should be happy or afraid of this o_0
  19. Bosses in Mugen i got a few but can't remember there name but there was one Akuma i had that was fucked up like shit big time dude would not give you anytime to breath and his wake made him invincible for a while forcing you to move in and out instead of just whooping his ass man he was annoying dont remember the name of the creator though
  20. Ultra Fatality


    I wish i had a picture to post
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