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Ultra Fatality

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Everything posted by Ultra Fatality

  1. Big Shizuo update check in the wips section to see what it iis

  2. HUGE Shizuo News............................................ So just when i was about to release him i found his strikers and my god the hype is real. So since he has 2 strikers i may make him a 6 butten character sorta i will explain.............................. X = Light Attack Y = Medium Attack Z = Heavy Attack A = Striker 1 B = Striker 2 C = Brust Move I don't really know how to make strikers you know with the same command and stuff you guys know what i mean right like how Kirino yu's character have a bunch a strikers and they are all summoned with the same command but do different stuff yeah i don't know how to do that xD so I'll improvise till further notice I owe you guys an apologie for his delay i want to get him released tomorrow so if all goes well and my damn hand doesn't kill me he will be ready to fight for you guys
  3. I Plan on getting this MOFO to you guys with him monday so lets do this i care for my students and his fans >_<
  4. Sweet can't wait to see them in action
  5. Well back from the OR and looks like i may have lost a finger sad :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cayne


      Damn dude. My condolences man.

    3. Crimsonth18


      man that sucks

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      yup its there but numb as shit forever o_0 so um yeah how bout them mugen characters anit they something

  6. I miss my long hair and and having a wife and doing my mugen works PROFOUND SADNESS
  7. Asura's Wrath at least i feel it was hella underrated i fucking love this game one of capcom's good game but no one really played or remembers it
  8. Ultra Fatality


    He just landed an Epic Falcon PAWNCHED both of them
  9. i Beileve Killzone is an underrated game you talk shoothing games COD is the only thing that pops up sometimes battlefield but never KZ
  10. This really pisses me off i can't make a simple video showcasing Shizuo awesomeness ugh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crimsonth18


      ill try to do a video for you man

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      Hmmm I could do something if you want.

    4. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      are any of you good with an DBFC character or played with one of them

  11. Last time there were underrated characters now i want to know what games do you guys think were underrated games
  12. Will i have anymore free time left in my life now that im so busy :(
  13. Ultra Fatality


    We must all Kung Fu Fight
  14. Ultra Fatality


    yes,YES it did xD
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