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Dark Spirit

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Status Replies posted by Dark Spirit

  1. been awake a total of 10 minutes and already everyone i live with has pissed me off to the highest lever of Pissivity

  2. So I have been hearing this sound coming next door for days now, day and night in regular intervals. Then today I stopped and decided to pay attention. Damn, it's a TYPEWRITER o_O

  3. been awake a total of 10 minutes and already everyone i live with has pissed me off to the highest lever of Pissivity

  4. So many downloads.. Gotta stop.. =__=

  5. 2nd day anime marathon.. weee.. Finished Devil may cry animated series,, next highschool DxD and Zombie Loan wahaha...

  6. I'm an evil person.. I got my boss and 2 of my workmates addicted to SSF4 and MUGEN..

  7. Why everyone expects I give an answer right off the bat? If I'm doing 2 things and I'm not expecting, of course I'm going "huh?" And OF COURSE I'm going to scream back at you, you're yelling at me for no reason! Go scream to a bloody mirror goddamnit! Seriously, stop

  8. Why everyone expects I give an answer right off the bat? If I'm doing 2 things and I'm not expecting, of course I'm going "huh?" And OF COURSE I'm going to scream back at you, you're yelling at me for no reason! Go scream to a bloody mirror goddamnit! Seriously, stop

  9. Just saw KOF movie last night for the first time, and all i can say is.. "WTF!"

  10. Don't be lazy: browse through the Collections and use the search tool BEFORE using the Request Station or STFU

  11. Sorry again to ppl,.. Thanks to Zombie :P

  12. Don't be lazy: browse through the Collections and use the search tool BEFORE using the Request Station or STFU

  13. Don't be lazy: browse through the Collections and use the search tool BEFORE using the Request Station or STFU

  14. Why my mom always calls me after 6 wrong numbers, a couple of missing calls and lots of telemarketing trying selling me some shit?

  15. got a date today so wont be on much

  16. Yesterday was very memorable: 23 wins straight on SSF4, then got beaten by a 10 yr old spamming Zangfief's Lauriat.. Pft (T_T)

  17. I am incredibly bored right now....Wish something intrested happened....

  18. Woot! I got Blazblue CS Extend!

  19. welp time for my little demons bday party ttyl

  20. As of today, I am now 15.

  21. As of today, I am now 15.

  22. YOU ALL NEED TO GO THROUGH THE DAMN COLLECTIONS BEFORE REQUESTING. I am not gonna be posting collections anymore if nobody is gonna take the time to look through them!

  23. YOU ALL NEED TO GO THROUGH THE DAMN COLLECTIONS BEFORE REQUESTING. I am not gonna be posting collections anymore if nobody is gonna take the time to look through them!

  24. if any1's interested, i kut & kreated a 4-Disc Whitney Houston set myself, cuz alot of these "Hits" albums out were seriously lackin' to me. hit me up here of you want dem shitz.

  25. YOU ALL NEED TO GO THROUGH THE DAMN COLLECTIONS BEFORE REQUESTING. I am not gonna be posting collections anymore if nobody is gonna take the time to look through them!

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