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Dark Spirit

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Status Replies posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Uhh...Wont be playing mugen for awhile...

  2. Uhh...Wont be playing mugen for awhile...

  3. Uhh...Wont be playing mugen for awhile...

  4. Uhh...Wont be playing mugen for awhile...

  5. Im reading your mind!

  6. Im reading your mind!

  7. Might start makin my first char some time...

  8. Woof woof-Don't judge me.

  9. I want to go on a killing spree. My entire body hurts, one old wound is hurting as Hell , I'm too damn tired and my PSP battery died. Oh, and a 12 hours long airplane travel, have no freaking idea how long I'm going to stay at the airport and a 3 hours car travel to home. Hell

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