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Dark Spirit

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Status Replies posted by Dark Spirit

  1. Street fighter x tekken..some chars are only on VITA!?! like lars and sakura?

  2. Street fighter x tekken..some chars are only on VITA!?! like lars and sakura?

  3. New Collection Posted... Street Fighter One...... yeah u know u love me HAAAHHAA

  4. Almost done Angoleiro, just need to do evade/specials/supers =o

  5. New Collection Posted... Street Fighter One...... yeah u know u love me HAAAHHAA

  6. Almost done Angoleiro, just need to do evade/specials/supers =o

  7. Almost done Angoleiro, just need to do evade/specials/supers =o

  8. Todays my birthday i turned 21 which means tonight im getting fucked up!!!!!

  9. man this day's boring. WHeres an online feature for mugen when you need it huh?

  10. man this day's boring. WHeres an online feature for mugen when you need it huh?

  11. man this day's boring. WHeres an online feature for mugen when you need it huh?

  12. man this day's boring. WHeres an online feature for mugen when you need it huh?

  13. Damn...the highest grade in my math class on our test today was 78. The rest failed horrible..

  14. even more music in my thread, i sure do like a lot of music don't i?

  15. Damn...the highest grade in my math class on our test today was 78. The rest failed horrible..

  16. Sighs. I asked for some form of Shin Vega, and I didnt get squat on the unfullfilled. sighs

  17. I am off on my quest to find Tenma_Sama.Wish me luck and my sanity...

  18. I am off on my quest to find Tenma_Sama.Wish me luck and my sanity...

  19. I am off on my quest to find Tenma_Sama.Wish me luck and my sanity...

  20. I think that there sould be a Soul calibur Crossover game. With some other company...

  21. I think that there sould be a Soul calibur Crossover game. With some other company...

  22. I think that there sould be a Soul calibur Crossover game. With some other company...

  23. Battle Stormer Classics is out. Check the release section

  24. Uhh...Wont be playing mugen for awhile...

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