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Arklegend Zinesis

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Everything posted by Arklegend Zinesis

  1. I can do that only in the earlier ver of mame which cheat.dat do you have Mei?
  2. Its better to get mame and the jpn rom with all the chars unlock but if you want some mini games too then get the psx version.
  3. lol looks familiar very nice work V as usual I will be finishing my ver. once I'm done practicing animations on the KH SP
  4. Thanks guys, the first lifebar design was on top but it got corrupted Idk what happen it just keep crashing down the fighter factory so I just deleted it and made that one yesterday.
  5. Very nice work man I'll surely get this one :)
  6. I love megaman games but I haven't finish this one yet.
  7. I forgot where I stored this one(I miss this game) but I'll try that emulator thing
  8. Ilusio please don't take down your link cause I haven't dl this one yet my net keeps failing when I try to dl it.
  9. Cool release so how many more chars that needs to be made?
  10. I love this game and my favorite char on this one is Marco :)
  11. Mei's right I actually lost my passion for the rpg games sometime ago because of cheats its just doesn't feel right playing with those early strong items on the game, infinite life, and ect..
  12. The latest desktop screenshot I made http://zinesis.deviantart.com/art/Kingdom-Hearts-Themed-Desktop-282714945
  13. Thanks for the advice Ry thats actually one of my problem on the guilty gear pack I sometimes forget to wait for the character select intro to finish before I press any button. Which makes me choose the char where the cursor was assign to appear, the reason I did that in the kh pack is to imitate the real game since after selecting the new game a cg opening will be played. Btw what Vec said is correct lol I'm glad I didn't go with it thanks again for the feedback.
  14. Just started playing this last monday and so far my favorite is lillipup :)
  15. Its a video clip that I inserted cause my laptop couldn't handle processing them for mugen but that is the general idea that I would like to add to the sp.
  16. Infinite worlds gameplay is like a mix of burst limit and bodukai 3 Pros New chars were added from the movie and the gt series, gameplay was some what faster with the new dragon pursuit since its no longer in cut scenes and can be in use either for dodging an enemy's energy beam or extending a combo also used in recovering from being knock back and for dealing a tactical heavy blows, new character moves where added, the story scenes were animated, and some mini games were added(I like the catch bubbles game) Cons some chars were remove from the previous ver(I think they were uub, cell jr, and Shin ),character voice menus were removed, the power collisions was kinda removed, the follow up teleport attack commands was changed,the dragon pursuit mini game was removed, training session is lacking, and the player can easily go in a fatigue state which was kinda annoying specially when your fighting those char with higher power levels.
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