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Arklegend Zinesis

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Everything posted by Arklegend Zinesis

  1. I'm using my MFFA VZ sp for now but I'm planning to make a themed sp for it. I'll try to up a vid on youtube later. Vids up now check on my video thread
  2. What I don't know is their names, I already have the last blades stages and some samsho stages (I'm choosing new bgms for them atm).
  3. Nice I like his special on the first screen shot (I failed on my first time facing him on the ps2 game cause I didn't know how to counter that attack properly lol)
  4. Well the good thing about it is that I can add more samurai related chars. I'm currnetly looking some samso stages atm since I don't remember where I saved its rar files.
  5. Wow very nice wip I'll add this to my jump themed mugen if this gets release.
  6. Currently updating my win mugen Samurai Showdown fullgame to 1.0
  7. I don't know why but I kinda like how dragon claw beats me when ever I face him on the final stage in arcade mode lol. how about you guys?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Okami


      Slayer, just try Chuck Norris. Thats a BIG challenge and you know it! XD

    3. RAMza


      ^ there's a fine line between challenge and imposible.. :D

    4. Dark Spirit

      Dark Spirit

      There is but if you add on to him some hit boxes and place him with 2 dark donalds he is as good as gone.

  8. [7895123-852-1475369] this (-) is included
  9. Don't like the bgcolor? don't worry just open the image in a photo editing tool and play with the hue.Save your edit after choosing your preferred color.
  10. Yeah I loled alot on the Bast chapters but I still like the oingo boingo part (Jotaro's team never knew that were already being attack by the enemy )
  11. Yeah but I miss alot of secret factors(I'll be replaying those stages again) and I only got S on some mini games(the lovers mini game is kinda hard to do).
  12. I got everything without using a guide btw was there a tank mini game?
  13. Currently playing the ps1 ver btw guys do you know how to counter the worlds effect with jotaro?
  14. love this game my favorite chars are Buzusima, Stun, and Gado.
  15. Currently rereading the whole series and I'm already on the oingo boingo chapter :)
  16. Thanks for the info I'll be doing another tag battle and upload it later, btw calling Admin or Gmod I'd like to request this topic to be pinned this is really a helpful topic.
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