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Palette Guru
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Status Updates posted by Anastasia

  1. Has anyone talked to Laharl lately? He is never on here for some reason and he never posts :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dissidia


      He's on Skype.

    3. Laharl


      I just looked at your pms ive been massively busy lately with job interviews

    4. Anastasia


      I am really sorry about that Laharl. I didn't mean to, and I hope you did good on your job interviews! :) <3

  2. Today is the funeral of my dear brother/friend, who is gone and will be missed. He will always be in our hearts and he was the funniest most awesome guy. His name was Jon or Jonathon and he stays in heaven and rest in paradise (R.I.P)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JokerintheButt


      raptor Penelo is a girl and sorry to hear This Btw. :/

    3. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      you only make status about that?

    4. Anastasia


      Thanks you guys and no I don't Mori. It's just today is a very special day for him and that is all.

  3. In real life, lost a good family member of mine. He was a dear friend and kind of like a brother to me. He died at 3:59 PM and he will be missed. My heart broke when I found out that news

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Sorry to hear. Sending much needed prayers.

    3. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      sorry to hear as well,god bless u guys

    4. GuyZero32k4


      my condolences

  4. -Closes my eyes and starts dancing beautifully-. I miss my true love and he is a certain Sky Pirate who flies around the wonderful blue skies.

    1. Darkflare


      *ragdoll flies in the background*

  5. hey guys. I came back last week and I finally have a new laptop. This one is much bigger and its also a Windows 8 version. However, most of my mugen files are gone and I wish I can transfer my mugen files from my small black laptop into this one but I hope it can work.

    1. Arya Chan ☆

      Arya Chan ☆

      Oh mai god its penelo!

  6. Sorry if I was never on here that much people because my black laptop broke down and I have to wait until I finally get a new one and so on and so forth. :(

    1. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      why's it gotta be a "black" laptop?

  7. Is anybody good at sociology? I have to help my brother out because he has this online class due this friday and he still has a lot to get done and I was wondering if someone can do his online class for him because he has a lot to get done and he has bigger problems than I have. Someone please help him :'(; I want my brother to graduate high school and he can get it over with it

  8. Who has seen Iron Man 3?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sir Lord Alpyne

      Sir Lord Alpyne

      saw it. in 3D. it was a bowl of awesomesauce.

    3. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      White Mandarin = No Go For zombie Brock , and yes Ben kingsly is a Honkey, i dont F'n Get it the characters name is MANDARIN, the Freaking, as in the Language cause the fucker is Asian ,not English man, christ his official name is SIR Ben kingsly because hes been knighted by the royal family for fucks sake

    4. Gamer251


      Saw it last, I think Friday. 3D. Was awesome, I tell you XD. Except for the part where *spoiler*Pots accidentally fell

  9. Who's excited for summer? I know I am!! :)

  10. I am thinking about Balthier. I wish he can always be here for me because I love him so much and I hope he does the same for me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ryon


      your talking about the character from FF12 right? not a real life person????

    3. Shinzaki


      Uhhhhhhhh...okaaaaaaay then........

    4. Laharl
  11. (Roleplay from FFXII) I miss my true love, guess who is my true love you guys. If you play Final Fantasy XII, he is a dashing, charming Sky Pirate and his name begins with a "B" and ends with an "r".

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Balthier? ( I hope I spelled that right)

    2. Anastasia


      Yup. You got it right actually SuperCatMeow. Good job, I miss Balthier. He means everything to me.

  12. So does anybody have DJ-Van's creations? Because his stages are interesting but Megaupload is dead so I can't find it anymore

    1. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      maaaaaybe...i'd havta check my old mugen...message me to remind me

  13. Has anybody heard of Sociology before?

    1. Kazagami


      Bah, it's one of subject i have in highschool.

    2. Anastasia


      Is it easy Ryoucchi?

    3. Kazagami
  14. If anyone has used Camtasia before, can you help me? I was wondering how can you make mugen videos high quality and yeah. Please reply and thank you very much :)

    1. ArtistofLegacy
    2. Reigizuo_78



    3. Ryon


      I dont know if its late but, I record 640,480, and when i import it into camtasia, i leave it to recording dimensions. then after editing when i turn it into a mp4 or wmv. I set up a custom settings usuing 1440,1080 resolution (thats HD 4:3 standard) with 25 or 30 frame rate.

  15. Graduating high school is the best experience for me! But the bad part about high school is, I still have to do this stupid online class

    1. Ryon


      Its the best experience ever and also the worst because you next have to face the next challenge. REAL LIFE. REAL WORLD. REAL WORK.

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