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Palette Guru
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Status Updates posted by Anastasia

  1. What happened to MFFA? For some reason, my web page for this website looks like this.

  2. Every time I try to visit a profile, something saying...

    "Something went wrong. Please try again later." Error Code: EX144.

    I am thinking RMH is trying to configure the profiles and fixing MFFA once again.

  3. Every time I try to visit a profile, something saying...

    "Something went wrong. Please try again later." Error Code: EX144.

    I am thinking RMH is trying to configure the profiles and fixing MFFA once again.

  4. For some reason, I cannot access my profile. Has error code EX144, RMH, please fix this.

  5. I truly do miss you White Ranger. :(

  6. Thank goodness this site is back. This mugen website is my favorite one of them all and all of you guys are like family to me. I love every one of you and I'll always love this as my home.

  7. RMH, did you get my inbox message? I really want to be part of the staff, and also some sort of creator rank like Palette Creator if that's alright

    1. Ryon


      have you ever moderated before? are you currently in school? if so what are your best subjects? if not, what are your best subjects?
      Also your signature is to big Anastasia, Please remove 1 of the images.

      Also Creator ranks are more aimed towards people who make complete characters (not just palettes but all parts of them) this is to show people of the community that this person who has a creator title knows the basics about mugen coding all around.


      of course its up for bossman to decide.

  8. Hey RMH. Did you get my message from before? I hope you had some time to think about it. I'm really sorry, because if I will become part of the News Team let's say, I don't have time to be active, because usually I'm busy with other stuff.

    1. RobotMonkeyHead


      No worries about the news team thing, I only suggested it in case it interested you.  Let's talk via pm.

  9. Is anybody a fan of Square Enix or anything related to them? Totally excited about the new FF game coming out and it's been such a long time since FF12 came out. I'm so hyped about it and everything.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Noside


      Ok, thanks for the info guys.

    3. Anastasia


      You're welcome @Noside. If you want, maybe one day we can play a game together if that's alright with you. :)

    4. Noside


      Yeah, let me get one of those hack and slash games and I'll let you know.

  10. Why is every page setting me back to the main page? I guess MFFA is having little issues at this time. It's 2:28, eastern coast time right now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RobotMonkeyHead


      Should be fixed.  How's everything on your end?

    3. Anastasia


      Yes, everything is good on my end. Thank you so much RMH. I'll let you know if anything goes wrong.

    4. RobotMonkeyHead
  11. For some reason, MFFA is having little problems again for me. I cannot load my profile and things are not loading fast on me. Anyone else has the same problem or is it just me?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Galvatron


      No problems on my end.. but it does lag once in awhile..

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      I've got nothing yet, I'll ask Aπekcen. 

    4. Galvatron



      .that would be a good idea..

  12. I am so happy MFFA is back to normal. I've been thick and thin on MFG and MFFA. I wish you the best luck RMH and to you to Ryon. :)

  13. I missed this website so much. Hope it can get back to normal soon or probably it is, just haven't been here for a few days misses out on a bunch of things for all of us here.

    1. Galvatron


      Don't worry it will soon once RMH gets back online. :-)

  14. Just in case OskeinO, do you have this screenpack called Mugen Plus Collections by Madlax, if you don't remember, here is the link to it.

    Link: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/22710-mugen-plus-collections-winmugen-only/#comment-239106


    Madlax's link to that doesn't even work and her other website is down. I was wondering if you have a backup of this screenpack, please and thank you.

  15. Just in case OskeinO, do you have this screenpack called Mugen Plus Collections by Madlax, if you don't remember, here is the link to it.

    Link: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/22710-mugen-plus-collections-winmugen-only/#comment-239106


    Madlax's link to that doesn't even work and her other website is down. I was wondering if you have a backup of this screenpack, please and thank you.

  16. I hope nothing on this website ever gets deleted. I will be saddened if everything gets deleted after it gets archived and we cannot do anything about it. :(

  17. I bet no one read my content request. Probably, everyone is busy and I love mugen, just never had the time for some reason.

  18. Did you get my message about the question quoted you in about my topic

  19. Thank you for Leviathan yesterday Duane. I hope you can do G-Kanna, if not, then Leviathan is good enough. :Ohmy!:



      You're welcome, i'll try to do g-kanna today

  20. Does anyone know the link to Shiroto's mugen page? Because for some reason, all the links to freett are down and I like Shiroto's characters

    1. Solid Snivy

      Solid Snivy

      Yeah, about that, Freett shut down back at the end of March, so all characters on there I think are now archived one way or another.

  21. Who has played Dynasty Warriors 8? If you have, I would like to role-play with you as me as Wang Yuanji, and a certain soldier from the Jin side. He is just cute without his helmet

    1. A person

      A person

      That is..uh...very interesting...?

  22. I would believe that Wen Yang is the cutest, and he is kind of cute and *blushes* hot without his helmet from Dynsaty Warriors 8 ❤️

  23. Has anyone played any Dynasty Warriors or any hack and slash game, if you have which one is your favorite one?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      Dynasty warriors gundam 3!

    3. Gaulbetti


      Does Wario World count?

    4. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      I think Wario World is more of a 3D beat 'em up than it is a hack'n'slasher.

  24. I know this is late, but Happy New Year everyone!!!

  25. Who has heard of Pentatonix? Their music is awesome and they are all very good. Mitch Grassi, Scott Hoying & Avi Kaplan are very cute

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