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Everything posted by LightFlare_Da_Realest

  1. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Cuz it's a town...that looks like China... [COMMENT] Hit'n y'all with the third installment of this NeoGeo Art of Fighting series. China Town is where you encounter Lee on your quest to save Yuri. The 1.0 version keeps it simple but the 1.1 version has zoom features, parallax and scale delta. Enjoy!
  2. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Outta my way, kid... [COMMENT] I'm back with the second installment of my NEOGEO/Arcade Art of Fighting stage collection. This is of course Mac's Bar, where you encounter the big biker, Jack. The 1.0 version plays like the original but the 1.1 has parallax, scale delta, and zoom features. Click and enjoy!
  3. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] An elbow? As a special move? Really?! [COMMENT] Sup, guys? It's time to take it back to a game that is near and dear to my heart. If you've been a fan of mine for a while, you'll know that the Southtown saga is one of my favorite storylines. It pans across so many games. I've done an entire original screenpack with stages from the SNES version of Art of Fighting 1. Well, now it's time to go back to that game. But this time I'm giving you the Arcade version, which we all know had more detailed stages. I will be dropping each stage one by one starting with Todo's stage. Included will be the 1.0 version which will stay true to the original and the 1.1 version which will take advantage of 1.1's superior features. The stages were already large so I didn't increase them vertically like I normally would. Instead I chose to create more depth and use things like zoom, which was a signature feature of that series. I also included zoom delta and parallax. Keep an eye out and enjoy a new twist on an old favorite!
  4. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Good times... [COMMENT] Sup, fellaz. Dropping some of dat infamous pixel art dank drawn by the talented Waneella and coded by me. Nothing too fancy. Just some wavy ish for yall to fight to. Comes with zoom and animations. Enjoy yaself.
  5. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] sPOoKy [COMMENT] Sup, ladies and gents. Coming through with the ish. Got a spooky theme, so it's looking kinda ghoulish. Barz. But for real, got an original stage inspired by the Darkstalkers Vs Street Fighter project over at Newagemugen.com, although it's not apart of the official project. Come with zoom, animations, superjump and looped bgm. Don't be scared. Click the link.
  6. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Oil Field [COMMENT] Dropping another original stage thanks to the wonderful art of Mark Kirkpatrick. Got the usual specs like zoom, scaling, looped bgm, animations and superjump. Enjoy the vibes...
  7. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] RUSH [COMMENT] Back wit dat cooked cr...uh..."creation!" Chopped up a stage from awesome arcade game Rolling Thunder and gave a sorta remix. Comes with superjump, parallax, zoom, animations, looped bgm and plenty of layers. Click and enjoy, my dudes!
  8. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Tayio [COMMENT] Back wit some heat for ya. Based on an iconic stage from an iconic fighting game, and one of my all time favorite games in general. Come with zoom, superjump, parallax and looped bgm. Click that link, homie.
  9. It's all good. Ain't nothing happening these days. This thread used to be lit.
  10. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] EXCITING! [COMMENT] Sup, guys? Been handing on to this one for a while. So I randomly decided to release it. It's based on the Pacific High stage from Rival Schools for ps1. I comes with zoom, animations, parallax and looped bgm. Basic stuff. I hope you like it.
  11. [DOWNLOAD] River City [COMMENT] Hello again, my friends. This time around I'm bringing you some stage conversions from a game that I hold near and dear to my heart. River City Ransom for the NES was one of the first beat'em ups I ever played, right behind Double Dragon. Me and my best friend would play this all the time. I've wanted to convert these for a long time. I wanted to really mix them up, but I decided to release them in a more "close to source" manner. There's no zoom, only a few have moderate superjump but they all have looped bgm's. I used 180x120 scale. It means that most source characters will appear too small but normal characters will look better. It made sense to me because there are only a few River City Characters and I wanted the stages to appeal to the majority. Eventually I intend to pick a select few and make them for 1.1 only, at which point I will really chop them up and things like seperate delta's, parallax, zoom and scailing. But for now, enjoy these basic but classic stages.
  12. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] 03 [COMMENT] Dropping another cool piece of artwork from Mark Kirkpatrick that I converted to mugen. Has animations, parallax, zoom, zoom delta, and super jump. Click and enjoy!
  13. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] 02 [COMMENT] Dropping some more cool art by Mark Kirkpatrick converted to mugen goodness. Come with zoom, zoom delta, superjump and looped bgm. Enljoy!
  14. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Step into the unknown... [COMMENT] Dropping some 720p, 1.1 only content. The image I chopped up was created by a talented artist named Mark Kirkpatrick. I've got a few more projects using his works that I may or may not drop separately. Either way, you'll see them...eventually. Nothing too fancy coding wise. Just superjump, zoom and some looped trap music. Click the link, my dudes.
  15. Dope. You create some really cool and original stages. Your source material is great.
  16. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] TAKE THIS! [COMMENT] Let's switch up a bit. I'm serving ya'll Tia's stage from Breakers Revenge for the Neo Geo. I chopped it up and added a bunch more layers. It's got superjump, animations, parallax, stage zoom, delta zoom and looped bgm. Click that link and enjoy!
  17. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] BaLlOooOOon! [COMMENT] One more for the road. My last Fighter's History installment(for now at least), Karnov's stage from Karnov's Revenge for the Neo Geo CD. I used a slightly different formula for the parallax on this one as well as the scale delta on the corridor openings on the side. It's the stuff I'm known for. Superjump, looped bgm, animations, parallax, scaledelta, zoom and zoom delta. Once again brought to you in part by Davias at Spriter's Resource. Click the link and show ya love in the comments. Peace.
  18. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Just hit'em wit missles! [COMMENT] What's that? You said you want more Fighter's History stages? Sweet! Here's Chelnov's stage from the Japanese version. Comes with superjump, looped bgm, animations, zoom, and zoom delta's. Have at it!
  19. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Dem Hammer Pants Bruh [COMMENT] The hits just keep on coming! This time it's Zazie's stage from Japan's version of Fighter's History. Same lore, different game. Has zoom, zoom delta, parallax, superjump, animations and looped bgm. Another stage courtesy of the prolific sprite contributor, Davias. Click and enjoy!
  20. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] Obligatory Muay Thai Fighter [COMMENT] The hits keep on coming. This is Samchay's stage from Fighter's History for the SNES. I seperated all the elements of the background, added delta, delta scaling, superjump and parallax. It also comes with a looped bgm and animations. Enjoy!
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