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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. "Maybe skimming through your spellbook isn't the best way to find it. Look in the index or something." "You do realize that you're talking to a rock, right?" "He's sentient, isn't he?"
  2. Come with us, Yang. Alice and I will tend to your wound." With that, Alice and Elias went to Yang's side. Malin then walked up to Alice........ "Hey, Alice. You mind hanging on to this mirror for me? I gotta see what that rock is doing." "Sure. It looks nice, too." Malin handed the mirror to Alice and she proceeded to follow Elias and Yang to a private area. As they were walking, Alice could have sworn she heard a voice that she didn't recognize. Little did she know that there was something inside that mirror.......
  3. OOC: Yeah, my phone does that. Darn Auto-Correct :p
  4. "Wait, Dusk, do you even know where the bedrooms are in this castle? Magio and Argento haven't exactly explained where the rooms are at." Peko then noticed the mirror in Malin's hands....... "Hey, Malin. Where'd you find that mirror?" "Oh, this thing? I found it on the ship when I went to wake up Yang and the others. The gem piece on the back is cracked, though." "Well, if you plan to fix it, let Magio know." "Yeah, maybe he's got some adhesive or something like that." Mary then walked up to Magic and asked........ "So, Magio, you got this huge castle in the skies, and it's in some sort of alternate dimension. Has anyone other than your group found their way here?"
  5. OOC: Well, eventually, anyways. :p Gotta wait for the proper opportunity to do so.
  6. Upon leaving the Distortion, the group all found themselves knocked unconscious by some mysterious force, and upon waking up, they found themselves on a flying ship....... *yawn* "Man, I needed that after those fights.......WHOA! Guys, check out the castle!" "What castle? Oh my god, Malin's right, look!" "Holy sh*t that castle's huge! "Impressive....I never would've expected something like this to exist, Magio." "It's beautiful." "Damn.....and to think we're on a flying ship headed to that castle in the skies......." "I dig this a lot! You must be pretty wealthy to have something like a castle as your residence!" "Hey, someone help Dusk, he's bleeding pretty bad!" "Leave that to me and Alice. He needs all the help he can get after what transpired back there. Malin, check on the rest of the crew." "Gotcha covered, Elias!" With that, Malin proceeded to wake up Yang, Deadpool, and the rest of the third team........though she discovered an interesting item on the way...... "Hmmmm..........this mirror looks cool and all...... *Malin turns the mirror over* "......though the gem piece on the back could be repaired.....oh well, I'll figure it out inside the castle. Yang! Deadpool! Lock-Jaw! Kamer Rider Guy! You guys awake, yet?"
  7. OOC: I believe @OxyontheWolf is using Vezon from Bionicle as a villian and is having him be connected to FoxHound for this RP. The whole paid mercenary deal fits him perfectly.
  8. "Okay, Dusk you're coming with us! No one's dying on my watch!" Yamazaki brought Dusk towards the group and looked up only to find bullets heading his way. He maneuvered his way past them, and Malin deflected the bullets with her blades, while Alice kept a barrier working for the rest of the group. Malin took this time to make conversation about their newfound enemy....... "I think I remember hearing about this Sniper Wolf. Something about her being a competent assassin that got killed by those robots? I heard it from my schoolmates back home." "If what those robots said is true, then this woman's back for revenge........." "Here's to getting rid of her before we get to our next destination, wherever it may be." Mary then noticed something off about Yang....... "Ummm, Yang? What happened to your arm?" "Oh sh*t! She's right, look!"
  9. Before colliding with Yang, Malin managed to maneuver her way past her in mid-air, and just barely able to roll back up to commence the next fight. "Okay, you wanna play hardball? You got it!" "Count me in as well! Whoever's the one brainwashing Dusk probably won't last long once we get to them!" "Time to show you the way back to our side, Dusk! Hang in there!" The trio of Malin, Yamazaki, and Peko wound up having to gang up on Dusk in order to try to knock some sense into him. Needless to say, Mary took this time to think of a new strategy........ "If fighting Dusk becomes pointless, we might as well force him to tell us where the head honcho behind his brainwashing is......."
  10. "Hey, try not to kill Dusk, we still need him!" Malin then struck Dusk with the hammer once more, causing him to be laid out by the attack. Yamazaki then proceeded to check on the brainwashed hedgehog. "Well, you knocked him out. Now what?"
  11. "Leave it to me!" Malin then proceeded to smash her hammer against the brainwashed hedgehog, sending him flying and crashing to the ground.
  12. The group collectively seemed confused at this revelation, though Mary didn't seem very fazed by it........ "Brainwashed you say, let's put that theory to the test then........." "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I almost forgot to ask, but that was you controlling that monster earlier?" "Yup, that was me! It was nothing my Holy Tact couldn't handle, so I helped you guys out. Now......Command Magic! First Movement!" As Mary tried to take control of Dusk, she suddenly felt a power struggle with some other entity. The Legion Corps member was quick to withdraw from Dusk's subconscious...... "Okay, your hedgehog friend is definitely brainwashed. Anyone have any ideas?"
  13. All the group could do was stare in awe as the Shadow Stalker disappeared, taking the Fire Primids with it. "Holy crap! That was amazing Magio!" "Well, you showed that freak what's for! Though I would have preferred to finish it off myself! Say, did anyone find that talking Hedgehog yet?" "I'm afraid while Maribel had her reunion with Renko, the rest of us couldn't locate him, unfortunately." "All we saw was his staff, and even then there was no sign of Dusk. I don't think he's even here in the portal anymore!" "That's not the only strange thing. Did you see how the Shadow Stalker was behaving before Magio destroyed it? It was attacking the Heartless! It seemed bit off if you ask me." "Yeah, what the heck was going on?" ????: "Maybe I could answer that question for you guys." "Wha?! Who said that?!" The group turned around to see another person move out of the shadows..... "It was a lot easier than I thought to take control of that thing. I almost didn't think my Command Magic would work properly. The Holy Tact never fails!" "Excuse me, but who are you?" "The name's Mary Hughes, member of the Legion Corps!"
  14. I have a special present for you all today, as I give you 2 XCOSTUME edits in one thread. :) Yuri Sakazaki by Phantom.of.the.Server: Changes: - Custom XCOSTUME sprite unique to Yuri - 57 palettes to choose from (29 originals, 12 by Bley XIV,16 by yours truly) - MUGEN 1.1 Supported DL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/vqm4ciios1scqkm/Yuri_XCOSTUME.zip Yuri Sakazaki XIII by REJY2505 & NIGTH: Changes: - Custom XCOSTUME sprite unique to Yuri - 32 palettes to choose from (12 originals, 12 by yours truly, 8 from various KOF titles Yuri appeared in made by me) - MUGEN 1.1 Supported KOFXIII System Patch (needed to properly use Yuri in your MUGEN): https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=078F6E60F36A2A3B&id=78F6E60F36A2A3B!211 DL: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yy93h4v12vlrbxg/Yuri_XIII_XCOSTUME.zip
  15. It took even less time for Yamazaki to notice more enemies had arrived in the form of Fire Primids, though they've appeared to come from another portal not too far off....... "Hey, blondie! Nutcracker at 3'o clock!" "Gotcha covered, Yamazaki! Hey, Yang, are you and Deadpool willing to help out?" While the next wave of enemies get bludgeoned by the KOF duo, the stranger from afar moved towards the Shadow Stalker and continued to control the creature without being spotted. "This is great! Now to keep this thing from attacking the others......they look like they could still use my help....." The Shadow Stalker was then instructed to stay still while the others went ahead to finish it off.
  16. Thanks for the Author rank, guys. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CozySquirtle


      B...but...where's mah author rank ;_;(JK, a little)

      Congratz, TDX...you've earned it!

    3. Galvatron


      Congrats TDX :-D

    4. 00EccoTenshi


      You totally deserve it, dude! Keep up the excellent work.

  17. It took just a few moments prior to the Shadow Stalker's possession for Malin to notice the other team that had arrived........ "Hey, you asking about my hammer? It's custom-made! I'd give you more details, but my crew's in the middle of destroying these creatures!" "Wait a minute........Didn't I see the red guy over at Geese's HQ? What are you up to........"
  18. After Maribel is reunited with her friend, a horde of more Heartless are unleashed, and Malin finally decides to take matters into her own hands........ "You gonna try to pull a fast one on us, huh, freak?! Well........." "YOU GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!" Malin surprised the next wave of creatures by pulling out a gargantuan hammer from out of nowhere. She slammed her hammer against several of the Heartless, a multitude of times, demolishing most of the incoming horde in the process, leaving an unlucky few to be slashed to pieces by Yamazaki. "Oh, I'm really feeling it now! Don't take up most of the monsters, Malin, I'm still itching for a battle!" Peko could do nothing but watch in stunned silence after the Heartless were defeated in one swift blow, not realizing that Magio and Argento needed help finishing off the Shadow Stalker. "...................uh......" Little did they know that someone from afar was watching the events unfold......... "Huh. Didn't think anyone else noticed the portal. Good thing no one else followed me. The Legion Corps would kill me if they found out that I snuck off without them! But anyways, enough of that, let's see what I can do to help these guys.........oh, yeah.....Command Magic, First Movement!" Suddenly, the Shadow Stalker' darte away from Magio and Argento and attacked the remainder of the Heartless.......with Fuyuhiko and Peko being the first ones to notice....... "What the hell?! Now that thing's attacking those creatures it sent out!" "Wait a minute! Magio! Argento! Finish the Shadow Stalker off while its distracted! Something's up with it!"
  19. A perfect use of an unreleased Linkin Park instrumental. :)
  20. OOC: As Co-GM, you were still going after Captain Papyrus' characters.
  21. I heard this FOB/P!ATD mashup recently, and thought it'd be a good one to kick off this thread. :)
  22. Once Magio had cast his spell and informed the group to focus on the Shadow Stalker, the group rushed over to Maribel and ran directly into the creature's path. From there, each of them prepared to strike at the first sign of movement from the monster....... "Okay, freak! You want this girl as your next meal, then you're gonna have to get through all of us!" "Yeah! We're not letting anyone die on our watch!" "I will not let anyone perish on my watch! Come at us!" From there, the battle was on and Yamazaki was the first to deal strike............ "AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!" While the others focused on getting rid of the strange creature, Fuyuhiko, Elias and Alice rushed over to Maribel. It was that point that Alice created a barrier to protect them, should the Shadow Stalker try to attack. "Alice's barrier should keep us protected for the time being." "Okay, few questions: 1. Are you alright? That monster tried to make you his dinner, so I'm guessing you either did something to tick it off or you were in it's way. 2. Who are you and how the hell did you end up in a place like this?"
  23. As soon as the Heartless appeared to interrupt the conversation that Malin, Fuyuhiko, and Argento were having, Malin went for the attack............ "Oh, you creatures picked the wrong day to mess with me and my partners! Heads up!" BGM: Powerglove - The Decisive Battle Malin then jumps up into the air, diving down towards a group of unsuspecting Heartless and slashing them with her knife, sending the foes upwards. Afterwards, Malin continues to attack the creatures with a barrage of stabs from all directions, akin to one Strider Hiryu, finally ending her assault with a fierce slash of her knife, effectively killing them. "Alright, s**theads! You wanna try to stop us in our tracks? I say bring it on!" Despite his injuries, Fuyuhiko's able to hold his own against the Heartless, going as far as to punch out several of them and headbutt one that was focused on trying to ambush Malin. As he dealt with the creatures, Peko and Yamazaki managed to catch up. "Okay, we made it! Time for action!" "Oh, I've waiting to get my hands on some prey! Time to crush, kill, and destroy!" Yamazaki was the first to strike, attacking the Heartless with the psychotic tendencies that only a true Psycho For Hire would be entirely capable of having, strangling and slashing his way through each creature. Peko unsheathed her sword, fighting her way towards her master, and striking the Heartless using her skills in the Kendo field. All that both Elias and Alice could do was watch. "We will intervene if the battle proves to be dangerous, my child. Malin and the others seems to be handling this well." ".................."
  24. Fuyuhiko was quick to point out the hedgehog that found it's way into the portal..... "Excuse me, but what the hell are you supposed to be?! How'd you find your way in here?!" "Geez, Fuyuhiko, take a chill pill! I'm sure this guy has a perfectly good reason for being here. So what brings you down here?"
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